A wagtail’s tail measuring grain

by grain salt to judge from its St

Vitus’ dance seesawing over

the driveway and on down the hill

to the park fitful yet careful

completing one circuit of the

estate and starting another

it keeps on from morning till night


as to the dawn-numb body the

circulatory system these

slip-roads to the a96

the dark car dashboard fruit-machines

to life and the wakeful fireflies

of drive-time wink each to the next

until cresting the hill we find

unwrapped by first light tower blocks


part of an oilrig a giant’s

yo-yo on the roundabout by

the turn for the airport traffic

sluggish today as the price of

a barrel of North Sea crude the

talk of little else for offshore

workers lighting up anent the

terminal before flying out


girders cabins portaloos pipes

exoskeletons of venture

capital in the unfinished

business park seek tax breaks ‘Invest’

screams Alex Ferguson red-faced

from a billboard quick flows the Don

and deep lies the coastal shelf of

waiting untapped revenue streams


implacable Petropolis

where from the car window should I

seek your softer edges rabbits

grazing on the traffic islands

a deer at the edge of the woods

still uncleared for the new estates

snout cocked by the electric fence

pulsing in time to its heartbeat



astray on the outer suburbs’

works floor of greenbelt-destruction

faceless strolls a schoolboy past the

sandpit of balletic diggers

and forklifts and compels amid

their bustle my gaze sole smudge on

the move not screaming hi-vis lime

but bleak and sorry human grey