It was just a game at the start. Adlai learned the rules from her father; they would go out into the blazing sun, when the day was at its hottest with shadows burning black holes in the sand, and he would say, “Pick one, Little Drizzle,” and she would slip her hand out from his to search the crowd.

Even back then the marketplace had the best crowds, and not just of people, but of things. Star charts were piled to the high heavens; telescopes winked a thousand suns at every turn; gems dripped on stringed necklaces; long, luscious silks slipped like water through her hands . . . And then there was the smell: aromatic herbs smoking in pots, and the stench rising out from the herds of exotic beasts that were either caged or flying in chains high above the tents, their claws swiping at careless passersby.

When she looked at the people in the market and the baubles all around her, Adlai felt like the luckiest girl in the world. All she had to do was turn to her father and say, “There, over there,” and he would play the game.

The Shadow Game, he called it. You could only teach your shadow one trick. So, while she distracted the vendor, her father would come near—not quite by the stall of her choice, but nearby. It was always difficult for her not to look back—he’d tell her off if she did—but she loved seeing it happen.

His shadow would move; it would shimmer like a haze and become longer as it reached for something—all the while his body staying stock still—and when it passed over the item, his shadow would become faint. Fainter and fainter until his shadow would be gone altogether—along with what she’d wanted.

That was when they would leave the crowd to go back home and her father would present her with whatever small thing had caught her eye. Sometimes he’d give Adlai an extra surprise. A little trinket or silk scarf. Always he picked something golden—the color of her hair, he’d say.

* * *

There were no curtains in the attic room, just a collection of bright, colorful scarves draped haphazardly across the single window that glared down above Adlai’s bed. Cold sunlight filtered in through the rainbow of fabric. A few of the scarves were starting to fade; reds turned to browns, blues to deathly gray. She would have to change those out. There was nothing more depressing than waking up to rags fluttering their last.

Her roommate, Penna, was already up and dressed. Her dark figure was quietly making her bed, and Adlai turned away with a sigh. Getting up was never easy. Adlai wanted nothing more than to sink back into her dream. It had felt so real. Her father had been right there in front of her, his shadow snaking over a stall as he played the Shadow Game one more time.

She pulled out the drawer of her bedside table and looked down at the heap of trinkets inside. Some were worthless. A dented tin matchbox, earrings with a cluster of fake pearls, an aged book on a royal family that had long since died out.

Others, though, she thought might fetch a decent price if she tried to sell them. Her fingers brushed over a bangle that had a large fiery topaz embedded in the gold. Everything in her drawer was golden. Her father had picked each one for her, seemingly not based on its value but based on something else she couldn’t quite understand as she stared down at the odd collection.

They shone. The worthless trinkets gleamed as much as the truly expensive ones, and perhaps that’s all they ever were: pretty, shiny things to distract a child who asked too many questions and who didn’t know how to listen.

She was about to close the drawer when she saw the bee pendant. She remembered him giving her that one. It was of a golden little honey bee with the tip of the wings grabbing on to the thin chain on either side of it. Adlai hadn’t worn the pendant for a while, but it winked at her as she sat up, and the memory that came with it was a sweet one. Bittersweet, as it was one of the last things he’d given her. On impulse she reached out and fastened it around her neck.

“Did I wake you?” Penna called over in a soft voice. Adlai shook her head. Now she was up, she wondered how it was possible she’d been deeply asleep only moments ago. A baby was crying on the floor directly below them, and if she strained her ears further, she could pick up a thousand other noises. Much like a dripping tap, once heard they were impossible to unhear.

Living in an orphanage with twenty other kids of varying ages wasn’t the best environment for peaceful sleep. But Penna and Adlai were fortunate enough to be stuffed up in the attic, where the sounds were somewhat muffled and there were no little feet storming over their beds to demand breakfast. That was the benefit, Adlai supposed, of being too old for any family to want to adopt you: you got to be tidied away.

Penna took the tidying away a little too literally and kept her side of the room as undisturbed as possible. There were no personal items, despite having lived at the orphanage longer than Adlai. Her clothes were folded and hidden away in a chest of drawers, and on top of that single piece of furniture she kept only what was needed: a comb, a small mirror, some lotion, and a soap bar that smelled of lemon. If she left tomorrow, there wouldn’t be a hair or thumbprint to say she had lived there. Adlai’s side, on the other hand, would take a few trips up and down to sort through.

She headed over to a pile of clothes to dress. Unless she could bring herself to wake before the sun, which she wasn’t likely to, she knew the washroom wouldn’t be free again until nightfall.

She pulled on white pants in a shiny fabric and a wrap top the color of an atomic sun. It was bright and garish enough. Adlai had plans to play the Shadow Game herself today, and wearing something attention grabbing had always been her father’s advice. It was the folk who covered themselves up in hoods and tried to melt in the background who garnered the suspicious looks in the desert market.

