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Abbott, Roger 220, 234
Adam, Jan 184, 185, 186-7
Adams, Douglas 221
Adams, Richard 111
Africa 85
Dawkins family in 25, 29-40, 43-53, 55-60, 69
in Second World War 29-34
albatrosses 260
Albery, John 163
Ali (servant and companion) 30, 31, 50
altruism 130-1, 259-60, 264
reciprocal 271
social 198-9
ancestry 5
Anderson, Lindsay 137
Andrew, Richard 273
Animal Behaviour (journal) 187
classification 161
design 159-60
empathy with 97-8
prey 180-1, 252
see also ethology
Annestown, Ireland 199
ants 198-9
apoptosis 223
Ardrey, Robert
Shadow of Heroes 163
The Social Contract 261
The Territorial Imperative 261
Army Cadet Corps 125-6, 127
art 46
artificial intelligence 234
Attenborough, David 116
Attention Threshold Model 190-1, 210
Australia 172
Ayer, Sir A. 218
babies (human)
family resembance 10
visual perception 183
Baden-Powell, Robert, 86
funeral 31
Baerends, G. P. 251
Baez, Joan 46
Balliol College, Oxford 7-8, 92, 290
RD at 145, 149-53, 162-5
amateur dramatics at 162-3
Gordouli song 49
‘To the Balliol Men Still in Africa’ (Belloc) 8-9
Victorian Society 163-4
Barlow, George 196, 201, 207, 208, 209, 219
Bateson, Patrick 243, 255
Beeching, H. C. 7
Beer, Colin 211, 215-16
bees 130-1, 133-4
Belloc, Hilaire: ‘To the Balliol Men still in Africa’ 8-9
Bennet-Clark, Henry 238
Bentley, David 208, 236
Bergman, Ingmar 165
Berkeley, California 205-10, 215
see also University of California at Berkeley
Betjeman, John 24, 119, 139
Bible 64, 103, 132, 218
biochemistry 153, 167-8, 287-8
biology 13, 15, 158, 233, 290
sociobiology 208
birds 14, 260
courtship behaviour 253-4, 267
drinking 225-8, 229
Bertram Smythies’ books on 12
see also chicks
birdsong 178-9, 243
Blackmore, Susan 280
blacksmith 129
Book of Mormon 64
Borneo 12
Bowra, Maurice 152
Breton languages 15
British Empire 79, 163
see also Colonial Service
Brooke, Rupert 165, 166
brothers 115-16
Brown, Dick 174
Brunet, Peter 153, 157, 158, 167
Bulhak, Andrew 235
bullying 124-5, 206-7
internet 98
school 66-7, 96-8
Burk, Ted 236
Burma 9, 12, 23
butterflies 57
Cadet Corps 125-6, 127
Caernarvon Castle (ship) 55
Cain, Arthur 158, 161-2
Cambridge University 25, 150-1, 154
Department of Zoology, subDepartment of Animal Behaviour (Madingley) 176, 243
1975 conference 243; RD’s paper at 243-4, 246, 251, 255
Natural Science Tripos 157
Camm, F. J. 20-1
Campbell, Bruce 282
Campbell, Major 105-6, 110, 116
camping 114
Cape Town 29
Carroll, Lewis 10, 217, 260
cars 59, 89, 109, 114, 144
Cartwright, W. ‘Boggy’ 126
Cary, Frank (‘Tank’) 63, 65, 67
Cassiopeia (boat) 29
caterpillars 180-1
catfish 180
Ceylon 21
Chafyn Grove school, Salisbury 81, 85-106, 109
chapel 100-1, 103-4
corporal punishment 87
Railway Club 104-5
religion 100-1, 102-3
reports 95
school play 92-3
Scout Troop 91
visiting lecturers 101-2
Chaliapin, Feodor 50
cheetahs 252
St Anne’s School, Chelmsford 76
Chetwood Aiken, K. O. 104-5
Chiang Yee: The Silent Traveller in Oxford 152
drinking 225-8, 229
pecking 179, 182-3, 185-9, 189-90, 209-10; Attention Threshold Model 189-90, 210; colour choice 185-8, 190, 209; Drive Threshold Model 187-90, 209, 210; sequence 186, 209-10; timing 189
babies 10, 183
credulity 51, 102
cruelty 66-7, 96-8, 122
