Miss Pear! Miss Pear!

Miss Pear is in despair

(She’s really very sad!)

Miss Pear! Miss Pear!

Miss Pear – don’t despair!

It can’t be all that bad.

Miss Pear! Miss Pear!

Miss Pear! She doesn’t care

(She’s really glum!)

Miss Pear! Miss Pear!

She needs some air –

She’s hopelessly in love with Mr Plum.

And this – this Plum? (Now that she has made

her heart bare).

The wretch! “But all I wanted was to peel Miss



How would you like to be

a weenshy little flea

a weenshy little flea

with a pain in one knee?

His knee is so small

he can’t see it at all

“Is it growing pains I have?” says he.

Weenshy little flea

try a compress of cold tea

it works. Always worked for me.

“Hm… Maybe…”

sighs the flea.

“You see

what’s worryin’ me

is I’m in agony

but, golly gee,

only in the one knee …”

Spare a little thought for the fleas …

their little knees