Bedroom in the cottage.
Off-stage sound of a storm.
Iola sits in a chair, Menna wearing gloves, helps Anest strip a bed, and remake it with fresh sheets. Iola has been ill in bed.
Anest and Menna work together to make the bed up. Menna approaches Iola.
Menna Come on Auntie Iols. Clean bed now.
Menna helps Iola get into bed.
Anest reflexes.
Menna I’m here. It’s Menna.
Anest Did too much yesterday.
That was the worst she’s been.
Poor dab.
Menna Why don’t you try and get some sleep?
Anest doesn’t move.
Anest I’ll stay with her.
Menna I can stay with her.
Anest You must be shattered too.
Anest sits on the bed and strokes Iola’s face.
Menna I’ll stay with her.
Anest doesn’t move.
Menna Mam, leave her she’s tired.
Anest She’s fine.
Menna If she can fall asleep, we’re all better off.
Anest She likes to know I’m here.
Menna You could be Jeremy Clarkson and she wouldn’t know.
Perhaps it’s time she got used to you not being here.
Anest She sleeps better with me.
Menna starts to clean the floor.
Anest (to Iola) Ti’n eisiau panad? [Teen eye shy pan ard – you want a cup of tea?]
Menna Mam? Why are you moithering her?
Anest (to Iola) Ti’n eisiau panad?
Menna Mam. She doesn’t want a cup of tea.
Anest refuses to look at Menna.
Menna Mam.
Anest I know what she likes? / Ti’n eisiau panad?
Menna Talk to me Mam, talk to me while I clean the floor.
Anest watches Menna cleaning.
Menna Anything.
Anest I don’t know.
Anest touches Iola.
Anest I think she’s hot.
Anest starts to fold back some of Iola’s sheets.
Menna Of course she’s hot she’s been ill, everyone overheats when they’re sick it’s normal don’t fuss.
Anest It’s not / fussing.
Menna You have to stop.
Anest We’ve had; a terrible night.
Menna She’s had a terrible night. She needs some rest. Come out of the bed Mam.
Menna holds out a gloved hand to Anest, Anest considers it, she’s caught between Menna and Iola.
Anest Leave us.
Menna Mam.
Anest I want to spend some time with her.
For me.
Wasn’t sick over there.
Iola Anest?
Menna I’ve got a clean bit now haven’t I? And now I can see how dirty this place is.
Anest You won’t get it clean.
Menna I will.
Anest We’re not frightened of a little bit of dirt.
Menna I’m cleaning it for you! I’m doing all of this for you! So this place is clean, so we can look after Iola and not be rolling around in dirt.
Iola (to Anest) What’s the matter? Anest?
Anest No one’s asked you to clean the floor you started doing that yourself, so don’t come here saying you’re on your hands and knees no one’s asked you to do that.
Menna And no one’s asked you to spend every waking minute with her but you’re doing it. I’ll stop cleaning if you get out of the bed.
Mam I’m talking to you.
Iola Anest?
Anest I’m here. Shh now?
Menna Mam!
She walks around to get into Anest’s eyeline.
Mam I’m talking to you.
Anest ignores her.
Menna Mam!
Anest continues to ignore her and comfort Iola, with whispers.
Anest Shh now.
Iola It hurts.
Anest kisses Iola and whispers to her. Menna sits on the end of the bed.
Anest I’m here see.
Iola Anest. Pen tost. [Pen tossed – Sore head]
Iola holds her head in pain.
Anest Shh now.
Menna sits on the bed totally isolated from the twins.
Iola groans in pain.
Menna can’t take it any more. She walks out.
Iola Anest?
Anest I’m here. Shh shh … nawr. [nowr – now]
Load of stuff and nonsense.
Eh? Stuff and nonsense.
Iola You’re not Anest.
Anest freezes.
Anest It’s me? Fi sy yna? [Vee see un ah – It’s me here]
Iola Where’s Anest?
Anest It’s me.
Listen to my voice.
Iola it’s me.
Iola I want Anest.
Anest It’s me.
Anest crawls towards Iola.
Anest crawls to Iola and puts her forehead to Iola’s forehead and holds Iola’s head in place. They hold for a while.
Can you see me?
Iola I don’t.
Anest Look.
Look hard.
Iola Um.
Anest Can you see me?
Long pause.
Iola Oh.