Toasted fennel seeds

A small dish of these is often found near the exit of Indian restaurants (sometimes with a sugary, coloured coating). Chewing fennel seeds after a meal is a common practice in India for freshening the breath, but it also helps digestion and calms and strengthens the stomach’s function. Both toasting the seeds and mixing with sea salt helps to enhance Agni (see here).

In Ayurveda, fennel seeds balance all three Doshas. Great for relieving tension, these powerful little seeds can also assist with urinary problems, lung congestion, constipation, flatulence and bloating. Swap your mints for fennel seeds, and get chewing! Your tummy (and breath) will thank you.


Serves 1

l tbsp fennel seeds

1 Toast the fennel seeds in a dry saucepan until golden and fragrant.