(Page numbers correspond to those of the first edition printed text and are not here hyperlinked. Use your e-reader’s search function.)
- ABC (American Broadcasting Company), 42
- Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 334–335, 432
- Afanasyev, Yuri, 567
- Afghanistan:
- army of, 361;
- coup d’état in 1973, 358;
- Cuban initiative of political settlement in, 392;
- desertions from Soviet units in, 596–597;
- events in Herat, 359, 360, 361;
- Friendship Treaty with the USSR, 359;
- Hairatan-Kabul route, 514, 515;
- hunger in, 514, 515;
- political crisis in, 361, 364, 370–371;
- religious beliefs in, 363;
- Saur Revolution, 359;
- Soviet invasion of, 55, 228, 306, 357, 366–367, 374, 376–377;
- Soviet military aid to, 357–358, 359, 360, 362, 364–365, 516;
- UN aid to, 514;
- withdrawal of Soviet troops from, 511, 512, 513–514, 515, 516
- Aga Khan, 515
- “agents of influence,” system of, 230–231
- Aitmatov, Chingiz, 246
- Akadimos (publishing house), 22
- Akhmatova, Anna, 240
- Akhromeyev, Sergei, 547
- Aksyonov, Vasily, 242n133, 244
- Aleksandrov, Boris, 45
- Alekseeva, Ludmila, 275, 312n159
- Alexandrov, A.P., 432
- Alexbank, Jay, 225
- Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow, 278
- Aliyev, Heydar, 255
- Alliluyeva, Svetlana, 162, 170, 229–230, 255
- Altman, Anatoly, 156, 157
- Amalrik, Andrei, 95, 435
- Amin, Hafizullah:
- conversation with Gromyko, 359, 360;
- diplomacy of, 372–374, 377–378;
- dismissal of Taraki by, 371;
- Muslim opposition and, 372;
- removal from power, 373, 374, 375, 377
- Andreotti, Giulio, 561, 562
- Andrew, Christopher, 309
- Andropov, Yuri:
- on acts of hooliganism, 131–132;
- on Afghan problem, 511–512;
- on Andrei Sinyavsky, 231–234;
- on anti-Soviet elements, 173–174, 175–176, 183–184;
- at Brest meeting, 449–452;
- on Bukovsky affair, 122, 158;
- communist ideology and, 208–209;
- comparison to Beria, 207;
- conversation with B. Karmal, 379;
- decision on invasion of Afghanistan, 374–375;
- documents sent to, 30, 36;
- documents signed by, 4, 10, 29, 39, 40;
- on Ernst Neizvestny, 206–207;
- on expansion of propaganda campaign, 224;
- on Gabay and Marchenko, 204;
- Ginzburg-Galanskov trial and, 216;
- on The Gulag Archipelago, 203;
- health problems of, 582;
- on Helsinki Groups, 174;
- on Ilya Glazunov, 205–206;
- Kreisky’s letter to, 316–317;
- on nationalist movement, 128, 480;
- office of, 62;
- on Olympic Games in Moscow, 384;
- operative-chekist measures of, 208, 217;
- on persecution of dissidents, 107–108, 156, 174;
- on political repressions, 351;
- on prophylactic work, 126–127;
- reputation of, 207;
- on “samizdat” literature, 128–130, 130–131;
- on Sinyavsky-Daniel case, 235;
- on situation in Poland, 444, 446, 458, 460–462, 469, 474;
- Solzhenitsyn’s case and, 162, 163–164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172–173, 299;
- Soviet-Afghan war and, 361, 366, 367, 373–374, 391;
- on tactical nuclear weapons, 402–404, 405, 406;
- Western perception of, 582–583
- anti-nuclear movement, 595
- anti-socialist manifestations, 134, 135
- anti-Soviet materials:
- distribution of, 134;
- persecution of authors and disseminators of, 497
- apartheid vs. communism, 291
- APN, see Novosti Press Agency
- Arafat, Yasser, 40
- Arbatov, Georgy, 46, 335, 350, 428
- Argentinean Communist Party, 30
- Aristov, Averky, 442, 459–460
- Arkhipov, Ivan, 464, 470–471, 472, 473
- arms race, 486, 488
- Aron, Raymond, 344
