Chapter 26



After the phone call, Red returned to his office and got back to running a casino.


Four days went by with no response from the Chameleon, but on the fifth day BINGO! When Jillian checked her e-mail there was a very short message. “Call 563-222-3131.” Jillian called and got another recorded instruction. “Call 563-375-4608.” She called the first number again to double check the second number and got nothing but a continued ringing and then a disconnect.


She called the second number and after the third ring a very deep yet soft voice said, “Thank you for calling. Do you really think you can help me?”


“I’d like to try if you’ll work with me. I’ve talked with some of the people involved and I’ve been getting some pretty good vibes from them. Talking with them is one thing, getting them to act is a shoe of an entirely different size though. And speaking of shoes, getting what you want won’t be a shoe-in, but if you’re willing to try to work things out with Red and his brother, the owners of the casinos and the police I think we’ve got better than a 50-50 chance of being successful. If we do it right, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.”


“What do you have in mind?”


“It’s difficult talking about something like this over the phone. We really don’t know each other yet. It probably would be a good idea to get together somewhere to check each other out. If we’re comfortable with each other, then we can move ahead. Besides, if we talk on the phone, there’s always the chance of someone overhearing our discussion or someone interrupting us when we are in the middle of putting a game plan together. Would you be willing to meet with me at the Bettendorf Public Library? I could meet with you tomorrow afternoon at, let’s say, around two o’clock. We could meet in the computer area because there should be less people around there, so we’d have more privacy.”


There was a long silence and then the Chameleon responded with what Jillian surmised was a somewhat reluctant and perhaps even suspicious, “I’ll be there.” and then he hung up.


Jillian’s mind quickly leaped into overdrive amidst a flurry of emotions ranging from exhilaration, determination and anger all the way to self doubt and apprehension. “The man didn’t say much, but the way he said it gave me the willies. This guy is creepy. Well, it’s too late to turn back now. First, I’ve got to clue in Red, Bill, Popeye, Sylvia and Joe Amato. Second, I’ve got to go over what I want to say in the library meeting and how I want to say it. Third, I’ve got to agree with Popeye on a signal to flash him if things begin to go south during the meeting and I feel I’m in danger. I like Popeye’s suggestion of fluffing my hair. It’s something that’s natural for a woman to do. Fourth, and this is most important, what am I going to wear? Hmm. It’s good to know that in the midst of all this I still have a sense of humor. Something tells me that before this is over I’m going to need it.”