Collecting salt and pepper shakers is a hobby with a little something for everyone. Whether you fancy figurals, go-togethers, clowns, Christmas-related shakers, characters from cartoons, literature and pop culture, ethnic shakers, kissers, nesters or nodders, you'll quickly discover there are shakers in just about any form you can imagine.
The sections in this chapter are divided alphabetically by subject, and the shakers are also listed alphabetically within their respective sections.
Some the most ingenious shakers were created to advertise goods and services. This is a rich collecting area with new designs being created almost daily.
Big Boys with heart-shaped burgers, late 1980s, marked “50 years with Big Boy circa 1936,” 4″ h, $45-$55.
Atlas Prager Beer, 1950s, 4-3/8″ h, $35-$45.
Borden's Elsie the Cow, 1950s, 4-1/4″ h overall, $55-$65.
Borden's Elsie the Cow with calves Larabee and Lobelia, late 1950s, 5-1/4″ and 2″ h, made in Japan, $150+. Elsie's mate is Elmer the Bull. They have four children: Beulah, Beauregard, born 1948, and twins Larabee and Lobelia, born 1957.
Budweiser Beer, 1960s, 4″ h, $45-$50.
Budweiser Bud Man, marked “Ceramart Made in Brazil,” 3-1/2″ h, $55-$65.
Campbell's Kids, 2004, made in China, 5-1/4″ and 4-3/4″ h, $20-$25.
Campbell's Kids, contemporary, unmarked, 4-3/4″ h, $20-$25.
Chicken of the Sea fish, 1960s, impressed mark, 3″ long, $35-$45.
Coca-Cola bottles, contemporary, made in China, 5″ h, $15+.
Coca-Cola delivery boy with cart, 1986, made in China, 4″ and 2-1/4″ h, $20+.
Coca-Cola polar bears, contemporary, 4″ h, $15+.
Coke bottle, glass and metal, salt shaker on top and pepper mill on bottom, contemporary, made in China, 7-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Coors steins, contemporary, unmarked, 4″ h, $20+.
Coke cans, contemporary, 3-1/2″ h, $10-$15.
Coke machines with tray, contemporary, 7-1/2″ h overall, $25+.
Dodgers teddy bears, 1998, made in China, 4-1/2″ h, $35-$45.
Fingerhut tractor trailer, contemporary, made in China, 3-1/4″ long overall, $15-$20.
Falstaff Beer, 1960s, 4″ h, $35-$45.
Fleck's Beer, Faribault, Minn., 1950s, 4″ h, $50-$60.
Fort Pitt Special Beer, 1950s, marked “Muth Buffalo – Pat Pend,” 3″ h, $35-$45.
Goetz Country Club Pilsner Beer, 1950s, 4-3/8″ h, $35-$45.
G.E. electric iceboxes, molded glass, part of a set that included a refrigerator-form sugar container, 1930s; shakers only, 3-1/4″ h, $50+.
Hamm's Bear in canoe, 1998, canoe 5″ long, $65-$75.
Hamm's Bears in Viking helmets, 2001, 5-1/2″ h, $60-$70.
Hamm's Bear in teepee, 1999, 5-1/4″ h, $75-$85.
Hamm's Bear as leprechaun with pot of gold, 2004, 2-1/4″ and 4-3/4″ h, $65-$75.
Hamm's Bears with transfer decoration, this pair made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h, $65-$75.
Hamm's Bears with transfer decoration, 1997, 4-3/4″ h, $65-$75.
Hamm's Bears at the bar, 1997, 4-3/4″ h, $75-$85.
Hamm's Bears with blue stripe sign, 1977, 4-3/4″ h, $75-$85.
Hamm's Beer, 1950s, 4″ h, $35-$45.
Holiday Hamm's Bears, contemporary, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
Jasper Bears, Canada (Jasper National Park, Alberta), 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $35-$45.
Joe Camel, molded resin, 1993, made in China, 4″ h, $55-$65.
John Deere tractor and wagon, contemporary, 2-1/2″ h and 4″ long, $25-$35.
John Deere mower and rider, contemporary, 4″ h overall, $25.
John Deere tractor, farmer and barn, contemporary, barn 3″ h, tractor 3″ long, $20-$25.
Jordan Old Style Brew Beer individual, metal, 1930s, marked “B&B St. Paul Pat Pend,” 1-1/2″ h, no established value.
Keebler Ernie the Elf, 1989, 4-3/8″ h, $35-$45.
Ken-L Ration Fifi and Fido, plastic, 1960s, 3-1/2″ h, $25-$35.
Kool cigarettes Millie and Willie, plastic, 1960s, 3-1/2″ and 3-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Minneapolis Savings and Loan Association tree-form shakers, plastic, marked “A Good Tree To Come To For Shelter,” 1980s, 3-1/2″ h, $35-$45.
Northwest Airlines individual, 1970s, 1-1/2″ h, $15-$20.
NSP (Northern States Power Co.) blue flames, 1980s, indistinctly marked, 4″ h, $55-$65.
Phillips 66 gas pumps, plastic, 1950s, marked “Elmer Q. Lupfer – McFall, Mo.,” 2-3/4″ h, $25+.
Pillsbury Poppin' Fresh and Poppie, plastic, 1974, 4″ and 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Pillsbury Poppin' Fresh, impressed mark TPC, 4-1/2″ h, $15+.