- article 6 of the Constitution of the USSR, 148, 149, 274
- Attlee, Clement, 404
- August putch, see coup of 1991
- Aushev, Maksharip, 613, 614n384
- Austrian Socialist Party (SPO), 559
- Babakhanov, Shamsuddin, 278
- Baburova, Anastasia, 613, 614n384
- Bahr, Egon, 8, 9, 46, 301
- Baibakov, Nikolai, 464, 469, 472–473, 474–475
- Bakatin, Vadim:
- Bukovsky’s televised discussion with, 61, 64–66, 67;
- career of, 62–63, 574;
- in Lubyanka Building, 62;
- memoirs of, 69;
- reform of KGB, 63–64, 69
- Baker, James, 584, 585, 586, 592
- Baku: military operation in, 569, 572, 573
- Barricada (newspaper), 35
- BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 44, 45, 48, 237–238
- Belgian Communist Party, 25
- Belgrade Conference (1977), 154n100, 183, 302, 304
- Belinkov, Arkadiy, 230
- Beria, Lavrentiy, 104, 109, 110, 531, 535
- Berlinguer, Enrico, 18, 179, 218–219
- Berlin Wall, 517, 535, 537, 538, 541, 548, 588
- Bessmertnykh, Alexander, 487, 577
- Bhutto, Benazir, 514
- “Black Panthers,” 28–29
- Blokhin, Nikolay, 430
- Bobkov, Denis, 248
- Bobkov, Philipp, 172
- Bobolas, George, 21, 22, 621
- Bogdanov, Alexander, 376
- Bogoraz-Brukhman, Larisa, 151, 152, 153, 268, 271
- Bolsheviks, 307, 330
- Bonner, Yelena, 262, 264, 265
- Borovik, Genrikh, 43
- Brailovsky, Victor, 319
- Braithwaite, Rodric, 541–542, 541–543
- Brandt, Willy:
- colleagues of, 292;
- on perestroika and socialism, 556;
- political career of, 297, 544;
- political views of, 307;
- pro-Soviet policy of, 393–394, 498;
- public scrutiny of, 8;
- revision of Friedrich Ebert Fund, 306;
- on situation in the Baltic republics, 556;
- Solzhenitsyn’s affair and, 172, 299–300
- Brezhnev, Leonid:
- on aid to socialist countries, 472;
- Bukovsky affair and, 122, 205;
- contact with Kania, 442, 443;
- death of, 507;
- decision on invasion of Afghanistan, 374;
- on détente, 295;
- documents sent to, 39;
- foreign policy of, 296, 309, 337, 355, 412, 535;
- foreign trips of, 304, 344;
- on Helsinki Accords, 594;
- hotline with Jimmy Carter, 381;
- meeting with Gierek, 438;
- meeting with President of Pepsi-Cola, 353;
- peace initiatives of, 329, 331, 431;
- political career of, 107;
- relations with Taraki, 368, 369;
- release of Pavel Litvinov by, 122;
- on situation in Poland, 440–442, 443–444, 446, 447–448, 458, 462–463, 464, 465, 467–469, 473–474, 475;
- Solzhenitsyn affair and, 162–163, 165, 169–170, 173;
- on Soviet-American relations, 382;
- telephone conversation with Jaruzelski, 456–458
- British Labour Party:
- diplomacy of, 317–318;
- political platform of, 435
- Brodsky, Joseph, 240, 245
- Brutents, K., 34
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 208, 275, 394, 538
- Budapest meeting of the secretaries of the central committees, 417
- Bukhara, city of, 421, 422
- Bukharin, Nikolai, 223
- Bukovsky, Vladimir:
- accusations of “slandering the Soviet state,” 202;
- alleged contacts with NTS, 212–213, 219;
- Amarlik and, 95;
- on American society, 321–329;
- Bakatin’s televised debates with, 61, 64–66, 67;
- “Better Red than Dead Is Not Good Enough,” 399–400;
- biography of, 276;
- books of, 622;
- To Build a Castle: My Life as a Dissenter, 108, 609;
- Communist Party documents collected by, 4–5;
- on communists, 99;
- critics of, 67–68, 603;
- on détente, 289, 293, 294;
- on dialogue with Kremlin’s regime, 615;
- encounter with Alexander Yakovlev, 523;
- on the end of the Soviet regime, 99;
