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Abram, David
Ackerman, Diane
ADM, see Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
advertising: and processed food
A. E. Staley; see also Staley, Gene
Africa: Ik people; !Kung people; rice in; and spread of European agriculture
Ag Processing, Inc.
aggressive exotics
agriculture: arable land limit; beginnings; catastrophe as precondition; commodities as focus; and concept of progress; and dehumanization; environmental effects of industrialization; exporting U.S. products; and famine; vs. farming; and floodplains; and government; vs. growing food; impact of wheat-beef culture; impact on health of early settlers; and imperialism; and irrigation; preconditions; vs. proto-agriculture; reasons for invention; relationship to poverty; role of cultivation; sedentism as precondition; shift from increasing acreage to increasing yield; spread of domestication; tropical vs. temperate; and values; and water-quality problems; and wealth vs. poverty; see also catastrophic agriculture
Alaska Highway
Albala, Kenneth
allergies: corn pollen
Allport, Susan
American Can Company
American Indians
American Maize
American Publishing Co.
Andes Mountains: climate for potatoes; Inca civilization; potato as agricultural basis; potato domestication
Andre & Cie
Andreas, Dwayne: efficiency joke; interview; takes over ADM; see also Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
Andreas, Martin
Andreas, Michael
arable land; limits to
Aral Sea
Archer, George
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM): and corn syrup; expansion under Andreas; and federal subsidies; and food as commodity; as food processor; and grain corn; and lysine; price-fixing scandals; products; and public broadcasting; Supermarket to the World slogan; see also Andreas, Dwayne
Argentina: horses in; as a neo-Europe
artisan bakeries
Assiniboine Sioux Indians
Australia: aborigines; cattle in; horses in; koalas in; as neo-Europe; sheep in
Aztecs: culinary elitism; food in; and maize; nixtamalization of corn
B vitamins
back-to-the-land movements
“balanced diet,”
Basque-speaking people
Beal, W J.
Becoming Human
Beecher, Catherine
beef: and fast-food industry
Benedictine monks
Bergland, Bob
Beringia, see land bridge
Berry, Wendell
Biblical flood
biodiversity, see diversification
Bloome, Peter
Borlaug, Norman
Boyle, T. Coraghessan
branding: and processed food
Brazil: as a neo-Europe
bread: artisan bakeries; in history; “our daily bread,” reverence for
brew pubs
buffalo jumps; see also bison
Bunge & Borne Group
burial rituals
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Butz, Earl
Cahokia (ancient settlement)
Canada: as a neo-Europe
Canary Islands
Capron, Horace
carbohydrates: complex vs. simple
Cargill, Inc.
Carter, Jimmy
Castro, Jorge
catastrophic agriculture: catastrophe as precondition; cattle as ally; Chinese example; introducing non-native plants and animals; refugium against; role of poverty, government and famine. and weed species
cattle: as ally of catastrophic agriculture; in Australia; see also wheat-beef culture
Caucasians: defined; in neo-Europes
Caucasus Mountains
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca
cave art
cereals: processed; see also grains
CG system
chaos theory
Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge
chemical fertilizers: consumption growth trend; and crop yield; environmental impact; and hybridization; nitrogen in runoff; role in industrial agriculture
Cheng Ho
Chez Panisse
Chicago Sun-Times
children: and “edible schoolyard” project; and obesity; and sugar
chimpanzees: similarities to humans; use of food as bonding experience
China: early agricultural settlements; early views on food; and European trade; famine in; as grain producer; Great Leap Forward; Great Wall; imperialism in; invention of horse collar; rice domestication; similarity to neo-Europes; Ta-hsi culture
Chiquita bananas
Christianity: asceticism in; body-soul dualism; and “daily bread,”; feasting and fasting; initial role of food
Churchill, Winston
CIMMYT (International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat)
Clark, Ralph
Clinton, Bill
Clovis people
Coe, Sophie
Cohen, Mark
Colgate & Company
Colorado River
Columbia River
Columbus, Christopher: introduces pigs to New World
Combarelles, see cave art
communal feasting
commodities: vs. other food
communicable diseases, see diseases
companion planting
Conservation Reserve Program
Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CG system)
Continental Grain Co.