Pillsbury Poppin' Fresh with cookies and flour sack, 1997, 3-1/2″ and 4-1/8″ h, $15+.
Pillsbury Poppin' Fresh, 1970s, 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Pillsbury Poppin' Fresh and Poppie, 1988, 4″ and 4-1/4″ h, $15+.
Pillsbury Poppin' Fresh with cookies and milk bottle, contemporary, 5″ and 3-1/2″ h, $15+.
Planters Mr. Peanut, kitchen size, 1990, made in Taiwan, 5″ h, $55-$65.
Planters Mr. Peanut, plastic, 1960s, 4″ h, $30-$35.
Planters Mr. Peanut, plastic, 1950s, 3-1/8″ h, $20-$25.
RCA Victor, “His Master's Voice,” plastic base, Nipper (3″ h) and gramophone (2-3/4″ long) are ceramic; tray 6″ long, $50-$60 set.
Rice Krispies, Pop!, marked Japan, 2-1/2″ h, $25+.
San Francisco trolley, 1970s, 2″ h, 3-1/4″ long overall, $15-$20.
Seagram's 7 Crown whiskey, plastic, 1970s, 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Schlitz Export Beer, 1950s, 4-3/8″ h, $35-$45.
Tappan chefs, unmarked, 4-1/2″ h, $60-$70.
Stroh's Beer Burgie!, 1998, made in Japan, 4-3/4″ h, $45-$55.
Sunshine bakers, stamped Made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $50-$60.
Watkins products, contemporary, 3-1/2″ and 2-3/4″ h, $10+.
This section features a Noah's Ark of creatures, including those that swim, crawl and fly. Also see animal forms made by specific makers.
Birds hanging by tails from tree branches, late 1940s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h overall, $45+.
Birds perched on flowered branch, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h overall, $25-$35.
Birds perched on branch, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-3/8″ h overall, $25-$35.
Birds with roses and gold trim, contemporary, made in China, 2-1/2″ h, $20+.
Bluebirds wearing flower hats, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Bluebirds in flowered straw hats, 1960s, made in Japan by Lefton, 3-1/2″ h, $35-$45.
Bluebirds in flowered straw hats, 1960s, made in Japan by Lefton, 3-1/2″ h, $35-$45.
Bluebirds with rhinestone eyes, 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $35+.
Blue Jays, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ and 3″ h, $25+.
Cockatiels, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ and 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Crows in hats, 1950s, ink-stamped Japan, 2-1/2″ h, $40-$50.
Chicks emerging from eggs, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20+.
Chicks with rhinestone eyes, 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $35+.
Blue chicks with feathers and rhinestones, 1950s, 3″ h without feathers, $35-$45.
Flowered chicks, contemporary, unmarked, 3″ h, $20+.
Happy chicks, 1980s, 3″ h, $20+.
Luster-ware egg-shaped chicks with goose in shell holder, 1930s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h overall, $25-$30.
Twin chicks emerging from egg, 1950s, made in Japan, 5-1/4″ w, $30+.
Hen and chick emerging from egg, 1950s, made in Japan, 1-1/4″ and 2-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Delft blue hens on flower baskets, contemporary, 3-1/2″ h, $15+.
Hen and rooster, air-brushed, 1970s, 4-3/4″ and 5″ h, $35-$45.
Hen and rooster, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 5″ h, $30-$40.
Hen and rooster, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ and 4″ h, $30-$40.
Hen and rooster, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ and 4″ h, $20+.
Hen and rooster, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ and 3-3/4″ h, $20+.
Fighting hen and rooster, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ and 4″ h, $20+.
Hen and rooster, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 4-1/4″ h, $25+.
Rooster and hen, 1980s, 4-3/4″ and 3-3/4″ h, $20+.
Glass and metal rooster and hen, 1970s (?), maker unknown, 4″ h, $25-$35.
Ducks in hat and apron, 1980s, unmarked, 3-1/4″ and 3″ h, $25+.
Flowered ducks, contemporary, unmarked, 3″ long, $20+.
Flowered ducks with books and gold trim, 1970s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3-3/4″ h, $25+.
Formal ducks, 1970s, made in Japan, 5-1/4″ h, $25-$30.
Flowered ducklings with gold trim, 1970s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20+.
Large-bill ducklings, 1940s, marked Germany, 3″ h, $45-$55.
Flamingos, 1980s, unmarked, 4″ and 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Tall mother geese in bonnets, 1950s, made in Japan, 8-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
Ruffed grouse, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ and 3-1/8″ h, $30+.
Herons, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $25-$35.
Orioles, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/8″ h, $30+.
Owls with rhine-stone eyes, 1970s, made in Japan by Enesco, 3″ h, $25-$35.
Cartoon owls, 1960s, unmarked, 3″ and 3-1/4″ h, $25+.
Portly owls in waistcoats, 1940s, marked Germany, 3″ h, $45-$55.
The Owl and the Pussycat, 1980, Fitz & Floyd, came with boat, 2-1/2″ h; $15+ as is; with boat, $30+.
Wise owls with mortarboards and rhinestone eyes, 1960s, made in Japan by Lefton, round wooden bases a later addition, 3-3/4″ h, $30.
Parakeets, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ and 3-1/2″ long, $35+.