Sliding her sandals on, she let Penna climb down the ladder first. A mistake, as her friend was wearing a long green dress with fine stitching she was careful to protect as she climbed down the rungs. Adlai’s stomach was growling by the time Penna finally dropped to the floor and the ladder shook, ready for her. She slunk down it, realizing at the same time that the crying she’d heard had finally stopped. A door opened, and Mother Henson, cradling a sleeping newborn, looked at them.

“Well, at last. While you two have been dozing, I’ve had the whole morning full of things to do. Couldn’t count them to tell you,” she said in that offhand way that told Adlai nothing had been done. Especially as she followed it up with, “I’m going to need some extra help today.”

Adlai rolled her eyes at that, but Henson pretended not to notice. Every day she needed help with something or other, and it was always for jobs she was supposed to do.

“What do you need?” Penna asked. Adlai wanted to hit her for so easily offering.

Mother Henson smiled. It looked odd on her, more so as she must have been at the mirror moments before the baby started fussing and had makeup on only one eye. It looked like a dark, dusty bruise, while her other eye shrank in comparison.

“You’re a good girl, Penna, dear. I’ll just need the meals cooked and some of the rooms cleaned. Gilly has a potential match, so her area will need tidying up the most. And if you could make her presentable too—you know she’s always running wild with the boys.” The baby whimpered slightly and she rocked him closer to her chest. “Perhaps you can make some honey cakes? The family will love that.”

Penna had work in the afternoon and all those tasks would take most of the morning without any help. She side-eyed Adlai, hopeful, but Adlai shook her head. She was done scrubbing floors and cooking for an army of ingrates. Mother Henson might have given her a roof over her head, but that was all she did these days.

“Leave it to us,” Penna said brightly. Adlai sighed and wondered why Penna still bothered to stay on Mother Henson’s good side. As soon as the baby started to whimper, Henson forgot they were even there.

Only the helpless, screaming babies could stir the mother in Mother Henson. Once a child started talking and walking, the mistress of the orphanage could easily forget the child still needed food and attention. Adlai, at least, had been old enough when she’d been forced through the doors to know not to look for love from such a woman, but some of the younger ones learned the lesson harder.

“You know you don’t have to always help,” Adlai said as they walked down to the kitchen. There were three other kids inside, picking at corn muffins that looked like the runts of a baker’s litter.

“I don’t mind.” Penna’s eyes swept over the open cupboards and she started putting things back in their places. Her busy hands stopped on a pile of mangoes. “What I do mind is good fruit going to waste. If I were to make a big fruity mash, do you think there’d be enough to satisfy the greediest little monkeys?”

Adlai sighed, knowing Penna wasn’t really talking to her and that she’d be distracted making breakfasts for a good while. She took some fruit for herself and headed to their usual spot out on the balcony.

Outside the air was warm but not the sticky, sweating kind it would turn to later in the day. She jumped up to sit on the banister ledge and swung her legs over the dust path below. People were starting to head to their work or make those early-morning purchases, as much a part of a routine as getting dressed. The same sight as always.

She looked further ahead. The Arbil pyramid shone golden in the distance, creating a three-sided sun with the morning light glinting off its massive walls. They were ancient walls, older than the city gates, but the gold brick made it look brand new. Like the trinkets from her father, the pyramid was the city’s treasure; a place of birth, healing, and death.

Adlai took a bite of her pear; it was overly sweet but cooler than a glass of water. She was on to the second one when Penna arrived. Her dress had wet stains on the front and one of the kids must have pulled at her headscarf, as her tight curls were showing underneath.

“You know it’s Henson’s job to cook the meals and prepare the kids for their appointments. She’s paid to look after us,” Adlai said.

There was a small crooked table and two creaking chairs on the balcony. Penna sat down on one and stared dreamily out to the same horizon Adlai overlooked. “Mother has her hands full with the little one. It used to be fun.” She turned to Adlai. “Remember that game we’d play? Tell Me How . . .? We could play that again this morning.”

Adlai laughed. Penna had round dark eyes that were hard to say no to and one of those genuine smiles that a child might make when presented with a treat. The problem in this was that the treat was a stupid game she’d invented to pretend they weren’t cleaning up vomit or peeling their lives away in buckets of potatoes.

Penna had been her best friend these last seven years. Her only friend. But while Adlai wanted to flip the page to when they could get out of this place, she sometimes thought Penna wanted to freeze time and stick her feet into the foundations.

“I’m not staying here all morning,” Adlai said, already regretting it.

* * *

The bathwater had warmed to a level that, while it wasn’t exactly hot, was at least pleasant to run her hand through. Adlai was sweating from hauling several buckets up and down the stairs and could do with sinking into a clean bath herself, but the water wasn’t for her.

Not that Gilly was grateful for their effort. Adlai turned over the empty bucket and sat on it as she watched Penna fight with the girl to remove her muddy clothing.

