
From the Author

I wish to thank the Margaret Thatcher Foundation for valuable assistance in my work and, despite our various differences, Baroness Margaret Thatcher personally for her unwavering support of my efforts to finish writing this book.

I am also grateful to Oleg Gordievsky, Eugene Novikov, Mikhail Voslensky, Victor Suvorov, Leonid Finkelstein, Inna Rogachy and Vladimir Pimonov for valuable help and advice. Heartfelt thanks to many helpers and well-wishers in Moscow (whom I cannot name for their own safety), and numerous friends in the West for their support and assistance.

I am particularly obliged to my old friend and publisher Charles Ronzac, whose unfailing faith in my ability to finish this work supported me through all these difficult years.

—Vladimir Bukovsky

From the Publisher

This book could never have been published without the generous help of many volunteers. Our deepest gratitude goes out to them all.

We cannot overstate the great scholarly work that John Crowfoot has done on this book and on the archival documents. He created a new website for the Bukovsky Archive documents, organized the documents, and translated dozens of them. For this book he restored, as footnotes and in-text notes, the many references in the French edition. He permitted us the use of his own translation and notes for “Only a Trial Will Do”, and allowed us to adapt his essay about Yulia Zaks. The scholarly value of the book has been greatly increased due to his efforts. We are grateful for his time, expertise, and patient friendship in helping us bring this edition to the level of accurate sourcing and context that it deserves.

Mary Pat Campbell wrote most of the biographical notes and glossary, organized information, and contributed her software skills to the project.

John Conner led the effort to locate the original English-language text for every English language source quoted in the book. He surprised us by locating every one. He also served as second editor to review the book as a whole.

Gregory Glazov, Maya Topadze Griggs and Carol Patricia Malczynski performed extensive checking of citations and other error checking.

Alexandra Sellers took charge of the cover.

Leon Weinstein gave us his interview with the author, which Lubov Yudovich translated.

Many other tasks were made possible only through the help of these volunteers:

Additional citation research and checking: Sergey Bondarchuk, Philip Boobbyer, Alissa Ordabai.

Biographical note and glossary advisors: Philip Boobbyer, Phillipe de Lara, Alyona Kojevnikov.

Other help with the biographical notes and glossary: Philip Averbuck, John Conner, Michael Del Rosso and Robin Snyder, with special thanks to Vitaly Sherbina.

General advice and support: Philip Boobbyer, Karl Gallagher, Alyona Kojevnikov, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Alexandra Sellers.

Miscellaneous translation: Sergey Bondarchuk, Jeremy Bornstein, Maya Topadze Griggs.

Marketing plan: Mary Pat Campbell, John Conner, Maya Topadze Griggs, Carol Patricia Malczynski.

Additional information organization: Jeremy Bornstein.

Thanks to Alissa Ordabai, for advice about copyright, and for transferring the notes and footnotes into the manuscript.

We are grateful for the many contributions of those who prefer to remain unnamed.

Our awe and gratitude go to the library professionals who located documents that no amount of Googling would ever find: Amber J. D’Ambrosio at Willamette University Archives and Special Collections, Kaitlin Connolly at the State Library of Massachusetts, Julie Grob and Alexandra Simons at the University of Houston Libraries, Caitlin Jones at Massachusetts Archives, and the Fondren Library of Rice University.

Thanks to journalist Claire Berlinski for bringing Judgment in Moscow to our attention in the first place.

Finally, special thanks to Alyona Kojevnikov, who tended to this book throughout its preparation as if it were her own.