Parrots, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Exotic pheasants, 1960s, unmarked, 4″ long, $30+.
Pigeons, bone china, 1970s (?), made in Japan, 2-3/4″ long, $15+.
Pileated wood-peckers, 1950s, unmarked, 3″ h, $20+.
Puffins, contemporary, indistinct mark, 3″ h, $30+.
Quail, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ and 3-1/4″ h, $20+.
Swans with gold trim, early 1970s, made in Japan, 2-3/8″ h, $20+.
Turkey tom and hen, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ and 3-1/4″ h, $25+.
Waxwings, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ and 3″ h, $25+.
Turkey tom and hen, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3-1/4″ h, $25+.
Wood ducks, late 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ and 4″ h, $30+.
Woodpecker and cardinal on flowered branch with gold trim, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h overall, $25-$35.
Black cats with rhinestone eyes, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-7/8″ h, $30-$35.
Tall black cats, 1960s, made in Japan, 6-3/4″ h, $40-$50.
Boy and girl cats with rhinestone eyes, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $25-$35.
Cats, bisque, contemporary, made in China, 3-1/4″ h and 3-1/2″ long, $15-$20.
Cats, 1970s, unmarked, 3″ h and long, $20-$25.
Cats in flowered hats, 1950s, made in Japan by Lefton, 3″ h, $30+.
Cats on plaid pillows, late 1950s, 3-1/2″ h, $15-$20.
Cats in striped shirts, 1960s, made in Japan, 5″ h, $15-$20.
Floral cats, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ h and 4″ long, $20-$25.
Flower cats, air-brush, 1950s, 3″ h, $15-$20.
Fluffy cats, bone china, 1980s, unmarked, 2-1/4″ h and long, $20-$25.
Pink cats decorated with flowers and rhinestones, 1950s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $30.
Playful cats, 1960s, with decal, Souvenir of Greenville, Texas, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h and long, $20-$25.
Quizzical cats, 1980s (?), 2-1/2″ h, $10-$15.
Siamese cats, 1970s, unmarked, 4″ h, $20-$25.
Stretch cats with rhinestone eyes, 1950s, made in Japan, 10-1/2″ long, $35-$40.
Striped cats, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h and long, $25-$30.
Striped cats with ball, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $25-$30.
Suspicious cats, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25.
White cats, bisque, age unknown, unmarked, 1-3/4″ h and long, $10-$15.
Big-eyed kittens, 1960s, made by Lefton in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $20-$25.
Kittens with fabric bows, late 1950s, 3-1/8″ h and 2-1/2″ long, $20-$25.
Kittens on pillows, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3″ h, $25-$35.
Kittens in teapots, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $20-$25.
Alaskan malamutes, 1960s, unmarked, 3″ h, $20-$25.
Bassett hounds, 1960s, made in Japan by Norcest, 3-1/8″ and 3-5/8″ h, $20+.
Basset hound puppies, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ and 3″ long, $25-$30.
Basset hound puppies, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h and 3-1/2″ long, $20-$25.
Tall beagles, 1950s, made in Japan by Norcrest, 6-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Bonzo dogs, 1970s, made in Japan, 3-1/8″ h, $20-$25.
Boston terriers, 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ and 2-3/4″ h, $20-$25.
Boston terriers, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h and long, $25-$35.
Boxer puppies, 1970s, unmarked, 2″ h, $20.
Playful Boxer puppies, 1960s, 3″ h and 3-1/4″ long, $25+.
Bulldog in top hat and laughing beagle with rhinestone monocles, 1960s-70s, 3-1/4″ h, $20-$30.
Bulldog puppies in barrels, 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20-$25.
Chihuahuas, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ h and 4-1/2″ long, $20-$25.
Chihuahuas, 1970s, unmarked, 3-3/8″ h, $25-$30.
Cocker spaniels, 1950s, unmarked, 4″ h, $25-$30.
Collies, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long, $20-$25.
Dachshunds, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ and 3-1/2″ long, $25-$30.
Dalmatians, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ long, $20-$25.
Dachshunds, 1940s, Occupied Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $30-$35.
Stretch dachshund, one piece with salt at one end and pepper at other, with decal for Hills of Indiana, 1950s, made in Japan, 10″ long, $35-$45.
Dalmatians, 1960s, unmarked, 3-1/2″ h and 4-1/2″ long, $20-$25.
Doberman Pinschers, 1980s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long and 4″ h, $25-$30.
English Springer spaniels, 1950s, unmarked, 3″ h, $20-$25.
English Springer spaniels, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long and 3-1/4″ h, $25-$30.
Old English sheepdogs, 1980s, 2-3/4″ h, $25-$30.
Poodle chefs, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20-$25.
Poodle couple, bone china, age unknown, 2-3/4″ and 2-1/2″ h, $20.
Formal poodle couple, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20-$25.
Poodle couple, hand painted, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ and 3-3/4″ h, $20-$25.
Poodle puppies with bows, late 1950s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $20-$25.
Staffordshire-style poodles, 1960s (?), 1-3/4″ h, $15-$20.
Poodle puppy and kitten in flower baskets, late 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $25-$35.
Pug puppies, contemporary, made in China, 3-1/2″ long and h, $15.
Scotties, age unknown, unmarked, 2-1/8″ h, $15-$20.