Cook, Captain James
cooperatives: farm
corn (maize): and ADM; American corn in Mexico; China as producer; as commodity; as crop in surplus; domestication; effect of subsidizing; environmental impact of production; ethanol derivative; exporting U.S. product; grain-type; hybridization; increasing yield; as major U.S. crop; in Mayan and Pueblo civilizations; as most important crop; and neo-Europe concept; nixtamalization; origin; processing; in world’s diet
corn pollen
Corn Products Company
corn syrup: and ADM; early use; marketing; vs. sugar; and surplus corn
counterculture, see food counterculture
Cro-Magnon people: cave painters as; and LBK; relationship to Basque-speaking people; role of salmon
crop rotation
crop subsidies, see, farm subsidies
Crosby, Alfred W.
Daniels, John
Daniels, Paul
Darwin, Charles
Davis, Gray
Day Before America, The
de Soto, Hernando
Dead Zone, Gulf of Mexico
deer hunting
Depression, see Great Depression
developing countries: effects of hyper-agriculture; and processed foods; role of climate; and U.S. grain surplus
Diamond, Jared
diseases: among sedentary people; sickle-cell anemia; smallpox; and spread of agriculture
Dole, Bob
Dole, Elizabeth
domestication: crop beginnings; crops vs. animals; east-west axis; and genetic engineering; as human-driven evolution; north-south axis; preconditions; role of cultivation; wild vs. domestic plants
Dorame, Juan
Drache, Hiram
Dreyfus, Louis
Dust Bowl
Duvick. Don
dwarf plants: breeding
eating disorders
Ecological Imperialism
Egypt: famine in
Ehrlich, Paul
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Euphrates River: as site of first agriculture
Evans, Lloyd T.
evolution: biological vs. cultural : see also coevolution
exporting U.S. agricultural products; see also surplus grains
extinction, mass
fad foods
famine; in history; and imperialism; in Ireland
farm subsidies: and ADM; attempts to phase out; effect on value of grain; and farm crisis; federal irrigation projects; and fertilizer consumption; and Great Depression; increases over time; and marginal land; as source of income; as type of welfare state; in U.S. history
farmers’ markets
farming: vs. agriculture; consolidation of farms; impact of fast-food industry; vs. proto-farming; as punishment; as unattractive idea; see also agriculture
fast-food industry; and beef; impact on farming; and potatoes; sugar trend
Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation
Federal Surplus Relief Corporation
Feeding the Ten Billion
fertilizers, chemical: consumption growth trend; and crop yield; environmental impact; and hybridization; nitrogen in runoff; role in industrial agriculture
field corn, see grain corn
Fields Without Dreams
fire: as agricultural method
Fischler, Claude
Fish Culture Classics
fish farming
fishing: fly-fishing; as hunter-gatherer activity; salmon; as sustainable enterprise
Fletcher, Horace
food: as bonding experience; as commodity; cultural reverence for; elite cuisine in history; and ethnicity; packaging; taboos; us/them distinctions; and value-added manufacturing; wartime rationing; see also processed food
food counterculture : back-to-the-land movements; Chez Panisse example; farmers’ markets; organic farming; Slow Food Movement
food faddists
Food for Peace program
food processors, see processed food
food stamps
Fort Belknap, Montana
Fox, Mike
France: cave art
Freedom To Farm Act
Fussell, Betty
Gao Zu
Garden of Eden
Gardner, John
Gascar, Pierre
gasohol; see also ethanol
Gebauer, Anne Birgitte
General Foods
genetic record
Glacier National Park
Gladstone, William E.
