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Adams, John
affirmative action
African Americans
Agnew, Spiro T.
Albert, Carl
Ambassadors at Sea (Catto)
American Civil Liberties Union
American Farm Bureau Federation
American Heritage
American Independent Party
Americans for Democratic Action
Anderson, John B.
antiwar protests
Apollo moon mission
Arends, Leslie
Associated Press
Backfire bomber
Baker, James A., III
Bayh, Birch
Beame, Abraham
Becker, Benton
Berlin Wall
Bernstein, Carl
Betty Ford Clinic
bicentennial celebrations
Boggs, Hale
Boston Globe
Bradlee, Benjamin C.
Bray, Thomas J.
Brezhnev, Leonid
Broder, David S.
Brokaw, Tom
Brown, Garry
Brown, Jerry
Brown, Phyllis
Buchanan, Patrick J.
Buchen, Philip
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Burch, Dean
Burdick v. United States
Burger, Warren E.
Burns, Arthur F.
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Callaghan, James
Callaway, Howard “Bo,”
Cambodia bombing of Mayaguez and
Camp David accords (1979)
Campus Disorders Act (1968)
Cannon, Clarence
Cannon, Lou
Cape Verde
Carey, Hugh
Carswell, G. Harrold
Carter, Jimmy
Camp David accords and
Ford friendship with
inauguration of
Carter, Rosalyn
Carter Center
Castro, Fidel
Catto, Henry E., Jr.
CBS television
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
domestic spying scandal
Rockefeller Commission report on
Chase, Chevy
Cheney, Dick
Christian fundamentalists
Church, Frank
civil rights
Clinton, Bill
Colby, William E.
Cold War
Colson, Charles W.
Commerce Department
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP)
Communism, fall of
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
Congressional Quarterly
Connally, John
Cooper, John Sherman
Council of Economic Advisers
Couzens, James
Craig, Gregory
Cranston, Alan
Cronkite, Walter
Missile Crisis
Dean, John W., III
Defense Department
deficit spending
DeLay, Tom
Democratic National Committee
Watergate headquarters burglarized
Democratic National Convention of 1968,
Democratic Party
election of 1968 and
election of 1972 and
election of 1974 and
election of 1976 and
Ford pardon of Nixon and
Ford presidency and
Nixon impeachment and
Southern “Dixiecrats” and
Derwinski, Edward J.
Detroit News
Dewey, Thomas
Dole, Robert J.
Dominican Republic
Douglas, William O.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Dukakis, Michael
Dulles, Allen
Dynasty (TV program)
Eastern Europe
Ford-Carter debates and
Helsinki Accords and
East Germany
East Timor
economic issues
Economic Policy Board
Egyptian-Israeli accords
of 1974,
of 1979,
Ehrlichman, John D.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
of 1948,
of 1960,
of 1962,
of 1964,
of 1966,
of 1968,
of 1970,
of 1972,
of 1974,
of 1976,
of 1980,
of 2000,
Elizabeth II, queen of England
Emerging Republican Majority, The (Phillips)
energy crisis
Equal Rights Amendment
European Community
Evergreen Review
executive branch, power of
See also “imperial presidency”
“executive privilege,”
Face the Nation (TV program)
Farnon, Robert
Federal Aid Highway Act (1956)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Reserve
Fenwick, Millicent
Finance Committee to Re-Elect the President (FCREEP)
Finch, Robert H.
Firestone, Leonard
Ford, Dorothy Ayer Gardner King, (mother)
Ford, Elizabeth Ann Bloomer Warren “Betty” (wife)
alcohol problems of
breast cancer and
campaign of 1975–76 and
as GOP moderate
marries Gerald R. Ford
retirement and
Ford, Gerald Rudolf, Sr. (stepfather)
Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr. (originally Leslie Lynch King Jr.)
