lapwing a lapwing standing on one leg

behind the strand and throwing its voice you

found an egg cracked and mottled like the new

moon at the end of the garden who knows

who you might be skulking face at the glazed

front door preferring not to open to

the postman your mother or you now she

has died and you resemble her letters

piled up and unread would you be wanting

anything from the village greet no one

red-faced priest who gave you sweets as a girl

but mutter mutter to yourself in a

thin shrill voice its edge like the lapwing’s egg

in your palm and cracked against your fingers


the mountains from the bedroom window smooth

are all breasts and pimples sharp are old teeth

you feel their breath on your neck father old

stony face back from the quarry tramping

decades of dust over the kitchen floor

in his boots from pebble-dashed house front to

pebble-dashed grave by way of a dusty

solicitor to my only daughter

I leave this unfinished business of dust

not dispersed but thickening in the air

I leave these windows uncleaned old sealed tomb

of a house a stone through the window stays

where it falls grey granite veined with ghost tides

gone out to whispers of I leave I leave


or your voice shrapnelling down the phone with

fuck you screams old bollocks face screams I know

your game I ask you come back ten minutes

later and still droning on filthy stuff

never heard the like and the poor doctor

trying to call who’s there get off the line

I’ll have the Guards on you screams hang up go

stand on the beach where the little terns nest

gazing off towards the tunnels through the Head

the marvels of Victorian railway

engineering are we reduced to this

station gone an optional stop and a

woman prone by the boulders seen from the

train window a crow dead in its feathers



or flat on a bench laughing at nothing

when asked to move on the accused began

to abuse passers-by in colourful

terms women expressed concern for get to

hell or if not laugh stony-faced blank whole

days without speaking to anyone pick

through the death notices he was no good

down the hatch with him faint rumble of bells

in the morning funeral masses of

broken glass shit sick and blood on your floor

or other days the floodtide in the head

stops eerie calm and the blue flowers blow

on the lane where donkeys ate your apples

such stillness have you a child is it you



memories are shredding what clings on all

starting over to shrieks and mutters of

out and away with you down the road in

rags and disgrace and the clank of your thin

plastic bags between the high hedges and

over the stones past the trains and low tide

will it stop here where only the bright stones

and the sea all bare and glitter the sun

on the tunnels through the Head where once but

these days no one but me father coming

and going where only a heron’s eye

makes me out and shutting is gone in the

warm close dark is this where you’re taking me

far faint last light drowning are we there yet