- exchange of, 158–159;
- on former friends, 241;
- glasnost rally, 145;
- on Gorbachev’s regime, 99, 100, 276, 283–284, 601–602;
- impression of Moscow, 93–94;
- imprisonment of, 124, 141, 217;
- incarceration into psychiatric hospital, 609;
- interviews of, 80, 601, 621–626;
- on James Baker, 586;
- meetings with Pikhoya, 71, 73, 87;
- meeting with Andrei Platonov, 240–241;
- meeting with Carter, 205;
- on “moral cleansing” of Russia, 63, 605, 607;
- on Nobel Peace Prize, 293;
- petition to the US Congress, 34;
- on Putin’s regime, 613–619;
- reception at the White House, 181;
- rehabilitation of, 149;
- reputation of, 289–290, 609;
- research at the Communist Party archive, 72–73, 81, 82, 83, 87–88;
- on roots of revolutions, 98;
- on round table discussions, 602, 615, 617;
- on socialist experiment, 486–487;
- on Soviet relations with the West, 592;
- supporters of, 176, 179;
- as “terrorist,” Politburo’s portrayal of, 220–221;
- testimony before the Constitutional Court, 93, 138;
- on transitional period to democracy, 97–99;
- trial of, 121–122, 150–152;
- trip to Russia, 60, 601;
- on unconstitutional nature of the CPSU, 138;
- Western establishment and, 291–292, 293;
- “Why are Russians Quarrelling?,” 97–98
- Bulgakov, Mikhail, 240
- “Bulletin of the Christian Community,” 271
- Burkov, B., 43
- Burlatsky, Fedor, 270
- Burokevičius, Mykolas, 576
- Bush, George, 584, 585, 587, 588
- Butman, Hillel, 156
- Bykov, Dmitri, 246
- Callaghan, James, 315
- Carter, Jimmy:
- boycott of Moscow Olympic Games, 386, 387;
- domestic pressure on, 353–354;
- election as president, 180;
- Francis Ford Coppola and, 47;
- human rights policy of, 300, 301, 302, 353;
- idea of arming NATO with neutron weapons, 411;
- meeting with Bukovsky, 181;
- pro-Soviet policy of, 394, 623–624;
- religious views of, 229;
- SALT II agreement signed by, 412;
- Sharansky affair and, 224;
- Soviet–Afghan War and, 363, 381
- Castro, Fidel, 33
- Ceausescu, Elena, 517
- Ceausescu, Nicolae, 517
- Center of Contemporary Documentation in the Russian State Archive of Recent History, 78
- Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CC CPSU):
- Anker Jorgensen’s letter to, 318–319;
- archives of, 3, 70, 72–73, 83;
- buffet of, 72;
- building of, 81;
- channels for influence of, 421;
- instructions to Soviet public organizations, 332–333;
- International Committee of, 526;
- program of propagandist measures, 332;
- “quiet diplomacy” of, 317;
- support of fraternal parties by, 26–27, 390
- Central Committee’ reports and resolutions:
- on 50th birthday of K. Sorsa, 6–7;
- on Afghan situation, 358;
- on American missiles in Western Europe, 413;
- on conflicts between workers and administrations, 476, 477;
- on Congress of Writers of the USSR, 246–248;
- on consumer goods shortages, 477–479;
- on cooperation with G. Bobolas, 21–22;
- on Cyrus Eaton, 42;
- on disarmament, 407;
- on dissemination of anti-Soviet materials, 130;
- on Eastern and Central European, 559–560;
- on European socialist and social democratic parties, 560–561;
- on Ginzburg-Galanskov trial, 214–215;
- on improvement of organizational and educational work, 480;
- on military aid to Communist party of El Salvador, 30–31;
- “On Further Increase of the Activity of the USSR in UNESCO Matters,” 409–410;
- “On the strategy of relations with European socialist countries,” 526–528;
- on preparations for Moscow Olympics, 389, 390–391;