fantasy 45-6, 80
language 14, 39, 46-7, 85
peer pressure 128
and prayer 67-8, 77, 80
separation from parents 23
songs 57
weaning 270-1
Chipping Norton 141
choice, testing see Drive Threshold Model
choir 136-7
Chopin, Frédéric: Nocturnes 56
Christianity 13, 139-40, 144
Confirmation 102-3
Christmas 52, 75
Father Christmas 38, 50-2
circumcision 36-7
Clinton, General Sir Henry 4, 5
code, for letters 39
Collins, Judy 46
Colonial Service 9-10, 11, 23, 25, 79
Colyear, Lady Juliana 9
comfort blankets 74-5
computer programming 192-3, 194, 221-2, 234-6, 253, 291
‘Dawkins Organ’ 219-21, 230, 231
and grammar 234-5, 238, 244-6
hierarchical organization 249-51
languages 192, 219, 234; Algol-60 234, 236, 253; BASIC 236; BEVPAL 221; Elliott Autocode 194; Fortran 233, 234; K-Autocode 192; SysGen 233-4; translation 236
music 219-21, 231-2, 236-8
Mutual Replaceability Cluster Analysis 249-51
for PDP-8 233
‘Postmodernism Generator’ 235
STRIDUL-8 236-8, 239
computers 191-2, 193-4, 218-22, 239
early American 192
Elliott 803 194, 218-19, 232
KDF9 192
Moore’s Law 218-19, 239
PDP-8 219, 233, 234
writing on 276-7
confirmation 102-3
Conradi, Peter 12-13
control theory 233
Copplestone, Miss (school matron) 65-6
Corley, Hugh 133-4
Cornish 15-17, 18
Cornwall 18, 19, 21, 55
corporal punishment 87, 137
courtship behaviour
crickets 236-8
guppies 249, 250, 251
pheasants 267
pigeons 253-4
Creed, Robert 160
crested cranes 58
cricket (sport) 153-4
crickets (insects): courtship song 236-8
Croze, Harvey 175
Cuckoos farmhouse, Essex 75, 77
Cullen, Mike 171-4, 175, 197, 201, 216, 221, 232, 243
Currey, John 159
Daly, Mrs 79
Darlington, Cyril 282
Darwin, Charles 141, 278, 290-1, 292, 293-4
Origin of Species 293
neo- 197, 268-9
Universal 280
Data Acquision System 209, 219
Davison, Mr (piano teacher) 135
Dawkins, Augusta (née Clinton; great-great-great-grandmother of RD) 4, 9
Dawkins, Barbara 192
Dawkins, Bill (Arthur Francis; uncle of RD) 10, 23, 24, 75-6, 115, 116
at school 10-11, 92-3
career 10, 11
in Second World War 38
death 11
Dawkins, Sir Clinton Edward (great-great-uncle of RD) 6-7
Dawkins, Clinton George Augustus (great-great-grandfather of RD) 6
Dawkins, Clinton George Evelyn (‘Tony’; grandfather of RD)
at Balliol 7-8, 11-12
career 9-10
in RD’s childhood 14, 54, 57
in Africa 57-8
Dawkins, [Henry] Colyear (uncle of RD) 8, 14, 20-1, 57
birth 9-10
at school 24
career 10, 11, 191-2
Dawkins, Revd Cuthbert 4, 289-90
Dawkins, Enid (née Smythies; grandmother of RD) 10, 12, 54, 75
in Africa 57-8
Dawkins, Eve (née Barham; 2nd wife of RD) 164
Dawkins, Henry (great-great-greatgrandfather of RD) 4-5, 9
Dawkins, Henry, MP (great-great-great-great-grandfather of RD) 77
Dawkins, Major Hereward 78-9
Dawkins, James, MP 77
Dawkins, Jean Mary Vyvyan (née Ladner; mother of RD)
congratulated on birth of wrong baby 4
family 15
birth 21
early life 22, 76
marriage 29, 114
travels to Africa 29, 73-4
travels to Kenya 29-31
in Africa in Second World War 29-36, 38-40
in Africa after Second World War 43-53
malaria 32-3, 79
in RD’s childhood 38, 103, 114, 287
visits England, 1946 53-5
interests 24
Dawkins, [Clinton] John (father of RD)
name 3, 4
birth 10
education 22-5, 151, 167
courtship 111, 167
marriage 29, 114
