

After Kayden and I eat breakfast, I start getting ready for the day. While I’m digging through the closet for an outfit, my phone rings with an incoming call from my mom. Since I’m pressed for time, I almost ignore it. But she has been trying to get a hold of me for the last few days, so…

Sighing, I answer the phone. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hey, honey!” Her cheerfulness isn’t out of the ordinary, but the banging noises in the background are.

“What’s going on over there?” I sink down onto the bed. “It sounds noisy.”

“We’re working on the bedroom above the garage for when you guys come out here this summer.”

“Um, yeah, I’m not sure if we’re going to be able to make it or not. There’s a lot of stuff going on, and I got this new job, and I’m not sure what the hours are going to be like yet.”

“You got a new job?” She doesn’t sound as thrilled as I had hoped.

“You act like that’s a bad thing?”

“No, it’s not. It’s great. It’s just….” She trails off, but I know she isn’t finished.

I let a slow exhale ease from my lips, preparing myself for whatever she’s about to say. Even after I told my parents about what happened with Caleb, my mom and I still don’t always get along or see eye to eye.

“What about getting married?” she finally asks. “Have you thought any more about that?”

“I already told you we’re not. We’re still young. And I know it bothers you that we’re living together, but it’s not as weird as you think it is.” With a quick glance at the time, I put the phone on speaker, set it on the dresser, and then return to the closet to search for an outfit.

“Still… you guys are close enough that you should at least talk about it,” she tells me.

I internally sigh. We’ve had this conversation before, many, many times, and it’s pointless to argue with her. “We do,” I lie.

We don’t. Not because I don’t think about forever with Kayden, but because like I told my mom, we’re still young.

My mom and I chat for a few more minutes before I tell her I have to go. As I’m hanging up, a message pings through from Seth.

Seth: Have you talked to Violet recently?

Me: She called me earlier to say she had to cancel on our plans today. I was actually about to text you about it. Why? What’s up?

Seth: She called me to ask if she could borrow my car for a little bit this morning, which is weird. And she was acting strange. I think she had been crying.

Worry seeps through me. Violet rarely cries, at least in front of people.

Me: I thought she was acting a bit weird too. Did she say why?

Seth: No. But you know how she is. I think we should stop by and check on her.

Me: How about we pick her up for the game?

Seth: Sounds good to me. I’ll text her.

Me: Okay. TTYL. And let me know if you find out what’s going on.

Seth: Will do.

I’m about to put the phone down when another message comes through.

Seth: Wait, hold on. So, we’re really not going shopping today then?

Me: Yeah, sorry. Violet said she had to cancel and I’m kind of busy too.

Seth: Well, we need to reschedule then and soon. I want to look amazing for summer break. And FYI, you guys owe me a coffee for standing me up!

Me: We figured as much already.

I set the phone down with an unsettling feeling stirring inside me. Violet’s life hasn’t been easy. She’s been through a lot—more than most people.

“I hope everything’s okay with her,” I mutter, combing my fingers through my hair.

Then, because I know I have to focus right now, I take a deep breath, set the worry aside, and focus on getting ready for my new job. I’m not going to lie and say I’m not terrified—I am. But I’m also excited for this new adventure in my life. I just hope I can balance my job and my personal life. And that I can be here for Kayden. But with Kayden by my side, I feel like can handle just about anything.

I hope…