After interviewing hundreds of people who tried this program and after using this book in my clinic with all our patients, I have made several revisions, updates, and additions in this new edition. Happily, I found that most people found the first edition easy to use and the program effective. Some even said that it changed their lives by reversing long-standing health problems and giving a new sense of control. We were very pleased to hear that many people who used this program lost the weight that they needed to and that they kept that weight off.
A wonderful response to the first edition was that many medical doctors recommended this program to their patients. I had calls from people who had beneficial results after their doctors told them to try detoxification. This confirms that some physicians are integrating alternative strategies into their conventional health care. Appendix D provides information on referrals to medical doctors who will supervise you in this program.
May everyone enjoy good health,
Peter Bennett