career 25, 29
in Nyasaland 10, 29-31
in Second World War 29-32, 38-40
travels to Kenya 30-1
postwar career 43
as father 14, 48-9, 52, 56, 57, 59, 105, 115, 116, 143, 145, 287, 290, 293-4
hobbies and interests 110-12, 128-9, 133, 167
inheritance 77-9
return to England, 1949 79-80
as farmer 111-13
90th birthday 92
death 114
funeral 9
Dawkins, Juliet (daughter of RD) 164
Dawkins, Lalla (née Ward; 3rd wife of RD) 134
Dawkins, Marian (née Stamp; 1st wife of RD) 134, 175, 216, 225
marriage 201
research 201, 208-9, 210, 215, 216, 223, 224, 228, 232
leaves Berkeley 215
career, 199-200
Dawkins, [Clinton] Richard
ancestry 4-25
birth 4, 40, 289
childhood in Africa 13-14, 33-8, 40, 43-53, 55-60, 287, 293-4
childhood in England 54-5, 80, 113-15
childhood reading 15, 64, 88, 113-14
schools: Eagle, Rhodesia 60, 63-9, 77, 80-1, 90; St Anne’s, Chelmsford 76-7; Chafyn Grove, Salisbury 81, 85-106, 109; Oundle, Northamptonshire 106, 119-45, 287
at Balliol College, Oxford 145, 149-53, 162-5
zoology studies 153, 154-62, 168, 261
research 171-6: nurture or nature 179-94; computer use 218-39; hierarchical organization 243-55
lectures 196-7, 199-201
first marriage 201
at University of California at Berkeley 205-10, 215
at New College, Oxford 216-18, 261
books: The Extended Phenotype 291; The God Delusion 87; The Greatest Show on Earth 160; River Out of Eden 11; Unweaving the Rainbow 131; see also Selfish Gene, The
personality 291-4
interests 13-14, 38, 55
Dawkins, Sarah, later Kettlewell (sister of RD)
childhood 33, 43, 55, 74, 75, 76, 114, 115
Dawkins, Thomas (double cousin of RD) 76
Dawkins, Col. William Gregory 78, 79
‘Dawkins Organ’ 219-21, 230, 231
decision-making 224-8
Delius, Juan 174, 175, 216
Delius, Uta 174
Dennett, Daniel 270, 280
‘deprivation experiment’ 177-8
design 140-1
dialects 15, 17-18
dinosaurs 248-9
DNA 67, 274, 284
Dobzhansky, Theodosius 268
dogs 223-4
Douglas-Hamilton, Iain 175
Dowson, Mr (teacher) 87, 89, 186, 234
Dragon School, Oxford 63, 65, 67, 80-1
Drive Threshold Model
chicks 186-90, 209-10
demonstration 195-6
humans 190-1
driving lessons 129
dundridges 39-40
Eagle School, Rhodesia 60, 63-9, 77, 80-1, 90
Elliott, Sir Roger 276
Elton, Charles 174
empathy 97-8
Empress of Scotland (ship) 53-4
Errol, Lord 31
ethology 176-8
conferences: international, 1965, 195-6;
Madingley, Cambridge, 1975, 243;
Oxford 195
evolution 17, 142
bees 130-1
game theory 273-5
of language 17-18, 138
laryngeal nerve 159-60
neo-Darwinism 197, 268-9
panglossism 259-62
symbiotic cleaners 32
see also natural selection
evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) 274
fagging 119-20, 125
kin selection, 197-8, 271
position 115-16
resemblances 5, 8, 10, 13-14, 91
see also heredity; kin selection theory
farming 111-13, 121, 167
films 88, 137-8, 165
First World War 21, 35
Fischberg, Michael 153-4
fish 5, 160, 180, 260
empathy with 97-8
guppies 249, 250, 251
Fisher, Kenneth 131
Fisher, R. A. 160, 197, 268
Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) 223-9
flies: self-grooming 229-31, 232
food rationing 86
Ford, E. B. 160
foresight 260-2, 266-7
see also predictions
Franck, César: Symphonic Variations 50
Galileo 162
Galloway, Malcolm (headmaster) 85, 87-8, 91, 97, 99, 100, 102-4