Scottie puppies, 1960s-70s, made in Japan, 1-3/4″ h, $10-$15.
Scotties, crystal and red glass, 1950s, 2-1/4″ h, $35-$45.
Scottie puppies in plaid caps, 1940s, Occupied Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Sad Scotties, 1950s, with threaded ceramic stoppers, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $25-$30.
Shih Tzu puppies (?), 1960s-70s, made in Japan, 1-3/4″ h, $15-$20.
Spaniels doing tricks, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ and 4″ h, $35-$45.
Spaniel and poodle with rhinestone monocles, 1960s, maker unknown, 3-1/4″ h, $20+.
Souvenir spaniels (Las Vegas?), marked “America's Marriage Place,” 1960s, 3-1/2″ h, $25-$30.
Wire-haired fox terriers, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-5/8″ h, $20-$25.
Puppies, 1960s, unmarked, 3-3/4″ h, $15-$20.
Clowning dogs, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-3/8″ and 4-1/4″ h, $35-$45.
Playful puppies, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25-$30.
Sad puppies, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $25-$30.
Dog couple with bones, 1987, 3-1/2″ h, $20-$25.
Funny dogs, hand painted with gold trim, 1950s, 2-3/4″ h, $20-$25.
Happy dogs, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $20-$25.
Formal dogs, late 1950s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $30+.
Stretch dogs, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long, $20-$25.
Yellow dogs in tuxedoes, late 1940s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25+.
Bear huggers, 1950s, made in Germany, 3-3/4″ h, $45-$55.
Playful bear cubs, one sits on the other, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ and 2-3/4″ h, $25+.
Glass and metal dog and cat, 1920s, maker unknown, 2-3/4 h, $75-$100.
Bison, 1960s, souvenir of Memphis, Tenn., made in Japan, 4″ long, $30+.
Wild boars, bone china, 1970s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ long, $20-$30.
Angus bulls, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ long, $30+.
Brahma bulls, 1960s, unmarked, 4″ long, $25-$35.
Brahma bulls, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ long, $25-$35.
Brahma bulls, 1960s, Made in Japan by Wales, 4″ long, $25-$35.
Hereford bulls, 1960s, souvenir of Sirloin Club, South St. Paul, made in Japan, 4″ long, $25-$35.
Bulls with handles, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ h, $25+.
Charging bulls, 1970s, unmarked, 5″ long, $25+.
African cattle, bone china, 1970s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ and 3″ long, $25+.
Longhorn cattle, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ long, $25-$35.
Cow and bull, 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ long, $35-$45.
Cow and bull with roses and gold trim, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ and 3″ h, $30+.
Playful cow and bull, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-5/8″ and 3″ h, $20+.
Tall brown cows, 1960s, made in Japan, 7″ h, $25-$35.
Bunny huggers, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3-1/4″ h, $25+.
Blue bunnies with gold trim, age unknown, unmarked, 3″ h, $20+.
Flower buds with butterflies on handled tray, late 1940s, Occupied Japan, 3-1/2″ h overall, $35-$45.
Girl bunnies in short jackets, 1980s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Tall gray deer, 1970s, unmarked, 10″ h, $25-$35.
Stretch fawns, 1960s, made in Japan, 8″ h, $25-$35.
Playful donkeys, 1960s, made in Japan by Lefton, 4″ h, $25-$35.
Playful donkeys, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3-1/4″ h, $20+.
Dolphins, 1960s, made in Japan, 5-1/2″ long, $25-$35.
Tall plaid donkeys, 1950s, made in Japan, 7″ h, $25-$35.
Elephants, 1950s, unmarked, 4″ long, $20+.
Elephant and duck, 1930s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ and 3-1/2″ h, $35-$45.
Elephant couple, 1950s, similar to Ceramic Arts Studio, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 4″ h, $20+.
Elephants with hair, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ h, $20+.
Portly elephants in waistcoats, 1940s, 3″ h, marked Germany, $45-$55.
Wedding elephants, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ h, $20+.
Giraffes, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Happy hippopotami, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ long, $20+.
Horses in collars on tray, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h overall, tray 4″ wide, $25+.
Palomino horse heads, 1960s, souvenir of Niagara Falls, Canada, made in Japan, 3″ h, $25+.
Rearing horses, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ h, $25+.
Rearing horses, 1970s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ h, $25+.
Koala bears and joeys hanging from tree branches, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h overall, $45+.
Leopards, 1960s, unmarked, 5″ and 3-3/4″ long, $25-$35.
Lions, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ and 3-3/4″ long, $25-$35.
Lions, 1960s, made in Japan, 5″ long, $25-$35.
Lion and lioness, bone china, 1970s, convention souvenir, made in Japan, 3 and 2-1/2″ long, $15-$20.
Stately lion heads, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20-$25.
Lobsters, 1940s, 3-1/2″ h, $45+.
Lobsters, 1970s, 4-1/2″ long, $25+.
Lobster claws, 1960s, 4-1/4″ h, $25+.
Mice, 1960s, unmarked, 3″ h, $20+.
Girl manta rays, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ long, $20-$25.
Mice with pipes and rhinestone monocles, 1950s-60s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $30-$40.
Mr. and Mrs. Mouse, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3-1/4″ h, $20+.
