Super-hydrating flax tea

Normally we hear about flaxseeds because they are packed full of omega-3 essential fats; not so well known is that flax tea is also therapeutic and very hydrating.

Water around our cells is like oil in an engine; without it, they can’t function properly. Even if you have a great diet, your body can’t take advantage of it if you are dehydrated. The answer is to drink more, but if you are stressed your body can be like a badly watered hanging basket. The water just goes straight through, hardly touching the sides! Flax tea helps, because it is slightly gelatinous – this soothes and relaxes the colon, and allows it to absorb more water.


Makes 1 litre

1 tsp flaxseeds

1 litre (4 cups) water

your favourite tea bag, such as ginger, rooibos or peppermint

1 Add the flaxseeds and water to a saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Cover the pan and leave the flaxseeds to soak for 12 hours or overnight. Strain – it should be just a bit thicker than water and have a faint nutty taste.

2 To drink, make your usual pot of tea. While it is brewing, fill up your mug with the flax tea until it reaches just under half full and then top up the rest with your hot tea. Stir well and drink fairly quickly as it will not be very hot!