Goold, Gayle
Goring, Hermann
Gould, Stephen Jay
government: and agriculture; subsidies; see also farm subsidies
Graham, Sylvester
Graham Cracker
grain corn
grains: Chinese production; effect of subsidizing; as food of the poor; and food processing; as foundation of civilization; and neo-Europe concept; starch in; in world’s diet; see also corn; rice; wheat
graves, see burial rituals
Great Depression
Great Human Disaster, The
Great Leap Forward
Great Wall of China
Green Revolution
Gros Ventre Indians
Guadalupe, Bernal
Gulf of California, see Sea of Cortez
Gulf of Mexico; Dead Zone
Guns, Germs, and Steel
Han Dynasty
Hanson, Victor Davis
harvest index
hay: as major U.S. crop
health-food movement
Higham, Charles
hogs: grain-fed; and industrialized farming; introduced to New World; waste problem
Homestead Act
honey: as dietary wild card
horse collars
horses: in Europe; evolution; in North America; role in spread of agriculture
human beings: ancient nutrition; brain size; burial rituals; comparing skeletal remains: as hunter-gatherers; omnivorous appetite; planet-wide ubiquity; study of human nature
hunger; see also famine
hunter-gatherers: character traits; comparative health; Cro-Magnons as; division of labor; fishermen as; health compared with farmers; and hunger; Koyukon people as; powers of perception; and proto-agriculture; role of women; use of tools; variety of plants and animals; as victims of agricultural imperialism
hunting; “buffalo jump” technique; by chimpanzees; fly-fishing as; sensory aspect
Hussovianus, Nicholas
hybridization: and consolidation of farms; corn; and selling of seed
Ik people, Uganda
imperialism: and agriculture; and famine; and sugar
Incas: and potatoes; see also Andes Mountains
India: adoption of agriculture; rice domestication; wheat surplus
indigenous people: and disease
Indo-European languages
industrial agriculture: as capital-intensive; defined; impact on rural America; role of climate; vs. sustainable agriculture; see also Archer Daniels Midland; processed food
Industrial Revolution
infectious diseases, see diseases
International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat (CIMMYT)
Ireland: and famine; and oats; and potatoes
irrigation; federal projects as form of subsidy
Island Within, The
Jackson, James C.
Japan: food history
Jefferson, Thomas
Jung Seed Company
Kahl, Gordon
Karo Syrup
Keeley, Lawrence H.
Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey
Kennedy, John F.
Kentucky bluegrass
Khrushchev, Nikita
King Midas
Kingsford’s Cornstarch
Kirschenmann, Fred
Koyukon people
Krause’s end-bulbs
Kroc, Ray
!Kung people
lactose intolerance
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste
land, see arable land; marginal land
land-bank program
land bridge
land grant colleges
Landscape and Memory
languages: Basque language; Indo-European languages; Uralic languages
Lascaux, see cave art
Lasch, Christopher
late blight
LBK (Linearbandkeramik)
leafy spurge
Legacy of the Land
Letters to a Young Poet
Levenstein, Harvey
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lincoln, Abraham: and government subsidies
Linearbandkeramik (LBK)
linseed oil
livestock: in Australia; grain-fed; see also hogs; wheat-beef culture
Love, John F.
MacLeish, William H.
maize, see corn (maize)
Make Prayers to the Raven
Malthus, Thomas
Mandan Indians
Manifest Destiny
Mardi Gras
marginal land
Marshall, Lorna
Martin, Paul
Marx, Karl
mass extinctions
Matson, Pamela
Mazola Oil
McGuane, Tom
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)
Mexico: and American corn; Aztec civilization; cultural reference for food; growth of industrial agriculture; maize domestication; Sea of Cortez; Yaqui Valley
Midas (king)
Middle East: burial rituals; early settlements; egalitarianism among early Muslims; hunting as sumptuary practice; Neolithic Revolution; role of food in early Christianity; as site of first agriculture; spread of crop and animal domestication; Western civilization; wheat domestication
Midland Linseed Products
Mintz, Sidney
Molleson, Theya
Mortimer, Charles
Mundt, Chris
Murton, Brian
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
music: sensory aspect
Na-Dene language
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Native Americans
natural disasters: as precondition for agriculture
Natural History, of the Senses
Naylor, Rosamond
Neanderthals: burial rituals
Nelson, Richard
neo-Europes; European emigration to; role of climate
Neolithic Revolution
New England Small Farm Institute
New Zealand: introducing non-native organisms; as neo-Europe
Nile River
nitrogen: in corn fertilizer runoff; and Dead Zone in Gulf of Mexico; environmental impact
Nixon, Richard
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North American Indians: Assiniboine Sioux; differences in cultures; and disease; Eskimo; Gros Ventres; Inuit; Mandan; Pacific Northwest; Plains
North Plains Premium Beef
nutrition,: ancient; and processed food; and USDA; and World War II,
oats: and Ireland
obesity as mark of poverty
Oglalla Aquifer
Old Testament: Garden of Eden myth; great Hood in
Olea, Miguel
omnivore’s dilemma
organic farming
Ortiz Monasterio, Ivan
Ottoman empire
padded horse collars
Parra, Enrique Orozco
Persian empire
Philip Morris
Phytophthora infestans fungus
pigs, see hogs
Pilcher, Jeffrey
Pioneer Hy-Bred Corn Company
Pirsig, Robert
Plains Indians
plants: breeding; candidates for domestication; colonizing annuals; color in; and omnivore’s dilemma; photosynthesis. weeds; wild vs. domestic
population: increases; in rural America
Posse Comitatus
Post, Charles W.