- on property of the Communist Party, 564–565;
- on public movement for peace, 414, 415–416;
- on raise of retail prices, 481–482;
- on World Conference for peaceful future for children, 410, 411;
- on World Peace Council, 411
- “Centre for Democracy in the USSR,” 598
- Cervetti, D., 18, 19
- Chaikin, Sol Chick, 352
- Chamberlain, Neville, 11
- Chandra, Romesh, 401
- Chazov, Yevgeny, 430, 432
- Chebrikov, Viktor:
- on anti-Soviet campaign in the USA, 277–278;
- on Gorbachev’s candidacy as General Secretary, 252–253;
- on Molotov’s reinstatement in the party, 118;
- office of, 62;
- on political opposition, 124–125, 243–244, 256–259, 264–265, 270–271;
- reports of, 172, 494–495;
- Sakharov affair and, 262–263, 265, 266;
- on Soviet propaganda, 137;
- on unlawful rehabilitation, 118–119
- Chekhov, Anton, 100
- Chernenko, Konstantin:
- on Afghan affairs, 367, 374, 375;
- on food shortages, 477–478;
- on reinstatements in the Communist party, 117–120;
- on situation in Poland, 464, 468, 473
- Chernobyl disaster, 222, 500–501, 572
- Chernovil, Vyacheslav, 268, 271
- Chernyaev, Anatoly:
- diary of, 507–508, 519;
- on German unification, 536, 544;
- on Gorbachev, 575, 576, 577, 578;
- on Lithuanian affair, 576, 577, 578
- Chervochkin, Yury, 613, 614n384
- Chief Directorate of Strategic Deception, 405
- Chilean communist party, 520, 521
- China:
- economy, 483;
- foreign relations, 362, 393
- Chivian, Eric, 430
- Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), 9–10, 544
- Churchill, Winston, 342
- Churov, Vladimir, 616n385
- Civiletti, Benjamin, 219, 220
- “Club for the Struggle for Democracy” in Tuapse, 133
- Coe, Sebastian, 386–387
- Cold War:
- end of, 52, 624;
- first stage of, 307;
- historiography of, 342;
- lack of public interest to, 5–6, 8;
- legacy of, 23–24
- Collet’s bookshop, 25, 25n20
- Comex company, 21
- Commission for Rehabilitation of the Victims of Political Repression, 150
- Committee for Archival Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, 74
- Committee of Soviet Women, 401, 422, 423
- Committees of National Salvation, 579
- Common European Centre, 560
- communist ideology, 209, 324, 328, 347, 400, 588–589, 590–591
- Communist International (Comintern), 624
- Communist Party archive:
- administrators of, 72–73;
- agreement on creation of International Commission to study, 74–75, 79;
- collections and catalogs of, 83;
- interior design of, 85;
- location of, 71;
- opening of, 81–82;
- publication of documents of, 493;
- restricted access to, 73, 78–80, 493;
- rumors of destruction of, 71;
- staff of, 82, 84–85;
- structure and scale of, 72
- Communist Party of El Salvador, 30–33
- Communist Party of Great Britain, 13n7, 318
- Communist Party of Sri Lanka, 13
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU):
- appeal to Constitutional Court against outlawing, 80–81, 87;
- appropriation of property of, 81, 564, 565–566, 569–570;
- business ventures abroad, 572;
- crimes of, 53, 89–90, 100;
- criticism of, 574, 578;
- diversity within, 348–349;
- idea of investigation of, 77–78;
- secrecy surrounding, 3–4, 6;
- ties with fraternity parties, 16, 17, 20–21, 34
- Communist Party of the USA, 13, 17, 27, 28
- Communist Party of Uruguay, 30
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 163, 163n109, 165, 170, 309
- Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR, 567, 568
- Conquest, Robert, 66
- conservative revolution, 484–486
