Birchwood ankle-deep in leafy mulch:

borrowed green of a buried can of Grolsch,

all living streams iced over or departed;

wrecks of chestnuts echoing, empty-hearted,

hollow victories woodpeckers tap

on trunks picked open for a place to sleep.

The breeze’s whistling summons and refines

itself to a buzzard’s wheep beyond the pines,

where arrowheads of geese above the farm

lock onto, lose their target, and reform.

Eggbox hills that line the far horizon

draw a ribbon out of slowly-rising

tracks that circle straggling round the village

millponds, quarry, setts, a gateless gate-lodge

keeping nothing in or out. A dipper

breasts the Don and wades in deep and deeper;

a porch light glimpsed among trees might be my house.

The path wants feet, it will not matter whose.

Whose woods these are I couldn’t claim to know,

the way I go all ways, on in back through.