Henry Hooter has a pain in his head,
“Should I get up, or stay here in bed?
Should I be single, or should I be wed?”
His head feels heavy – heavy as lead.
Henry Hooter has just had a thought,
It flew out his ear and was only half caught:
“All life,” he said, “is with something fraught,
Wisdom’s a something … something – something
Henry Hooter opened a book,
“What a load of codswollop! Look, just look!”
With laughter and anger his whole frame
shook –
“From start to finish it’s gobbledegook!”
Henry Hooter says the world has gone mad:
“Just have a look at it! Terrribly sad!
Everyone asking what’s the latest fad –
By heavens, I hope it’s not me – egad!”
Henry Hooter nods off to sleep,
Sleeping deeply he lies in a heap,
Deeply sleeping till the first stars peep,
Mumbling sweetly “How come I’m so deep?”