Galloway, Mrs 88-9
game theory 32, 273-5
Gates, Bill 195
altruism 130-1, 198-9
chromosomes 189
decay of shared 5
DNA 67, 274, 284
family resemblances 10, 13-14
interaction 160-1
and natural selection 197-9, 260-5, 266-9, 277-9, 284
propagation 278
selfish 25, 199, 262-4, 266, 278
survival 262-8, 270, 277
see also memes
genotype 264
Global Atheist Convention 9
Glynn, David 56-7, 58, 60, 63, 69
Glynn, Dr 33, 56, 63
goals 251-2, 255, 266-7
Gondwanaland 56
Goon Show (radio programme) 138
Grafen, Alan 198
grammar 244-6, 253
computer 234-5, 238
gramophone 48, 50
Grazebrook’s Cottage, Mbagathi 33
Gresham’s school, Norfolk 24
groups 123-4, 266
selection 261, 269
survival 260-1, 268
guppies 249, 250, 251
Haldane, J. B. S. 197, 260, 268
Halliday, Tim 175
Hamilton, W. D. 197, 199, 265, 271, 274, 282-3
Hamilton’s Rule 198-9, 270
Hansell, Michael 175
Harding, Gilbert 3
Hardy, Sir Alister 194
Hardy, G. H. 217
Harlow, Harry 75
Harp, Mr (music teacher) 76
Harrow School 23-4
Hayter, Sir William 216
Helston, Cornwall 15, 18
heredity 5, 8, 10, 11, 13-14, 91, 263
hierarchical organization 232, 243-55
animal behaviour 244-5, 246, 249-55
and communication 247-9
goals 251-2, 266-7
grammar 244-6
mathematical techniques 249-51
Higham, Revd 103
Hinde, Robert 176, 243, 255
Hitchens, Christopher 9
Hitler, Adolf 288, 289
Hood, Bruce 99
Hoppet, The (house) 22, 54-5, 75
Horizon (TV series) 281
Housman, A. E. 165, 166, 282-3
Howard, Anthony 90
human culture 279-80
Huxley, Aldous 12, 289, 291
Eyeless in Gaza 97
Huxley, Elspeth: Red Strangers 35
Huxley, Francis 282
Huxley, Julian 268, 269
Hydra 131-2, 133
hymns 55-6, 64, 76
school 109
identity 98-9
If (film) 137-8
Impekoven, Monica 175, 190
Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture 25
India 11-12, 85, 154
individuals, 5, 37, 123-4, 197, 259, 260, 262-3, 267-8
information theory 20, 227
ink 95-6
insects, social 198-9
see also ants; crickets
instinct (innate behaviour) 176-7
The Study of Instinct (Tinbergen) 176, 244
integration 234
internet 98, 159, 232
Ireland 200-1
Jackson, Jill 80
Jackson, Mr (teacher) 101
Jamieson, Ann 175
Jones, Peter 281
Journal of Theoretical Biology 196
Jowett, Benjamin 7
Keddie, Bob 75
Keddie, Penny (cousin of RD) 75, 76
Kenya 29, 30-1, 32, 34, 36
Kettlewell, Dick 11, 114-15
Kettlewell, Margaret 114
Kettlewell, Michael 115-16
Kikuyu 35
Killingworth Castle pub, Wootton 164-5
kin selection theory 197, 271
King Solomon's Mines (book) 88
King’s African Rifles (KAR) 29, 31-2
Kipling, Rudyard
‘The Long Trail’ 121
‘Song of the Commissariat Camels’ 77
Knight, Richard 144-5
Krebs, John 175
Kruuk, Hans 174
Niko's Nature 171, 233
Lack, David 174
Ladner, Alan Wilfred ‘Bill’ (grandfather of RD) 18-19, 20, 21-2, 234
in First World War 21
Short Wave Wireless Communication 19-20
Ladner, Diana (later Dawkins; aunt of RD) 22, 24, 75, 76, 116
marriages 75
Lake Nyasa 49, 50
Land, Michael 208
Brythonic 15
children 14, 39, 46-7; school slang 85
coining 39
computer see under computer programming
Cornish 15-18
of decisions 224-5
dialects 15, 17-18
evolution of 17-18
grammar 234-5, 238, 244-6, 253
‘mere’, use of 161-2
nicknames 65, 67, 138, 193
predictability 229
laryngeal nerve 159-60
Leacock, Stephen 5
lectures 154-6, 157