“I washed yesterday!” Gilly argued. Adlai didn’t believe her. Some of the kids might splash water on their faces and rub soap through their hair, but not many of the kids bothered filling a bath. Gilly looked, and smelled, as though she had been many days without even a cursory wash.

“Come on,” Penna said gently, “you want to look your best for your appointment, don’t you?”

Gilly snorted but let Pen pull off the last of her underclothes. Naked, the girl looked even more wild. Her dark hair ran long down her back in a tangled mess and she had an assortment of cuts and bruises, some healing, others fresh from a recent fight. They could hide most of them in nice clothing, but Adlai didn’t like her chances.

There were more boys than girls at the orphanage. There always were because when people wanted a child, what they really meant was a son. Mother Henson turned girls away like they were rotten food she didn’t want dumped in her kitchen, only occasionally adding one or two to her collection for the rare couple who actually wanted a daughter over a son.

Gilly, wild and unruly, was unlikely to be the girl the couple were coming for.

“We still have cooking to do,” Adlai said, “so unless you want to help out with that, get in the tub and let’s make this quick.”

Gilly scowled at Adlai.

“Ignore her,” Penna said. “She’s in a mood. You can go back to playing later. But right now you have to be clean.”

Gilly scowled again, and made sure the water splashed over Adlai as she climbed into the tub. At least she was in, though.

An assortment of bottles and soap bars lined a shelf by a small glazed window. Penna took a few items from there and handed Adlai nail files as she poured in oils that smelled of jasmine and smoke. Gilly wrinkled her nose but didn’t complain. That came when Penna dipped the girl’s head back and started work untangling her hair.


“Why don’t we play the game?” Penna said. “Tell me how . . .” She looked over at Adlai as she dug the comb through a particularly large knot “. . . you learned to swim.”

“I don’t need to swim today, do I?” the girl asked, confused.

“No,” Penna answered, smiling. The knot loosened, and more water splashed over the edge of the tub and gathered by Adlai’s feet.

Adlai reached for one of the girl’s hands and began picking the dirt from her nails. “How I learned to swim?” she repeated, thinking for a moment. It had been a while since they played this game. “I never had to learn to swim. My mother was a mermaid, you know, so I was born with a fishtail. Before I could talk, I could swim.” She looked down at Gilly’s confused expression. “I know what you’re thinking: ‘Where’s your fishtail now?’ Well, fishtail scales are worth a lot of money, and when I was very young, three or four years old, I was kidnapped for them. They peeled off my scales like I was a vegetable for a summer stew.”

Gilly yanked her hand away. She had the look of someone who’d long ago stopped listening to fairy tales, probably right around the day her parents didn’t come home. Had Adlai once been this child? The girl’s features seemed to be screwed up permanently in anger, her frown as deep as claws.

“Don’t worry,” Adlai said, grabbing Gilly’s other, equally dirty, hand. “My father saved me. I wouldn’t have legs at all if he hadn’t brought me quickly to the desert market. Everything is sold there, you know. Including a magic potion to grow limbs. He had to use his blood for it and that’s why I have his knobbly knees, and I have to shave every day or else I break out in man hair. Though”—she lowered her voice to a conspiratory whisper—“sometimes I still get the odd scale . . .”

A tooth of the comb became stuck in another big knot, but both Pen and Gilly ignored it. “What color were your scales?” Penna asked.

Adlai thought for a minute. Her eyes drifted over every color in the room—the blue tiled floor, the white tub, the cracked gray walls. She discarded them each in turn. “They were colorless. They picked up all the colors in the light, like glass does.”

She could tell Penna liked this idea. Her pretty dark face was entranced, and even Gilly loosened her frown, staring wide-eyed from one to another. They were adults in her eyes, albeit adults talking nonsense about mermaids, but for a moment all three forgot what they were doing in the room. Playing the game could sometimes make Adlai forget this was an orphanage, or that Pen hadn’t always been family to her. The thought tugged at something she wished it hadn’t.

“Have you ever seen a mermaid?” Penna asked. She pulled the comb loose and smiled down at Gilly. “They look so beautiful in the picture books, don’t they?”

Adlai finished cleaning the last nail and dropped Gilly’s hand. She stood up and came away from the tub. “How many mermaids you expect to come across in the desert, Pen? It’s not like orphans, where we’re two a dozen.”

Penna shook her head. “But there are other places. Oceans and mountains out there. Places with snow, even. Do you think they really exist?”

“Mermaids, or other places?”

“I don’t know. Both, I guess.”

Adlai didn’t answer her. The truth was she wanted it all to be real. If she could leave Libra and travel the kingdom, she thought she might see things just as impossible as her shadow that could steal. She stared down at Gilly. “What do you think?”

“I think this game’s stupid, and I don’t see why all this fuss has to be made every time one of us has an appointment. I don’t want to be adopted. I’m going to move into the attic when you two leave.”

Adlai shook her head. “Then you’re even more stupid than if you’d believed I was half mermaid. Don’t you get it? You have a chance at a family today. Take it.”