adopted by stepfather and name changed
Asian tours of
assassination attempts on
awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom
awarded “Profile in Courage Award,”
birth, childhood, and youth of
cabinet and staff of
calls for new GOP strategy in 1965,
Carter friendship and
chairs House Republican Conference
character and political ambition of
CIA domestic spying scandal and
Clinton impeachment and
debates with Carter and
desire of, to be Speaker of the House
Dole as running mate of
Douglas impeachment effort and
early career of, in House
East Timor and
economic policies of
as “Eisenhower Republican,”
elections of 1960 and
elections of 1962 and
elections of 1968 and
elections of 1972 and
elections of 1974 and
elections of 1976 and loss to Carter and
enters politics vs. McKay machine
final State of the Union address
first wins House seat in 1948,
football career of
Helsinki Accords and
House Appropriations Committee and
as House minority leader
House rebellion vs. Martin and
human rights and
illness and death of
JFK friendship and
in law school
leadership style of, in Congress
legacy of presidency of
marries Elizabeth Warren
Mayaguez incident and
memoir of
Middle East and
New York fiscal crisis and
Nixon campaign of 1972 and
Nixon friendship and
Nixon impeachment and resignation and
Nixon pardon and
Nixon presidency and
nomination campaign of 1975–76 and
presidency of, after Nixon resignation
presidency of, and battles with Congress
presidential style of
public relations by, and Republican causes
replaces Agnew as vice president
retirement decades of
Rockefeller as vice president for
Rockefeller dropped by, for 1976 campaign
Senate run turned down by
stagflation and WIN campaign of
Supreme Court appointment by
sworn in as president and inaugural address of
Tulane University speech of
as vice president, and defense of Nixon
Vietnam War and
Vladivostok summit and
Warren Commission and
Watergate scandal and
World War II and
Ford, Henry
Ford, John (son)
Ford, Michael (son)
Ford, Not a Lincoln, A (Reeves)
Ford, Steven (son)
Ford, Susan (daughter)
Ford Motor Company
Ford Paint & Varnish Company
Ford Presidential Library (Ann Arbor)
Ford Presidential Museum (Grand Rapids)
Foreign Assistance Act (1974)
Fortas, Abe
Frankel, Max
Fromme, Lynette “Squeaky,”
Front for the Liberation of East Timor (FRETILIN)
Gardner, Dorothy Ayer (mother)
Garfield, James A.
gay rights
Gerald Ford Public Policy Center, University of Michigan
Gerald R. Ford Foundation
Goldwater, Barry
Good Life, A (Bradlee)
Gore, Al
Graham, Billy
Graham, Martha
Great Society programs
Greene, John Robert
Greenspan, Alan
Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn)
gun control
Haig, Alexander M., Jr.
Haldeman, H. R.
Halleck, Charles
Halloween Massacre
Halsey, William “Bull,”
Hannon, Harold
Harlow, P. Bryce
Hartmann, Robert T.
Hatfield, Mark
Havel, Václav
Hayakawa, S. I.
Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.
Hearst Corporation
Heckler, Margaret
Helms, Jesse
Helsinki Accords
Helsinki Commissions on Human Rights
Hemingway, Ernest
Hersh, Seymour
Hesburgh, Theodore
Hiss, Alger
Ho Chi Minh
Hoeven, Charles
Hoffa, Jimmy
Hofstra University conference on Ford presidency (1989)
Honecker, Erich
Hoover, Herbert
human rights
Humor and the Presidency (Ford)
“Humor and the Presidency” symposium (1986)
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill
Hunt, E. Howard
Hyland, Bill
“imperial presidency,”
“I’m Sorry, Mr. President” (Reeves)
Iranian hostage crisis
Isaacson, Walter
Israeli-Arab conflict
Jackson, Henry “Scoop,”
Jaworski, Leon
Jefferson, Thomas
John F. Kennedy Foundation
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jonkman, Bartel J.
Justice Department
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Edward M.
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennerly, David Hume
Kent County (Michigan) Republican Party
Keynesian theory
Khmer Rouge
Kilpatrick, James J.
King, Leslie Lynch, Sr. (father)
King, Leslie Lynch, Jr. See Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kipke, Harry
Kissinger, Henry A.
Koh Tang Island
Korean War
Korey, William
Kraft, Joseph
Labor Department
LaGuardia Airport bombing
Le Duc Tho
LeMay, Curtis
Levi, Edward H.
Lewinsky, Monica
Liddy, G. Gordon
Liechty. Philip
Lindsay, John V.
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lombardi, Vince
Lon Nol
MacArthur, Douglas
Making of the President 1972, The (White)
Malinowski, John P.
Mann, James
Manson, Charles
Markman, Stephen
Marshall Plan
Martin, Graham
Martin, Joseph W.
Mayaguez incident
McCarthy, Joseph
McCloy, John T.
McCullough, David
McGovern, George S.
McGrory, Mary
McKay, Frank D.
McKinley, William
Meany, George
Meet the Press (TV show)
Meijer, Frank
Meijer, Fred
Meijer, Hank
Meir, Golda
Michigan Republican Party
Middle East
Miller, Charles T.
Miller, Norman
missile program
Mitchell, John
Mondale, Walter
Monterey, USS (aircraft carrier)
Moore, Sara Jane
Morton, Rogers C. B.
Muskie, Edmund S.
National Archives
National Collegiate Athletic Association leadership award
National Commission on Federal Election Reform
National Day of Prayer and Remembrance ceremony (2001)
National Review
National Security Agency
National Security Council
NBC News
Nessen, Ron
New Deal
New York City fiscal crisis
New York Daily News
New York Times
Nixon, Julie
Nixon, Richard M.