RD’s 196, 199, 207-8
note-taking 155-6
Lehrman, Daniel S. 177-9, 215
Leicester barracks 127
Leston Taylor, Bert: poem by 248-9
Letchworth, Henry Murray 86-7, 92, 100
Lewontin, Richard 282
lightning strike 58-9
Likuni, Nyasaland 55, 56
Lilongwe, Nyasaland 55, 56-7, 58-60, 63, 69
hospital 33
Ling, Peter (housemaster) 143-4
linguistics 234, 253
lions 36, 37-8
Little Baddow, Essex 22, 29
Locke, John 176
Lodge, David: Changing Places 205, 206
Lofting, Hugh: The Story of Doctor Dolittle 64-5, 80
Loftus, Elizabeth 101
Long, Miss (teacher) 90
longevity 267
Lorenz, Konrad 176, 177-9, 223
On Aggression 261-2
Lowndes, A. G. 24-5
LSD 12
Mackay, Ann 92
MacRoberts, Michael and Barbara 208
Madingley (Cambridge University Department of Zoology, subDepartment of Animal Behaviour) 176, 243
1975 conference 243; RD’s paper at 243-4, 246, 251, 255
Makwapala, Nyasaland 43-7
malaria 32-3, 79
Malawi see Nyasaland
Manning, Aubrey 171, 195
Marconi, Guglielmo 18
Marconi College, Chelmsford 22
Marconi Radio Company 18, 19, 21, 22
Markov Chain 244, 246
Marlborough College, Wiltshire 24, 105, 106, 287
Marshall, John 253-5
Martin, Miss (head teacher) 76
Maschler, Tom 275
Mash, Robert 174, 193
Masque of Balliol, The 7
mathematics 291-2
game theory 32, 273-5
school 95, 122
Maynard Smith, John 197, 260, 270, 271-5, 281
reviews The Selfish Gene 291-2
The Theory of Evolution 272
Mayr, Ernst 268, 269
Mbagathi 33, 34-6
McCarthy, Eugene 205, 215
McClean, Dr and Mrs 32
McFarland, David 174, 175, 233
McFarland, Jill 174-5
McLannahan, Heather 175
Medawar, Peter B. 24, 184, 185, 269, 277, 282
Melander, Prof. Björn 18
meme 39, 67, 138, 278-80
memory 222-3
continuity 98-9
triggers 86
‘mere’, use of 161-2
metaphor 132, 266, 268
Miller, Mr (director of music) 136-7
Mills, Miss (teacher) 89
Mills, Mr (teacher) 89
Milne, Mrs (of nursery school) 60
Modern Synthesis (neo-Darwinism) 197, 268-9
Monod, Jacques 269
moon craters 179-80
moral Zeitgeist 87
Morris, Desmond 171, 178, 195, 275-6
paintings 280-1
Morse code 92
Mullion Cove, Cornwall 18, 19, 21, 51, 98
Murdoch, Iris 12
music 46, 56, 100, 101, 134, 211
composers, orchestral preferences 191
computer-generated 219-21, 231-2, 236-8
gramophone 50, 141-2
at school 130, 134-5
lessons 90
pitch 220
in pub 164-5
see also songs
Nairobi 4, 31, 34, 35, 39
National Service 151, 152
natural history 13-14
natural selection 161
advance information 182-3
dinosaurs 248
and genes 197-9, 260-5, 266-9, 277-9, 284
panglossism 259-62
prey animals 180-1, 252
see also evolution
Nature (journal) 222-3
neo-Darwinism 197, 268-9
Nepal 11
nested embedment 244-6
neurones, death of 222-3
New College, Oxford University 10, 100, 211, 215-19, 276, 283
porters 149-50
Senior Common Room Betting Book 217-18
Warden election 275
Newton, Sir Isaac 165
Nichols, David 159
nicknames 65, 67, 138, 193
Noakes, David 208
Nobel Prizes 150-1
North, Tony 194, 195
Norton-Griffiths, Michael 175
Noyes, Alfred 140
Nyapolos 44
Nyasaland 10, 25, 29-31, 33, 36, 39-40, 43-51, 52, 55, 63, 79, 114-15
bishops 217-18
see also Lilongwe; Makwapala
Nyasaland Battalion 29, 40
Nyasaland Department of Agriculture 38, 43, 79, 114-15
Nyeri training camp 31
Observer (newspaper) 193
Ogston, Sandy 153
O’Hanlon, Redmond 12