- Constitutional Court hearing on the case of the CPSU:
- communist participants at, 92;
- debates during, 90–92;
- judges and experts, 88–89;
- presidential side at, 92–93;
- press coverage of, 90, 92;
- witnesses at, 91, 92
- Constitutional Court of Russia:
- Bukovsky’s testimony before, 93, 138;
- communists’ appeal to, 80–81, 87
- Coogan, Kevin, 281
- Copenhagen forum of nongovernmental organizations, 422–423
- Coppola, Francis Ford, 47, 48, 51, 623
- Cordoba, city of, 421
- Corvalan, Luis, 158, 159, 521
- coup of 1991, 59, 60, 77, 570–572, 580–582, 603
- CPSU archives, see Communist Party archives
- Crimean Tatars: autonomist movement of, 127
- Criminal Code of the RSFSR, 107n66, 107n67, 141n89, 203
- Cross World Books & Periodicals, 25
- Czechoslovakia:
- Soviet invasion of, 122;
- Velvet revolution in, 516–517, 518, 560, 561, 563, 576
- Czech Republic: process of lustration in, 63
- Dagbladet Information (newspaper), 280
- Daily Telegraph, 315, 598–599
- Daniel, Yuli, 143
- Daniloff, Nicholas, 158
- Davis, Angela, 29
- Delors, Jacques, 561, 562
- Dementyev, Andrey, 239
- Demichev, Pyotr, 165–166, 171, 253
- “Democracy and Humanism Seminar,” 271
- “Democratic Russia” movement, 573–574, 579
- De Smaele, Albert, 418–419
- détente:
- American opposition to, 352;
- benefits of, 339, 346;
- Brezhnev on, 295;
- characteristic of, 343;
- end of, 355;
- German reunification and, 535;
- human rights and, 228, 300, 301–302;
- Nixon on, 337;
- origin of, 294, 296, 331–332, 337–338;
- outcome of, 340;
- project of revival of, 509;
- Soviet-Afghan War and, 381–382;
- US support for, 587;
- Western efforts to save, 306
- Detsky Mir (Children’s World) shop, 61
- disarmament movement, 401, 404, 406–407, 408, 433–436
- dissident movement:
- activities of, 134, 142;
- allegations of US funding of, 280–281;
- allies of, 344;
- American press on, 281–282;
- attempts to change Soviet regime from abroad, 599–601;
- conference in Prague, 599;
- documents about, 123;
- foundation of, 116–117;
- groups and organizations of, 133–134;
- Helsinki Accords and, 321;
- human rights organizations and, 354;
- KGB reports on, 120–121;
- lack of financial support of, 599–600;
- perestroika and, 267;
- prison network, 147–148;
- prominent figures in, 159–161;
- prophylactic work against, 123, 125–126;
- repressive measures against, 148, 151–152, 155–156, 157, 158, 174, 280–281;
- scale of, 120, 125, 126–127, 139;
- Western perception of, 222, 302–303, 599
- Djilas, Milovan, 230
- Dobrovolsky, 214, 217–218
- Dobrynin, A.F., 229, 503
- Dobrynin, Anatoly, 14, 15, 270–271, 550
- Dolgikh, Vladimir, 31, 263, 464
- Donesk, city of, 421, 422
- Dudenko, N.D., 154
- Dumas, Roland, 559
- Du Monde Entier, 25
- Dymshits, Mark, 156
- Dzasokhov, Alexander, 92
- Dzerzhinsky, Felix:
- demolition of statue of, 61–62, 61n44
- Eastern Europe:
- relations with the USSR, 557, 561;
- socialist parties in, 559–560
- East Germany, see German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- Eaton, Cyrus Stephen, 42, 278
- The Economist, 22
- Ehmke, Horst, 301
- El Salvador:
- foreign aid to, 33;
- Truth Commission in, 35
- enemies of the people, 203, 210
- Engelgardt, Vladimir, 163
- Epstein, Jason, 48–51
- Esenin-Volpin, Alexander, 143, 151, 152, 153, 216
- Estemirova, Natalya, 613, 614n384
- Estonia, 90, 125, 132, 245, 473, 556
- Ethnos (newspaper), 22
- Eurocommunism, 119, 308
- European Economic Community (EEC), 310, 558, 559, 562, 585–586