Blue pigs with rhinestone eyes, 1960s, 3-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Brown mice with rhinestone eyes, 1950s, made in Japan by Norcrest, 3-5/8″ h, $50.
Pig combo, 1940s, made in Germany, 2-1/2″ h and wide, $35-$45.
Pig serenade, 1980s, maker unknown, 4″ h, $25+.
Pigs, 1970s, unmarked, 4″ long, $20+.
Pigs in red hats, 1970s, unmarked, 3″ long, $20+.
Delft rabbits, contemporary, 2-1/4″ long, $15+.
Formal rabbits, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/8″ and 3-3/8″ h, $20+.
Kissing rabbits with carrots, 1979, 3-7/8″ and 4″ h, $25+.
Flirting rabbits, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $25+.
Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit, late 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $25+.
Mother rabbits with garden harvest, age unknown, made in Japan, 4″ h, $20+.
Playful rabbits, 1960s, maker unknown, 3-1/2″ h and long, $20+.
Rabbits with carrots and warning signs, 1980s (?), made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $15+.
Rabbits in flower hats with gold trim, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/8″ h, $25+.
Reserved rabbits, 1980s, maker unknown, 3-3/4″ h, $20+.
Spooky yellow rabbits in ruffled collars, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25+.
Scary red rabbits, early 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $30+.
White rabbits with blue eyes, late 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ and 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
White rabbits with pink eyes, early 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20+.
Stretch rhinoceros, one piece with salt at one end and pepper at other, souvenir of Virginia Beach, Va., 1950s, made in Japan, 10-1/2″ long, $35-$45.
Seahorses with transfer floral decoration, 1950s, 4-1/4″ h, $35-$40.
Skunk couple, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-1/4″ and 2-3/4″ h, $30+.
Skunk couple with flowers, 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20+.
Squirrels with acorns and rhinestone eyes, 1960s, maker unknown, 3-3/8″ h, $20-$30.
Tigers, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ and 4-1/2″ long, $25+.
Tigers with whiskers, 1960s, 3-1/2″ h, $20-$25.
Unicorns with gold trim, 1970s, made in Taiwan, 3-1/2″ h, $20+.
Stretch zebra, one piece with salt at one end and pepper at other, 1950s, made in Japan, 10-1/4″ long, $35-$45.
Zebras, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20+.
Barracuda, 1950s, made in Japan, 6″ long, $25+.
Bass, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long, $25+.
Bass, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ long, $20+.
Bass, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long, $25+.
Small-mouth black bass, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long, $30+.
Blowfish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ long, $25+.
Koi, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/8″ long, $15+.
Crayfish, age unknown, 3-1/2″ long, $20+.
Perch, late 1950s, made in Japan, 4-1/2″ long, $25+.
Northern Pike, 1960s, made in Japan, 5-1/2″ long, $30+.
Sunfish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ and 4″ h, $30+.
Swordfish, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h, $35-$45.
Swordfish, 1960s, made in Japan, 5″ long, $45-$55.
Tiger shark, 1960s, made in Japan, 5-3/4″ long, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1980s, 4-1/4″ long, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 2″ h, $15+.
Tropical fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ long, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, souvenir of Marquette, Mich., made in Japan, 3″ h, $25-$35.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $30-$40.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $25-$35.
Tropical fish with screw-off bases, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-5/8″ h, $30+.
Tropical fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $30+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ long, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25+.
Tropical fish, late 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25+.
Tropical fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/8″ h, $25+.
Tropical fish, contemporary, 2-1/2″ long, $10+.
Three tropical fish, bone china, con-temporary, 2-5/8″ h, $20+.
Tropical fish, bone china, contemporary, 3 h, $20+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ and 4″ h, $20+.
Tropical fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ long, $20+.
Tropical fish, 1960s, souvenir of Manistique, Mich., made in Japan, 5″ long, $25+.
Tropical fish with rhinestone eyes, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $45-$40.
Trout, 1960s, made in Japan, 5″ long, $25+.
Trout, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ long, $25+.
Trout, 1960s, made in Japan, 7″ long, $25+.
Trout, 1970s, made in the Philippines, 4″ long, $25+.
Tropical fish with rhinestone eyes, souvenir of Multnomah Falls, Ore., 1960s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $30-$40.
Trout, 1960s, marked “Missouri the Show-Me State,” made in Japan, 5″ long, $25+.
Boy and girl fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ long, $25+.
Boy and girl flirting fish, 1950s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $25+.
Flirting girl fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25+.
Mr. and Mrs. Fish in hats, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ and 3″ h, $25+.
Game fish, 1960s, made in Japan, 5″ long, $25+.
“Tell it to the fin” fish in hats, one piece, 1950s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $35+.
Luster-ware fish, 1950s, unmarked, 4-1/4″ h, $20+.
Shakers in this section depict people, beings with human form or inanimate objects with human characteristics, and are the products of many makers.
This category includes “Naughties,” usually anatomically incorrect women in various poses. Also see figural forms made by specific makers.
Accordion-playing toy soldiers, 1986, can also hang as ornaments, 4-1/4″ h, $25+.
Angel with blue wings, 1940s, marked Rossware, 3-3/4″ h, $65-$75.
Angel with gold trim, 1940s, marked Rossware, 3-3/4″ h, $65-$75.