organic farming 112-13
organisms 265, 267-8, 277
‘survival machine’ 262-3, 265-8, 270, 277
Oundle Lecture (2002) 131
Oundle School, Northamptonshire 106, 119-45, 287
band 127
Cadet Corps 125-6, 127
chapel 136, 139-40
choir 136-7
Colloquium club 139
fagging 119-20, 125
houses 123-4
music 130, 134-5
new boys 124-5
showers 138-9
workshops 116, 128-9, 139
Over Norton, Oxfordshire 77, 78, 79-80, 114
Oxford 211, 266, 281, 290
Dragon School 63, 65, 67, 80-1
Martyrs’ Memorial 8
river scene 7-8
Rose and Crown pub 174
Scala cinema 165
Wychwood school 81
Oxford University 11, 24, 25, 144, 150-1, 210-11, 216, 232, 287
Botany Department 23
computers 192-3, 193-4
Forestry Department 11, 12, 13, 192
tutorial system 157-9
Wadham College 171-4
see also Balliol College; New College;
Zoology Department
Oxford Tutorial, The 157
Oxford University Press 276, 280
Parental Investment 270-1, 274
Parfit, Derek: Reasons and Persons 98-9
Parker, Geoffrey 273
pasteurizer 111
Pataudi, ‘Tiger’ 154
Patrick, C. E. S. 136, 137
Patterson, Ian 174
Payne, Donald 136
Payne, ‘Flossie’ (teacher) 143
penguins 260
pheasants 267
photography 110-11
pigeons 253-4
Pilgrim's Progress, The 144
Pinker, Steven: The Better Angels of our Nature 87
Plato 290
poetry 46, 165, 282-3, 292
Cornish dialect 16-17
Housman 165, 166, 282-3
Leston Taylor 248-9
‘To the Balliol Men Still in Africa’ 8-9
Poldhu, Cornwall 18, 19
Popper, Karl 184-7, 190
populations 263, 274
prayer, children’s 67-8, 77, 80
Prayer Book 217, 218
predictability 224-9, 289, 290
Markov Chain 244, 246
testing 184-92, 210
pregnancy 271
Presley, Elvis 141-2
Price, George 273
Priestman, ‘Snappy’ 120-2
Pringle, John 194, 216, 220, 222
psychologists 176-7
psychopathy 97
race 123
radio signals 247
Railway Club, at Chafyn Grove 104-5
rainbows 165-6
reading 15, 64-5, 113-14
aloud 88
Reagan, Ronald 206
Rector, James: death 206
religion 13, 37, 103-4, 139-43
at school 64, 100-1, 102-3, 139-40, 142-3
replication 263, 277-80
reproduction 262-5, 267
Rhodesia 63, 69
Eagle School 60, 63-9, 77, 80-1, 90
Salisbury airport 69
Umtali 69
Ridley, M. 198
Robeson, Paul 50
Robinson, Michael 175
Rodgers, Michael 276, 277, 280
Rose, Steven 282
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 21
Royal Photographic Society 110
Royal Society 24
Ruiter, Leen de 180-1
Russell, Bertrand 47, 218
Ryan, Alan 162
Saidi (messenger) 44
Salisbury (England)
St Mark’s church 100, 103
see also Chafyn Grove
Salisbury (Rhodesia), airport 69
Sampson brothers (at Chafyn Grove) 90-1
San Francisco 201, 205, 207, 208
Sanderson, F. W. 106, 128, 129, 131, 132, 136
Scales, George 105
Scandinavian languages 18
Schicklgruber, Alois 288
Schleidt, Wolfgang 196
boarding 23-4, 63, 81
preparatory 63, 81
public 119-20, 137-8
see also Chafyn Grove; Eagle School;
Oundle School
science education 151
scientists 173
scorpions 36-7
Scout Troop 91-2
Searle, Pat 277
Second World War 22, 29, 288, 289
sedge warblers 178
self-grooming, in flies 228, 229-31, 232
Selfish Gene, The (book) 25, 32, 130, 197, 201, 255
writing 259-65, 266-8, 269-70, 271, 274-5, 276-7
title 275
jacket 280-1
Japanese translation 265-6
publication 265-6, 269, 269, 275-6, 277, 280-1, 287
reviews 281-3, 291-2
Selfish Gene, The (TV documentary) 281
