Chapter 20


Outside in the clear night air with the Christmas stars pricking out above them, making bright the darkness, the two found themselves walking along hand in hand.

It was Eden who came to herself first and realized how warm and comforting that strong hand holding hers was. It seemed that it had been there a long time giving her assurance and a kind of peace. But she did not withdraw her hand at once. It seemed too sweet and natural, too much as if God Himself were there walking with them, showing them great things about life and revealing to them some of His gracious plans that they had not yet been shown. And this handclasp that held them side by side seemed a part of all that they had been through. A soul had been born into the kingdom of God and then passed into heaven while they watched and took part in the ceremony. It seemed that never again could they doubt and wonder about things as they had done sometimes before.

Then they came to where the car was parked, and paused, almost regretting that words must be spoken that might break the harmony of wonder in God's presence that had been so near, about them.

"Where are we going?" asked Eden, coming out of her trance and trying to be practical. "I suppose we've got to have something to eat, haven't we? It will take too long to get back to the city before we get dinner, won't it? Of course, Janet will get us something in a hurry if we wait."

"No," said Lance. "We'd better get something to eat sooner. Not here, I think. But I seem to remember a nice little restaurant not many miles from here on the way home. Shall we try that? It seems to me we need to rest a little, get quiet, and be refreshed after our experience before we start back. What do you think?"

"Oh, yes, I'm not hungry yet. And I'd rather get away from here now. I wouldn't like to risk running into any further contact with that awful woman again. How terrible to have a mother like that! Poor Cappie!"

"Yes," said Lance. "No wonder with a mother like that that he went to pieces when he got into war. One needs a mother all through life, even if she is only there a few years to start a right foundation. But this woman doesn't seem to have done even that."

"No," said Eden thoughtfully. "Poor Caspar. I didn't understand. I shouldn't have been so hard on him."

"Well, whatever you did or did not do in the past, you certainly undid any mistakes at the end of his life. I felt as if all the words you spoke were bright arrows that went straight to the mark of the enemy. You certainly must have been brightening your arrows since we last talked on this subject. I never heard better-chosen words to lead a soul through a dismal pathway of a Christless 'valley of the shadow.' "

"Oh, but I thought you said the Holy Spirit was to choose the words. My work was only to get the words into my heart and on my tongue."

"You had the Holy Spirit's choosing, I am sure, in selecting what verses you should learn. I do not doubt that. But I praise the Lord that you worked so diligently to gather them together where they could be used."

"Oh, I am glad you thought I said the right thing. I was terribly frightened. It seemed so daring to meddle with a human being's eternal salvation."

"It is, of course, if you are on the job alone," said Lance, "but we are never alone on such an enterprise. The Holy Spirit is there to inspire, to guide, and to bless."

"And I was so glad," said Eden, "that you were there. Your bringing in that Bible verse that just so fitted in that spot! I hadn't an idea what to say next, and then your voice came. It was just as if God made a picture of His plan for us and made it there plainly before us. And I was so frightened about a prayer, too, for I knew there ought to be one, and I couldn't have prayed like that. You said the very things that ought to have been said, to make him know God was there and was listening to him and waiting for him to come home. Oh, I'm so glad you came."

"And I'm glad I came, too. I wouldn't have missed that experience for anything. It will stand out as the most remarkable instance of soul winning at the last hour that I have ever seen.

"But here's the restaurant. How does it look? Attractive? It's very plain, I believe, but I've heard they have good food. Shall we stop?"

"Oh, yes," said Eden. "And I believe I'm pretty hungry after all. Chicken and waffles sounds good."

They went inside and found a plain large room, square tables, coarse but clean tablecloths and napkins, great pitchers of creamy milk, attractive sweet country butter and plenty of it, glass pitchers of real maple syrup, plates piled high with steaming waffles, unstinted platters of crispy fried chicken, and plenty of hot chicken gravy. Supper fit for a king; no great variety, but everything delicious. There was also homemade ice cream if one had room for such after the other good things were eaten.

"Why, isn't this lovely!" exclaimed Eden. "Why did we never find this place before? Let's come again sometime."

"Why, surely!" said Lance with a quick delight at the thought, remembering how he had been trying to school himself to the thought that this girl did not belong to him and probably never would.

But they had a pleasant supper and made much progress in getting to know each other better than they had ever done yet. That scene in the hospital they had shared would be a link that could never be forgotten. They had been together to the gate of heaven and escorted a lost soul in, and they could never lose the memory of how frail a breath held earth and heaven together.

They came out at last and drove homeward through the purple twilight, growing more and more quiet as they approached the city with its blinding lights. They were both saddened by the thought that this day with its nearness was over, and there was no promise of more such companionship ahead. For though there was no real reason for Eden to feel that this was so, she did have a feeling that somehow the old bar between them was coming down again. What was it? Some tie that kept him back from the free and easy familiarity that sometimes she had seen in him? She could not tell.

As they drove up to the Thurston house, they could dimly see a shadowy form at one of the front windows watching for them. It was Janet, of course, true to her lifetime form, looking out to make sure her nursling was safe. It was Tabor who laughed about it sometimes quietly with her.

"I've often wondered, Janet, what you would have done, supposing sometimes she did not come home on time. Who would you send for? Would it be the police or the doctor?"

But Janet took it all good-naturedly and kept her watch just as faithfully.

So Janet sat by the window when they drove up. But that cold little bar had dropped between their two hearts again and kept Lance from coming in, though he very much wanted to.

He said good night at the door, letting his fingers linger a trifle longer in hers than necessary and leaving with Eden that wistful, tender, true look that stayed by her even when she was asleep.

But it was Janet who interrupted even this bit of farewell, though she knew better. She opened the front door for them, unnecessarily soon, and burst out with her Scotch speech anxiously.

"And hoo did ye find Caspar?" she asked excitedly. "Was he really hurt bad?"

"Yes, very badly, Janet," said Lance gravely. "But fortunately we got there before he died."

"Deid, is he? Ye dinna maen it! Boot praise be, he's better in the Lord's han's than ever he was down here. And noo, p'raps it'll be possible tae feel sorry fer him without bein' feared ov him."

"Now that's a strange thing for you to say, Janet; whatever can you be meaning by that?" asked Eden.

"Wull, ye maun work it oot, my bairn, boot I've ben afeard o' yon lad since iver he began tae grow a mon, and I'm relieved that the Lord has took him over; I canna be sad he's gane. But the Lord allus kens best."

The eyes of the two young people met in a tender little twinkle of amusement at the quaint old woman, and their fingers, unaware of relaxed caution, gave sweet pressure one to another that lingered in both their thoughts through the long night hours and came out alive again in the morning, much to the upsetting of the decorum they were allowing their chastened young selves.