Little angels with gold trim, 1960s, made in Japan by Lefton, 4-1/4″ and 4″ h, $25-$35.
Frowning boys with pipes in plaid caps, 1940s, made in Germany, 3-1/2″ and 3-1/8″ h, $55-$65.
Formal boy in top hat, 1940s, made in Japan, 4-3/4″ h overall, $45-$55.
Boy and girl riding swans, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $25+.
Nude women, 1950s, unmarked, 3-3/4″ h, $65-$75.
Busty woman, 1950s, made in Japan, 7″ long, $75-$85.
Glass and metal chefs, 1970s (?), maker unknown, 3-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
Children with petal collars, late 1950s, unmarked, 2-1/2″ h, $25+.
Couple in 18th-century dress with gold trim, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ and 3-7/8″ h, $25+.
Sexy black and red girl devils, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-3/4″ h, $35-$45.
Cowboy, souvenir of Eden Valley, Minn., 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h overall, $45-$55.
Egghead couple with rhinestone eyes, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $30-$40.
Four-eyed rustic couple, 1950s, made by Enesco in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20-$25.
Girls in big hats with umbrellas, 1940s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $25-$35.
Portly gentlemen with pipes and canes, 1930s, made in Germany, 3-3/8″ h, $45-$55.
Girls in hats riding tropical fish, 1930s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25-$35.
Lady riding alligator, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h overall, 5″ long, $60.
Metropolitan Museum of Art satin and crystal footed shakers in a three-face pattern, contemporary, based on a Duncan & Miller mold, marked MMA, 3-1/4″ h, $45-$55.
Mr. and Mrs. Crazy Big-Head, late 1960s, unmarked, 4-3/4″ h, $25+.
Pilgrim women, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $20+.
Boy and girl pixies (?), with gold trim, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $20+.
Pixie heads, 1960s (?), unmarked, 3-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
Pixie heads, 1960s, unmarked, 3-3/4″ h, $40-$50.
Running spoon and fork, 1960s, made in Japan, 5-1/4″ h, $20.
Risque arguing couple, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-3/4″ h, $55-$65.
Running spoon and fork, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ and 4-1/2″ h, $20.
Showering couple, made as two pieces but sold attached, 1960s, made in Japan, 5″ h, $40+.
Southern belles in hoop skirts, early 1950s, souvenir of Des Moines, Iowa, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20-$25.
Spice of Life, 1950s, made in Taiwan, 6″ long, $55-$65.
Tired housewives, 1960s, unmarked, 5″ h, $35-$45.
Toby couple, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Toby bearded men (hobos?), 1960s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ h, $20+.
Tomato-head boy, 1940s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ h overall, $45+.
Black and white Venus de Milo, plastic, 1960s, 4″ h, $15-$25.
Victorian children, with threaded ceramic stoppers, 1930s, made in Japan, 3-1/8″ and 3-1/4″ h, $35-$45.
Winter children in long coats, 1940s, Occupied Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
The Blue Willow design may be linked to an ancient Chinese tale of two star-crossed lovers. The pattern was popularized by Josiah Spode in the late 18th century and produced by hundreds of makers over the years.
Bulbous, 1950s, 3-1/2″ h, $40-$50.
Bulbous, contemporary, 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Coffeepot, contemporary, 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Cows, contemporary, 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Cruet form with tray, 1950s, unmarked; tray, 5-1/2″ long; shakers, 3-1/2″ h, $55-$65.
Figural, contemporary, 4″ h, $20+.
Kitchen, contemporary, 3-7/8″ h, $25-$35.
Muffineer-form, 1940s, ink-stamped Japan, 4-1/2″ h, $175.
Obelisk, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/8″ h, $35-$45.
The shakers pictured here are drawn from literature, cartoons and pop culture.
Barber shaving a pig, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ and 3-3/4″ h, $20+. From the nursery rhyme: “Barber, barber, shave a pig! How many hairs to make a wig? Four and twenty, that's enough! Give the barber a pinch of snuff.”
The Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, 1950s, unmarked, 3-1/4″ h, $25.
Cowboys Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, 1993, 5-3/8″ and 5″ h, $55-$65.
Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, 2000, 5-3/8″ and 5″ h, $45-$55.
Bugs Bunny in leather jacket and Honey Bunny in poodle skirt, 1994, made in China, 5-3/4″ h, $35-$45.
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox, 1960s, origin unknown, 5-1/4″ and 3″ h, $25+.
Crows in hats (“Dumbo” characters?), 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h, $35-$45.
Dickensian characters, Bumble and Mrs. Gamp, 1940s, marked Germany, 3″ h, $65-$75 if perfect. Bumble is the Beadle in the workhouse depicted in Oliver Twist. Mrs. Gamp is a nurse in Martin Chuzzlewit.
Huck Finn and Becky, 1940s, marked Pat Pending 392, 4″ h, $125-$150.
Humpty Dumpty, 1950s, unmarked, 2-1/2″ h, $85-$100.
Humpty Dumpty sitting on wall, 1940s, unmarked, 3-1/2″ h, $65-$75.
Laughing Felix the Cat, contemporary, marked “Clay Art 1997,” 5″ h and 5″ long, $35+.
Little Bo Peep and her sheep, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $25.
Waving Mickey Mouse in car, 1990s, 3-1/4″ h overall, $45-$55.