Seventh Seal, The (film) 165
Shaffer, Lary 175
Shakespeare, William 121
Shannon, Claude 20, 227
Shannon Information Index 227-8, 231
Sharpe, Tom 39
Shaw, Bernard 142
Shaw, Pretty 89
Sierra Leone 10, 38
Simon, Herbert 247
Simpson, George Gaylord 268
Oundle choir 136-7
see also songs
Smith, Joseph 64, 175
Smythies, Arthur (great-grandfather of
RD) 11, 13, 23, 24, 49
Smythies, Bertram (‘Billy’) 12
Smythies, Charles Alan (bishop) 218
Smythies, Evelyn (great-uncle of RD) 11-12
Smythies, John 12
Smythies, Olive 12
Smythies, Revd William 13
Smythies, Yorick 12-13, 23-4
Snow, Peter 163
social behaviour 196
social contract 259
sociobiology 208
solidity, perception of 179-83
birdsong 17, 89, 243
children’s 57
crickets’ 236-8
‘I Believe’ 141-2
in pub 164-5
at school 68, 124
in school play 93-4
Scout 91-2
Uncle Bill’s 175-6
Victorian Society 163-4
see also hymns
South Africa 43, 53
Sparrowhawk, Mrs 25
Spooner, W. A. 10
squash 99
Stainforth, Gus 120, 144
stammer 125-6
Stamp, Marian see Dawkins
starfish 158-9
Stedman, Tom 101
stooking 113
Storr, Anthony 282
strike, 1973 259, 269
Summer Interlude (film) 165
sun, position 179-80
Surrey Puma 193
survival 260, 261, 262-8, 270, 277
Sweden 18
Swinburne, A. C. 167
symbiotic cleaners 32
Tanganyika 34, 35, 57
Taylor, A. J. P. 155
television 75
Thomas, loan 130-1, 143, 145
Thompson, Silvanus: Calculus Made Easy 20, 234
Thorpe, W. H. 243
Tiger, Lionel 282
Times, The, letter to 206
Tinbergen, Lies 210
Tinbergen, Niko 156, 157-8, 168, 171, 172, 175, 176, 179, 196, 201, 210-11, 216, 223, 232-3, 278
Nobel Prize and retirement 287
Niko's Nature (Kruuk) 171, 233
The Study of Instinct 244
tractors 111-12, 133
Trim, Dr 36, 40
Trinity College, Cambridge 150-1
Trivers, Robert 270, 271, 274
Turner, F. Newman 112
tutorial system 157-9
mutual tutorials 209
Tyacke, Nicholas 162
Uganda 10, 32, 34, 57
Umtali (ship) 73-4, 79
Umtali, Rhodesia 69
United States, Department of Homeland Security 3
University of California at Berkeley 196, 201, 207-10, 273
‘People’s Park’ 205-6
University of Sussex 273
Vietnam War 205
Vollrath, Fritz 183-4
Voltaire 260
Vumba Mountains 63, 68
Walter family (Mbagathi, Kenya) 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40
Water Hall, Essex 22
Wearne, Connie (later Ladner;
grandmother of RD) 15, 21, 55, 79, 98
Wearne, Ethel 19
Wearne, Dr Walter (great-grandfather of RD) 18
Wellington School 144
Wild Strawberries (film) 165
Williams, Bernard 282
Williams, George C. 271
Adaptation and Natural Selection 264-5
Winograd, Terry 234
wireless sets 20-1
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 12, 13, 24
Wodehouse, P. G. 88, 126
Wordsworth, William 166, 206, 282
workshops 116, 128-9, 139
writing 232, 259, 276-7
Wychwood School, Oxford 81
Yeats, W. B. 165, 167
Young, J. Z. 24
Zomba, Nyasaland 44
hospital 43
Zomba Mountain 50-1
Zoology Department, Oxford University 104, 151, 171-3, 193-4, 210-11, 217, 293
Animal Behaviour Research Group (13 Bevington Road) 171, 172, 173, 174-6, 183, 189, 197, 200, 208, 216, 219, 221, 222, 243, 277
Bureau of Animal Populations 174
computers 193-4
RD lectures 196, 199
Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology 174
Tinbergen Building, South Parks Road 174, 222
Zurich 194, 195