- European intelligentsia, 324
- European Nuclear Disarmament (END), 433, 434
- European Union: idea of, 625
- Evening Moscow, 121, 122
- Express Chronicle (newspaper), 280
- Falin, Valentin, 14, 15, 24, 298, 300–301, 505–507, 569–570
- “The Fall of the Wall” (documentary), 518
- Federal Archive Agency, 71
- Federal Republic of Germany (FRG):
- eradication of totalitarianism in, 616;
- Ostpolitik (“new Eastern policy,” 8, 9, 10, 11, 294, 300, 304–305, 306;
- relations with the USSR, 9–10, 296–297, 298–299, 304, 539;
- United States and, 301
- Fedotov, Pyotr, 106, 107
- Fermi, Enrico, 326
- Fernandez Ordonez, Francisco, 555
- Le Figaro (newspaper), 242
- Finland, 7, 8
- First of May celebrations, 132–133
- Fisher, Harold, 230
- Fleming, J., 44
- Florovsky, Georges, 230
- Foreign Intelligence Service, 69
- Foreign Relations Department of Moscow Patriarchate, 401
- Four Continents Book Corporation, 25
- France:
- German reunification and, 546;
- relations with the USSR, 563
- Frank, P., 300
- French Communist Party (PCF), 13, 17, 21, 176, 177–179
- French peace movement, 425–426
- French Socialist Party (PSF), 560
- Froment-Meurice, Henri, 558
- Fromm, Erich, 349
- Fulbright, J. William, 345, 348
- Gabay, Ilya, 153, 156
- Gaidar, Yegor, 93
- Galanskov, Yuri, 147, 213, 216, 217–218, 235
- Galich, Alexander, 48, 245
- Gamsakhurdia, Zviad, 235, 271, 573
- Gandhi, Rajiv, 81–82
- Gel, Ivan, 271
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 301, 302
- Geremek, Bronisław, 530, 531
- German Democratic Republic (GDR):
- 1990 elections in, 543–545, 547, 548;
- economic aid to, 294;
- economic ties with USSR, 471, 472;
- people trafficking problem, 294;
- political liberalization of, 517, 518–519, 533–534;
- recognition of, 535;
- relations with West Germany, 304–305;
- rise of nationalism in, 527;
- Soviet troops in, 544, 545, 547;
- standard of living in, 526
- German reunification:
- British position on, 542–543;
- discussion in Central Committee of the CPSU on, 543–547;
- French position on, 537, 546;
- Gorbachev and Krenz talks about, 537–541;
- Soviet terms for, 534–536, 545, 549
- Getting Rid of the KGB (Bakatin), 69
- Gierek, Edward, 438, 440
- Ginzburg, Alexander, 147, 153, 156, 213, 217–218, 275
- Ginzburg-Galanskov trial, 150, 173, 213, 214–215, 216, 217–218
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 306, 344, 366, 557
- glasnost, 100, 144, 147, 149, 242, 248–249, 510
- “Glasnost” (magazine), 280
- Glasnost Press Club, 269, 270, 271
- Glazunov, I.O., 205–206
- Glemp, Józef, Cardinal, 532
- Goebbels, Joseph, 150
- Gogol, Nikolay, 284, 285
- Gogolidze, Sergei, 106
- Goldberger, Marvin L., 432
- Gollan, John, 318
- Gorbachev, Mikhail:
- Afghan crisis and, 367;
- on Alliluyeva’s letter, 255;
- during August putch, 77, 570–571, 580–582;
- Azerbaijan events and, 573;
- Bakatin and, 62;
- biography of, 276–277;
- conversation with Alessandro Natta, 553–554, 555;
- conversation with F. Fernandez Ordonez, 555;
- conversation with R. Braithwaite, 541–542;
- crimes of, 572–573;
- criticism of, 574, 579;
- democratization policy of, 269–270, 273–274;
- East European policy of, 543–544, 545–546;
- economic policy, 495, 566;
- election as General Secretary, 251–254;
- French-Soviet relations and, 536, 552, 562;
- German reunification and, 534, 537–538, 537–540, 541, 542–543;
- on icebreaker “L. Brezhnev,” 255;
- on Katyn burial site, 531;
- leadership qualities, 250;