Mickey Mouse in easy chair, 1990s, 3-1/4″ h overall, $45-$55.
Mickey and Minnie Mouse heads, 2000, 3-1/4″ and 3-3/8″ h, $45-$55.
Seated Minnie and Mickey Mouse, 1990s, 3″ and 3-3/8″ h, $45-$55.
Mother Goose and boy riding goose, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ and 4″ h, $20+.
Old King Cole and his Fiddler, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $20+.
Olive Oyl and Popeye, 1980, made in Korea, 7″ and 7-1/2″ h, $85-$100.
Pluto balancing teacup and with bones, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/8″ long and h, $25-$30.
Black and white Elvis with silver and gold trim, late 1980s (?), unmarked, 5-1/4″ h, $65-$75.
Smokey Bear, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $65-$75.
Snoopy on doghouse, Snoopy and roof are one piece, 1980s, 4-1/2″ h overall, $35-$45.
Sylvester and Tweety Bird on birdcage with mallet, 1993, 4-1/2″ h, $45-$55.
Sylvester and Tweety Bird in nest, 1990s, unmarked, 4-1/2″ and 2″ h, $45-$55.
Tasmanian Devil baseball players, 1990s, 4-1/4″ h, $45-$55.
Wiley Coyote and Roadrunner, 1993, 5-3/4″ and 5″ h, $35-$45.
Ziggy and his dog, Fuzz, 1979 copyright, made in Japan, 2-1/4″ and 3″ h, $25+.
Christmas-themed salt and pepper shakers add a festive touch to your holiday dinner table.
Birds with holly hats, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
Christmas angels, one with wreath, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ h, $20+.
Sleepy Christmas angels, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $25+.
Christmas angels with floral trim, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $35+.
Christmas girls with bell and candy cane, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-3/4″ h, $30+.
Holiday eggheads, 1980s, made in Western Germany, 4-5/8″ and 4-1/4″ h, $30+.
Holiday harps, 1970s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $25+.
Roly-poly Santa and Mrs. Claus, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $35+.
Roly-poly Santas, age unknown, unmarked, 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Santa serenade on the moon, 1970s, unmarked, 3-1/8″ h, $20+.
Santa and Mrs. Claus in rocking chairs, 1970s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $35+.
Santa and Mrs. Claus with sack and mitten, 1970s, unmarked, 3-3/4″ and 3-1/2″ h, $25+.
Santa and Mrs. Claus with sacks, 1960s, made in Japan, 4″ and 3/4″ h, $25+.
Santa and Mrs. Claus in sleigh, late 1960s, made in Japan, 5″ long, $35-$45.
Santa and Mrs. Claus in sleighs, 1960s, made in Japan by Lefton, 3-3/4″ h, $35+.
Santa and Mrs. Claus in teacups, contemporary, made by Lenox, 3-1/2″ h, $35-$45.
Santa and Mrs. Claus with wreaths, 1980s, unmarked, 5″ h and 4-3/4″ h, $25+.
Snowman and woman heads, 1960s, unmarked, 3″ h, $25+.
Snowmen in wooden sleigh, contemporary, snowmen 4″ h, sleigh 6-3/4″ long, $25+.
Victorian holiday shoppers, contemporary, made in China, 5-1/2″ and 6″ h, $25+.
White reindeer, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $30+.
Comedic clowns are some of the most popular performers at circuses, parades and other events, and these shakers perfectly capture just some of their entertaining antics.
Acrobat clowns, 1960s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ h, $20+.
Clown with dog, 1940s, made in Japan, 4″ and 2-3/4″ h, $40+.
Clown on a drum, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h overall, $20+.
Clown serenade, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ and 3-3/8″ h, $20+.
Clown heads, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h, $25+.
Clowns on donkeys, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $20+.
Clowns in blue hats, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20+.
Clown heads on drums, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $25+.
Clowns in green hats, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20+.
Clowns with gold trim, 1960s, made in Japan by Lefton, 4″ and 3-3/4″ h, $25+.
Lady clowns in handled tray, 1940s, made in Japan, 3″ h overall, $40+.
Luster-ware waving clowns, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $25+.
Mr. and Mrs. Clown, contemporary, unmarked, 3″ h, $20+.
Trumpeting clowns, 1960s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $20+.
Tumbling clowns, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ and 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Waving clowns, 1950s, made in Japan, 3″ h, $25+.
The shakers pictured here include stereotyped images of cultures and races. When produced, some were thought of as humorous depictions, but today these are more often seen as offensive and condescending. For good or ill, they are a part of our cultural legacy and remain a popular collecting category.
African children, 1988, made in Korea, 2-3/4″ and 2-1/2″ h, $25+.
Kissing African couple on wooden bench, 1960s, marked Japan, 4″ h and wide, $30-$40.
Black boys in caps, 1950s, marked Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $30-$40.
Black mammy and butler, contemporary, 3″ and 3-3/8″ h, $10-$15.
Black butler and mammy, plastic, 1950s, marked F&F Mold and Die Works – Made in USA, 5″ h, $70+.
Black mammy and butler, plastic, 1950s, marked F&F Mold and Die Works – Made in USA, 3-1/2″ h, $55+.
Black mammy and chef, 1940s, 4-1/2″ h, $30-$40.
