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An hour had passed while Casey nervously looked out the window of the restaurant. There were now four empty coffee cups on the table, along with two half-eaten chocolate muffins.
“What time is it?” Casey asked, while nervously looking out the window
“It is a quarter to twelve and stop staring out the window. The waitress keeps looking at you.”
“I don’t care. I don’t think they are coming.”
“It isn’t time yet, and I think we had better wait in the car, or I think we might get asked to leave.”
“Yes, good idea. We will wait in the car.”
Brian left a five-pound note tip on the table, and they both left the restaurant to the strange looks that the staff were giving them.
“Just hold on Casey. Wait for me.” Brian shouted, as Casey began to run towards the car.
Just as she ran across the street, she heard Brian shout. “Stop.” Before she could turn around to see why, a white van was now screeching to a stop in front of her. She cringed, waiting for the impact, but it never came. As she opened her eyes everything now seemed in slow motion as Drake rushed out of the passenger side and grabbed hold of her. Brian raced over tugging at Casey’s arm.
“What are you doing Drake?” Brian shouted, as Casey was about to pass out with all the excitement.
“We have to go Brian. Get in the back of the van and I will explain everything.”
“No way. You are going to kill us. Let my wife go you animal.” Brian shouted, as he continued to try to pull Casey away from him.
“Get in you stupid man. They are going to kill us...”
Suddenly the sound of a gun being fired stopped them all their tracks. The tug of war with Casey stopped and both Brian and Drake looked at the blood that was now spreading across his white shirt. Drake fell to his knees just as another shot was fired. Drakes guards got out the van and began to fire shots up the street.
Billy suddenly realised he was in the middle of a gun fight and did the only thing he could as two men with guns outstretched in front, raced past his car, so he hunkered down as low as he could get. Just hoping they had not seen him.
“Get after them.” Drake shouted to his guards.
They took up defensive positions behind the cars parked along the street and continued to fire returning shots.
The two Russians took cover several cars away and reloaded.
Brian was now leant down, holding Drake in his arms. Casey had fainted and was now collapsed on the floor.
“There is an envelope in the van with instructions and money for you. Take them as far away as you can because they are now your responsibility.”
“What are you saying? Where is Ronald?”
“He is dead. You must go. Do not let them take...”
Drakes head flopped to one side; he was gone. Brian looked to see where Casey was and could see she was laying on the floor a few yards into the street. He could hear shots still being fired and flinched as one pinged off the pavement next to him. One of the guards rushed over to Casey and began to drag her to the side door of the van. As he slid the door open, Brian saw him flinch, as a bullet hit him in leg, but he carried on and threw Casey in the back. He turned to Brian and said only one word. “Go.” Without thinking, Brian shot up and got in the van. It had been left running, so he engaged it into first gear with a grind and shot off up the street.
Billy's heart was racing. He could hear the shots still being fired, but worse he could hear the van take-off up the street. He risked a peek. As he looked over the steering wheel, there was a guy in front of his car taking pot shots at the men further up the street. If he waited, he would lose them, but if he went now, he could get shot. With adrenaline pumping, Billy started the car. Instantly the man in front turned around and for a split-second they looked at each other. Then, like a paint ball hitting his screen, it was now covered in blood and the guy in front fell onto his bonnet. Billy shoved the car into reverse, hitting the car behind. Then slammed it into first gear, and wheel spun out into the street to the sound of a car screeching to a stop next to him, hitting his side door. Panic set in and without thinking, Billy continued to spin the wheels as his car had snagged on the car next to him. He slammed his car into reverse again and shot back. Then tried again to get away. The man in the car that had hit him was now getting out and was just about to get to Billy's passenger door when he managed to free the car and was now wheel spinning up the road.
He could not see the van in front and raced down the street. As he glanced in his rear-view mirror, he could see another man now trying to pick up the injured man that had been shot. He also saw a distraught driver waving his fists in the air. His heart was racing but not matter how crazy this all was, he could not let them get away.
As the road curved, he saw the van stopped at traffic lights. They were now changing too amber to get ready to go red. As he pulled up to the cars in front, they changed to red. Without thinking, Billy pulled out and raced past the cars waiting at the lights. A pedestrian was just about to walk across the road in front and seeing Billy coming towards them shot back, shouting something at him he could not hear. A second later, he was past the junction and gaining on the van. He had to slow down, or he might be noticed by them. There were two cars in front, and he tried to calm himself down. The panic was passing. Everything had gone from crazy, to normal in just a short time, and his mind was still catching up with what had just happened.
As the traffic cruised along, oblivious to what had just happened back there, a normality returned. As he looked outside of the car, everyone was just going about their normal day-to-day routines. Billy took in a large breath and felt calmer. As the traffic in front again slowed as they approached more traffic lights, he looked round for his mobile phone. He eventually spotted it on the floor of the passenger footwell. Billy had to tell Frank what had just happened. This was nothing like anything he had ever seen before and if felt unreal. People were now dead, and he was unsure if he should have stayed and told the Police. Was he now in trouble for leaving the scene of a murder? He began to panic again now knowing he may have done the wrong thing. As quickly as he could, he reached down for the phone and frantically rang Frank.
It seemed an agonising few seconds as he tried to stay calm, also trying to keep an eye on where the van in front was going. Finally, Frank answered.
“You are not going to believe this Frank. It has all kicked off.”
“Calm down Billy. Talk slowly and explain to me what has happened.” Frank said, as he could hear the panic in Billy's voice.
For the next few minutes, Billy tried to explain everything, unsure at what had really happened. Only knowing that Brian and Casey were now heading out of town, with two or more dead people left behind.
“Did you see anyone else in the van?”
“No, just one of the bodyguards putting Lacey in the back. I couldn't see what was in there from where I was parked.”
“Are you sure Ronald was not there?”
“Yes, it was just his brother Drake.”
“And you say he was shot.”
“Yes Frank. I have told you this.”
“I know Billy. I am just trying to make sure we know every detail. Don't worry, you won't be in trouble.”
“But I should have stayed there.”
“You did the right thing. What could you have done? Nothing. Can you still see the van?”
“Yes. I think they are heading north. Could be getting on the motorway soon. Err, hold on. Yes, there is a sign for the motorway in twelve miles time. I will know for sure in about ten minutes.”
“Good, keep following them. I will arrange for Liev to collect them once we know where they are going. Call me back if anything changes and keep well back. We don’t want to spook them.”
“Okay. But make it soon.”
“Don’t worry Billy. I would never put you in danger, just follow them and I will ring you back as soon as I can.”