Potato, The
potatoes: Andean origin; and class structure; and climate; crop failure; cultivation; domestication; in England; as food vs. commodity; as important crop; in Inca culture; and Irish; late blight disease; origin; role in fast-food industry; starch in
poverty: as ever-present; and obesity; relationship to agriculture; vs. wealth, role of agriculture
Poverty and Famine
Price, T. Douglas
Primal Feast, The
processed food: advertising; background; marketing; and nutrition; and surplus grains; value-added concept; see also Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
progress, as concept
protein: fish
Pueblo Indians
Raffensperger, Carolyn
railroad land grants
rationing of food
rats: role in agriculture
Reagan, Ronald
rice: breeding dwarfs; Chinese production; as crop in surplus; domestication; early Chinese settlements; as food vs. commodity; harvest
, index; increasing yield; origin; starch in; in world’s diet
Richey, F. D.
Rilke, Rainer Maria
. Rivers of Empire
Road to Wellness, The
Rockefeller Foundation
Roman empire: agricultural trade region; banquet cuisine; crop subsidies; culinary elitism; famine in
Roosevelt, Franklin
rotation crop
Rozin, Paul
rural America
Sabban, Françoise
saddle quern
Sahagún, Friar Bernardino de
salmon; wild vs. farmed
Scandinavia: adoption of agriculture
Schama, Simon
Sea of Cortez; see also Yaqui Valley, Mexico
sedentism: and children; and grain-based nutrition; vs. hunter-gatherer movement; as precondition for agriculture; role of fishing; in Scandinavia
Sefton, Emmett
Sen, Amartya
senses: and hunter-gatherers; and hunting; and music; powers of perception; role in survival of species
sheep: in Australia
shrimp farming
sickle-cell anemia
Singh, Ravi
skeletal remains: comparing
slave labor; and Great Wall of China; and sugarcane
Slow Food Movement
Smith, Bruce
soda: and fast-food industry
soft drinks: and fast-food industry
soil conservation; see also crop rotation
South Africa: as a neo-Europe
soybeans: and ADM; environmental impact of production; as major U.S. crop
Spell of the Sensuous, The
Staley, Gene
starvation, see famine
Story of Corn, The
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
subsidies, see farm subsidies
subsistence crops
sugar: background; consumption; vs. com syrup; as dietary wild card; and fast-food industry; and malnutrition; role in exploration and imperialism; in schools; from starch; wartime rationing
sugarcane; see also sugar
surplus grains: and developing world
sustainable agriculture
“swidden agriculture,”
swine. see hogs
Ta-hsi people
taboos, food
taming, see domestication
Tang (Chinese emperor)
Tattersall, Ian
Tishkoff, Sarah A.
trade: in African-Eurasian economy; Chinese role; and Roman empire; in Scandinavia; see also NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Tudge, Colin
Turnbull, Colin
United Fruit Company
Uralic languages
Uruguay: as a neo-Europe
USDA: and “balanced diet,” conflicting roles; and processed food; stated reasons for being
value-added manufacturing: and food
virgin soil epidemics
Vogel, Sarah
von Haast, Julius
Wallace, Henry A.
Wallace. Henry C.
water quality: agriculture-related problems; in Illinois
Waters, Alice
wealth vs. poverty: role of agriculture
wheat: breeding dwarfs; China as producer; as crop in surplus; domestication; effect of subsidizing; exporting U.S. product; as food vs. commodity; harvest index; increasing yield; as major U.S. crop; and neo-Europe concept; origin; starch in; surplus, and processed food; surplus in India; in world’s diet
wheat-beef culture: as Caucasian; role of horse in spread of agriculture; in Scandinavia; world impact; see also livestock
Whitacre, Mark
wild grasses
Wilder, Dr. Russell
Wilson, E. 0.
Wittfogel, Karl
women: in hunter-gatherer societies
World Bank
Worster, Donald
Yangtze River basin, China: early agricultural settlements; rice domestication : Ta-hsi culture
Yaqui Valley, Mexico
Yellow River basin, China
Zarins, Juris
Zuckerman, Larry