Black mammy and chef, contemporary, souvenir of New Orleans, 4-1/4″ h, $25+.
Black mammy and chef with golf trim, 1940s, unmarked, 5-1/8″ and 5-1/4″ h, $65+.
Black chef and mammy with duck, contemporary, unmarked, 5″ h, $25-$35.
Black chefs, contemporary, unmarked, 4″ h, $15-$20.
Black figure, nodder, with watermelon wedge, 1950s, marked Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $250+. (See Nodding Shakers, P. 142.)
Black man wearing beret and watermelon wedge, 1950s, marked Japan, 2-1/2″ h and 3″ long, $55-$65.
Brown-skin chefs, 1950s, marked Japan, 3″ h, $25+.
Alpine kids, 1940s, made in Czechoslovakia, 2-3/4″ h, $35-$45.
Arab children, 1940s, marked Japan, 4-1/4″ h, $45.
Englishmen in hats, 1950s, made in England, 2-1/2″ h, $20+.
Ethnic heads, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-1/2″ and 2-3/4″ h, $20+.
Indian heads, 1950s, made in Japan, 2-3/4″ h, $30+.
Indians, 1950s, marked Niagara Falls, Canada, 2-1/2″ h, $25+.
Indians in feathers and war paint, 1950s, marked Japan, 4″ h, $45+.
Geisha and peasant, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $20+.
Little Indians, 1960s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h, $25-$35.
Oriental water carrier, 1940s, Occupied Japan, 4″ h, $25-$35.
Oriental children, 1950s, marked Germany, 2-3/4″ h, $65-$75.
Some might argue that shakers made in the form of other objects are miniature to begin with. Most of the shakers in this section are tiny novelties and represent a popular collecting category.
Balsamic vinegar and olive oil bottles, contemporary, 1-3/4″ and 2″ h, $20-$30.
Baby booties and bottle, 1950s, 2″ h and long, $20-$30.
Birthday cards, contemporary, 1-5/8″ h, $20-$30.
Cake and slice, 1-1/2″ and 2″ diameter without utensils, $35-$40.
Candleholders, 1-3/8″ h, $20-$30.
Coal scuttle and potbellied stove, 1-1/4″ and 2-3/8″ h, $20-$30.
Cowboy boots with spurs, 2″ h, $20-$30.
Sleeping dog with bone, 1-3/4″ and 2″ long, $20-$30.
Ethnic children, 1-3/4″ h, $20-$30.
Dustpan and broom, each 1-1/2″ long, $20-$30.
Gingerbread boy and rolling pin, each 2″ long, $20-$30.
Guitar and accordion, 2-1/2″ long and 1-1/2″ h, $35-$40.
Butter churn and milk can, 2″ and 1/2″ h, $35-$40.
Pocket watch and coin purse, each 1-1/8″ long, $35-$40.
Suitcase and valise, 1-1/2″ and 1-1/4″ long, $35-$40.
Thimble and spool, 1″ and 1-1/8″ h, $20-$30.
Toothbrush and toothpaste tube, 1930s, tube marked, “Toof Paste,” probably made in Japan, 4-3/4″ and 3-3/4″ long, $25-$35.
Salt and pepper shakers evolved from the English “muffineer” or sugar shaker.
Cranberry glass in a reeded pattern, contemporary, 4-1/4″ h, $50-$65.
Lead crystal, Primrose pattern (?), maker and age unknown, possibly German, 4-3/4″ h, $45.
Milk-glass in a grape motif, maker unknown, 1990s, 4-1/2″ h, $75-$100.
Moon-and-Stars pattern, maker unknown, 1950s-60s, 4-1/2″ h, $65-$75.
Three Face pattern, frosted and clear glass, footed, from a Duncan & Miller mold, early 1900s, 5″ h, $250.
Before there were bobble-heads, there were “nodders.” In this case, little figural shakers that sit in a holder and pivot in a nodding motion. As you might expect, they are fragile and easily damaged, so they often have a premium price.
Bass, late 1940s, made in Japan, 3″ h overall, $65-$75.
Mr. and Mrs. Cat, contemporary, marked “Clay Art – Made in China,” car 5″ long, $25-$35.
Ribbon cats, 1940s, souvenir of Chillicothe, Ohio, made in Japan, 3-3/4″ h, $65-$75.
Ducks, late 1940s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h overall, $65-$75.
Fawns, 1950s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $55-$65.
Game birds, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $55-$65.
Hen and rooster with condiment holder, 1940s, Occupied Japan, 5″ wide, $125-$150.
Hen and rooster, 1950s, souvenir of Grand Coulee Dam, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $55-$65.
Indians in decorated base, souvenir of Walla Walla, Wash., 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h, $65-$75.
Indians in a drum, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h, $65-$75.
Kangaroo and joey, 1950s, made in Japan, 4-1/4″ h, $65.
Pretentious pigs, late 1940s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $200-$225.
Pheasants, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/8″ h, $55-$65.
Pretentious pigs, with gold trim, late 1940s, made in Japan, 4″ h, $200-$225.
Skulls with rhinestone eyes, souvenir of Louisville, Ky., 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/2″ h overall, $55-$65.
Turkeys, late 1940s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ h overall, $65-$75.
Snake charmer and cobra, 1950s, made in Japan, 3-1/4″ and 4″ h, $125-$150.