A Gregorian Poll
Over the years, I’ve always followed the results of the Harris Poll and the Gallup Poll very closely. But I’ve always been bothered by the fact that I’ve never seen a Harris or a Gallup pollster! Now, if that is true of me, it must also be true of many readers. So if the pollsters have never come to you, here’s your chance to go to them. Fill in the opinion poll below and mail it to either the Harris or the Gallup office. The addresses are:
The Gallup Organization, Inc.
53 Bank
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
The Harris Poll Office
1 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, New York 10020
- Do you feel Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates should be chosen by the direct primary method; that is, the voters themselves recording their preference, thereby abolishing the present convention system?
- Do you feel that the electoral-college system for electing a President and Vice President should be abolished and that the total popular vote in the nation should be decisive?
- How do you feel about the money spent on election campaigning?
- □ Much Too High
- □ Too High
- □ A Little Too High
- □ About Right
- □ Too Low
- Do you think strong new legislation is needed to regulate campaign spending?
- Do you feel the present two-party system in the United States gives adequate expression to political differences of opinion?
- Do you feel that today’s Congressional procedures truly reflect the original intention of the US Constitution?
- Do you feel the seniority system for choosing Congressional committee chairmanships should be abolished?
- Do you feel the Constitution should be amended to lower the age qualification for President, Vice President, Senators, and Representatives?
- Rate in importance the issues facing the nation.
Very Important Important Not So Important
- The war in Vietnam
- Unemployment
- The economic condition of the country
- The “generation gap”
- “Crime in the streets”
- “Crime on Capitol Hill”
- Pollution and other ecological abuses
- Inability of different groups of Americans to communicate with each other
- Governmental surveillance on private citizens
- Other issues of your own choosing and their rating (list below)
- In the following list of names, check those names you think would make good Presidential timber. Add your names in the space provided at the end of the list:
- □ Dr. Ralph Abernathy
- □ Rep. Bella Abzug
- □ Lerone Bennett
- □ Fr. Daniel Berrigan
- □ William Berry
- □ Orzell Billingsley
- □ Julian Bond
- □ Leonard Boudin
- □ Dr. Kingman Brewster
- □ Dr. John L. Cashin
- □ Cesar Chavez
- □ Rep. Shirley Chisholm
- □ Rep. William Clay
- □ Rep. John Conyers
- □ Ossie Davis
- □ Rep. Ronald Dellums
- □ Earle B. Dickerson
- □ Charles Evers
- □ James Farmer
- □ Jane Fonda
- □ Kenneth Gibson
- □ Dr. Carlton Goodlet
- □ Jack Greenberg
- □ Fr. James Groppi
- □ Fannie Lou Hamer
- □ Dr. Archie Hargraves
- □ Richard Hatcher
- □ Dr. Charles Hurst
- □ Rev. Jesse Jackson
- □ Bob Johnson
- □ John H. Johnson
- □ Coretta King
- □ Rev. Charles Koen
- □ William Kunstler
- □ John Lewis
- □ Justice Thurgood Marshall
- □ Dr. Benjamin Mays
- □ Floyd McKissick
- □ Wayne Morse
- □ Ralph Nader
- □ Huey P. Newton
- □ A. Phillip Randolph
- □ Betty Shabazz
- □ Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth
- □ Rev. Chris Smith
- □ Carl Stokes
- □ Dr. Leon Sullivan
- □ Studs Terkel
- □ Rev. C. T. Vivian
- □ Alan Watts
- □ Dr. George Wiley
- □ Roy Wilkins
(list other names)
- Tear out and mail to the pollster of your choice.