Chapter 7

Rita shivered at the deep note in Ivan’s voice. Could she let him into her heart? “You’re already there, Ivan. You’re in my heart.”

His kiss was sweet and tender. “Does it scare you? Are you going to run again?” He didn’t wait for her answer. “It doesn’t matter if you do. I’ll still be there for you.”

She touched his face, the hard line of his jaw, and remembered the soft magic of his mouth against hers. “I believe you.”

He smiled and stole a brief kiss. “Let’s move this discussion into the apartment.” He wrapped his arm around her in the lift. “You really are shaking.”

“I think its happiness.”

His arm tightened and he pressed his cheek against her hair. “You deserve happiness, sweetheart, and I won’t let anyone take it from you.”

She knew it wasn’t that easy. Life had taught her. Yet standing in the circle of his arm, his body warm against hers, the shivers stopped and she believed him. She thought he’d take her to his bedroom but instead he gave her a gentle push toward the balcony.

“Wait for me outside. I have to get your gift.”

Way below them, the river sparkled in the sunlight. It was like a promise that joy could once again flow through her life, steady and reliable, powerful and redemptive. She turned as Ivan stepped out onto the balcony.

The light caught the necklace in his hand and its stones flashed with golden fire.

“Yellow diamonds,” he said.

“Ivan, it must be worth a fortune.”

“I thought they looked like captured sunlight. I want you to have a memory of joy that will last forever.”

“But diamonds?”

He fastened the necklace around her throat, surrounding her in his scent as he did so. Then his hands came up and cupped her face. “I want to make love to you out here, in the sunshine, with you wearing my necklace. No one can see us.”

Her protest at spending so much on a necklace, on her, was silenced as she looked into his intense eyes. The necklace was for him, too. It was a symbol of both of them embracing hope, stepping into the daylight and daring to love. “Yes.”

Their kiss was deep, tender and passionate. Only when she was gasping for breath did Ivan release her mouth. He undressed her carefully, kissing and caressing her. Worshiping her.

“Why am I the only one naked?” The words wobbled, as unsteady as her knees.

“Because you’re beautiful.”

He kissed her again and she found it wildly exciting to feel his clothes against her naked flesh. It made her vulnerable, but she could enjoy her vulnerability because Ivan was there. He would keep her safe.

He stripped off his own clothes, then glanced at her. “Do you mind my scars?”

The sun showed them mercilessly. The scar at his shoulder, other scars on his belly and thighs. He was marked by the life he’d lead.

So was she. “Your scars tell me you survive. Just keep doing that.”

He laughed as he caught her up. He settled them on the daybed with her on top. The necklace swung and bumped his nose.

“Oops.” She giggled.

“Maybe this wasn’t one of my better ideas.”

The necklace hit his chin. “Definitely not.”

“Take it off.” She kissed him as he undid the clasp. The necklace dropped to the floor in a pool of golden light.

They didn’t need diamonds. All they needed was each other.