
Cast of Characters:


System States Union:

Nathan Belloc, SSU Chancellor and President of Sparta

Frank Shaw, SSU Secretary of Industry & Trade

Mandy Sorensen, SSU Secretary for Defense

Mykhel Janicot, SSU Chief of Space Operations

Cptn. Obrist, Aerospace Defense Command Duty Officer

Lt. Ortega,

Cmdr. Yamaguchi, missile boat commander

Cmdr. Grant, missile boat commander

Cmdr. Roland Drake, missile boat commander

Cmdr. Powell, Head of SSU Naval Security

Bret Murphy, former Federation navy officer

Morgan, electronics technician

Cptn. Soroya, freighter skipper

Captain Cate Foster, FED naval officer and SSU spy



Federation of Planetary States:

Admiral Sergei Chenko, FED Navy Chief of Staff

General Frank Masterson, FED Army Chief of Staff

General Jonn Trojan, Head of the Joint Army/Navy Planning Group

Commodore Stacker, FED Navy

Captain Corvosier, Commanding Officer of FED Navy cruiser, Coral Sea

Captain Stevens, Commanding Officer of FED Navy cruiser, Kursk

Captain Korigan, FED Army

Lieutenant Lorelei Remington, FED Navy

Senior Lt. Gus Connor, courier pilot, FED Navy

Sylvia Santiago, Assistant Colonial Secretary