Agnew resignation and
California governor’s race of 1962 and
Congress and
early friendship of, with Ford
economy and
election of 1960 and
election of 1968 and
election of 1972 and
election of 1976 and
Ford as vice president and
Ford dissipates pall of
Ford’s retirement and
human rights and
impeachment and resignation of
Justice Department and
pardon of
Patman Committee hearings and
presidency of
presidential style of
secret letters of, to Thieu
Soviet Union and
Vietnam and
Watergate scandal and
Nolan, Martin
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Vietnam
O’Brien, David M.
O’Brien, Lawrence F.
embargo of 1973,
windfall taxes and
Operation Frequent Wind
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Panama Canal
Papua New Guinea
Paris Peace Accords (1973)
Parmet, Herbert S.
Patman, Wright
Pham Van Dong
Phillips, Kevin
Phuoc Binh, capture of
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Points of Rebellion (Douglas)
Pol Pot
Porter, Sylvia
Portrait of the Assassin (Ford and Stiles)
Proxmire, William
Pueblo, USS (intelligence ship)
Quinn, Kenneth M.
Rabin, Yitzhak
Reagan, Ronald
on Ford
presidential nomination fight of 1975–76 and
presidential campaign of 1980,
recession of 1974–75
Red Scare
Reeves, Richard
Republican National Committee
Republican National Convention
of 1940,
of 1964,
of 1968,
of 1976,
Republican Party
Eisenhower and
election of 1960 and
election of 1962 and
election of 1964 and
election of 1970 and
election of 1972 and
election of 1974 and
election of 1976 and
Ford and leadership in House
Ford and moderates
Ford as vice president and
Ford presidency and
nomination fight of 1976 and
South and
Vietnam War and
Watergate and
Republican Right (conservatives)
Rhodes, John
Richardson, Elliot
Rise of the Right, The (Rusher)
Rise of the Vulcans, The (Mann)
RN (Nixon)
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Rockefeller Commission report
Roe v. Wade
Rogers, Will
Romney, George
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rostow, Eugene
Ruby, Jack
Rumsfeld, Donald H.
Rusher, William A.
Russell, Richard B.
Sadat, Anwar
Safer, Morley
Saigon, fall of
St. Clair, James
Saturday Night Live (TV show)
Saxbe, William B.
Schlesinger, James
Scott, Hugh
Scowcroft, Brent
Secret Service
Seidman, William
September 11, 2001, attacks
Shadow (Woodward)
Shaw, George Bernard
Shawcross, William
Simon, William
Sinai II agreement
Sirica, John J.
Smith, Richard Norton
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
South Korea
South Vietnam
Soviet Union (USSR)
demise of
embargo on grain sales to
Helsinki Accords and
Stans, Maurice
Starr Report
State Department
headquarters bombed
Stevens, John Paul
Stiles, John R.
stock market
Stone, Oliver
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Strauss, Robert S.
Suharto, Haiji Mohammad
Sulzberger, Cyrus L.
swine flu
Taber, John
Taft, Robert
Teamsters Union
Teeter, Robert
terHorst, Jerald F.
Thieu, Nguyen Van
31 Days (Werth)
Thurmond, Strom
Times of My Life, The (Ford)
Time to Heal, A (Ford)
Tomahawk missiles
Tough at the Top (musical)
Tower, John G.
Trujillo, Rafael
Truman, Harry
“Truth Squad,”
Twenty-fifth Amendment
U.S. Congress
Black Caucus
Ford confirmed as vice president by
Ford vetoes and
Nixon and
NYC fiscal crisis and
Vietnam and
Watergate and
U.S. Constitution
U.S. House of Representatives
Appropriations Committee
Banking and Currency Committee
Defense Appropriations Subcommittee
elections and
Ford as minority leader in
Ford first elected to
Judiciary Committee
Patman Committee
Republican Conference
Un-American Activies Committee
U.S. Marines
U.S. Naval Reserve
U.S. Navy
U.S. Senate
Armed Services Committee
Church Committee hearings
Judiciary Committee
Republican Policy Committee
Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities
U.S. Supreme Court
University of Michigan
Updegrove, Mark K.
Valerian, Richard
Vandenberg, Arthur H.
VerMeulen, W. B.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Vietnam War
amnesty for draft dodgers and
end of
normalization of relations after
Vivian, Wes
Vladivostok summit (1974)
Vogelsang, Sandy
Walesa, Lech
Wallace, George C.
Wall Street Journal
Ward, Willis F.
War Powers Act (1973)
Warren, Earl
Warren Commission
Washington, George
Washington Post
Watergate scandal
Ford’s initial reaction to
Ford’s pardon of Nixon for
Patman Committee and
Senate hearings of 1973 and
tapes and Nixon resignation and
Weather Underground
Werth, Barry
Weyland, Frederick C.
“Whip Inflation Now” (WIN) program
White, Theodore H.
Widnall, William
Will, George
Willkie, Wendell
Wizard of Oz, The (film)
Woodward, Bob
World War I,
World War II
Yale University
Ziegler, Ronald