Notwithstanding it has been established by his late Majesty

that children raised in perfect silence teach themselves Hebrew,

& harried by interruptions to my studies (marching south

from Turriff we took and lost the fair city of Aberdeen,

while at Worcester I carried my papers into battle & suffered

their most grevious loss: all my quinternions – used for

the packing up of figs in the marketplace – gone!); more

tremendous yet than this, a vision has been vouchsafed me

of a dialect above all others perfect. Alone among places

the dwellings, temples, and dens of Cromarty have retained

their Greek names of old, awaiting only the perfection

of human speech that we might enter the New Arcadia.

Should I utter a word never before heard in this tongue,

it is understood readily by all; in fourscore words and ten

it conveys whole folios at once. There is no English word

but I will translate it into another of the same length,

employing identical letters, daydreaming the while

of a bald-pated fellow I saw in Madrid who believed

he was Julius Caesar. Daydreaming that I am Julius Caesar,

Alexander the Great, Isaiah the Prophet, the Prince of Denmark,

all conversing most sagely in the tongue I have fashioned.

The which I did roar at my equerry amid the skirmish

at Worcester, to gather my scattering papers, to no avail.

My studies beset by damnable intermittences (the trumpeting

of clergymen, their scolding more like a tripe-seller’s wife

than good counsel). The which tongue I am at last resolved

to unveil. Which I shall now unveil. Which I shall shortly unveil:

shortly, which is to say never. Which I shall never unveil.