- on leftist forces in Europe, 554, 555;
- Lithuanian events and, 575–576, 577;
- meeting with delegation of Socialist International, 497–498;
- meeting with delegation of the Trilateral Commission, 557;
- on Molotov’s reinstatement in the party, 119;
- on Moscow seminar “the KGB and perestroika,” 275;
- Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 518;
- personality of, 249, 501;
- policy towards political prisoners, 256–258, 259–262;
- policy towards socialist countries, 524–526;
- Polish affairs and, 448, 473, 523–524, 529–532;
- Politburo appointments made by, 574;
- propaganda efforts of, 278–279;
- as protector of Soviet system, 625;
- as public speaker, 249;
- reaction to Tiananmen Square massacre, 572;
- on relation with European countries, 558, 559, 561;
- release of Andrei Sakharov, 262, 263, 264;
- Romanian events and, 519–520;
- Sakharov and, 102;
- support of aid to British miners, 590;
- on Union of Writers, 246, 247–248;
- on US foreign policy, 502;
- in the West, reputation of, 101, 251, 279, 494, 497, 501, 581, 582, 583–585, 598;
- West European policy of, 550–552;
- Yeltsin’s opposition to, 579–580
- Gorbachev Foundation, 493
- Gorbachev’s reforms:
- aim of, 99;
- assessment of, 493;
- economic effect of, 495;
- imitation of democracy, 505;
- introduction of glasnost, 100, 510;
- Leninist nature of, 510;
- “new thinking” doctrine, 504–510;
- party leadership and, 510;
- poor planning of, 250;
- press coverage of, 242;
- supporters and opponents of, 500–504;
- Western financial support of, 598
- Gorbanevskaya, Natalya, 121
- Gordievsky, Oleg, 309
- Goryn, Mikhail, 271
- Goskino of the USSR, 47–48
- Gosteleradio (State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting), 333–334, 407
- Grabski, Tadeusz, 452
- Grachev, Andrey, 576
- Grechko, A.A., 39
- Grigorenko, Pyotr, 127, 151, 152
- Grigoryants, Sergei, 268, 271
- Grishin, Viktor, 167, 252, 374, 441, 448, 464
- Grishin, Viktor Vasilyevich, 117
- Gromyko, Andrei:
- on Alliluyeva’s letter, 255;
- on Khrushchev, 119;
- on Malenkov’s and Kaganovich’s reinstatement in the party, 118;
- on Polish affairs, 441, 444–445, 448, 452, 458, 462, 471;
- on political prisoners, 257;
- presentation at the UN General Assembly, 420;
- proposal on exchange of Bukovsky, 158;
- reports on situation in Afghanistan, 359–361, 363, 374–375, 391, 511, 512;
- on Solzhenitsyn case, 164–165, 167, 169;
- on Soviet-American relations, 382, 503, 504;
- support of Gorbachev, 252;
- on Union of Writers, 247, 248
- GRU (military intelligence), 65, 422
- Grushko, Viktor, 518
- Guilty by Suspicion (film), 327
- The Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn), 162, 163–164, 165, 166, 168, 344
- Gumilyov, Nikolay, 130
- Haddad, Wadie, 38–39
- Hall, Gus, 27
- Hammer, Armand, 23
- Handal, Schafik Jorge, 31, 33
- Harikan, Parur, 268, 271
- Havel, Vaclav, 434, 560, 599
- Hayward, Ron, 317
- Heath, Edward, 292
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: dialectics of, 80
- Heinemann, Gustav, 298
- Helsinki Accords:
- Belgrade Conference on monitoring observance of, 183;
- Brezhnev on, 594;
- as instrument of Soviet policy, 594–595;
- principles of, 299, 300, 593–594;
- proposal of denunciation of, 594, 595;
- significance of, 49;
- US consideration to withdraw from, 351–352;
- violation of, 593
- Helsinki Groups, 131, 174, see also Moscow Helsinki Group
- heroism, phenomenon of, 112–113
- Hess, Rudolf, 54
- hippie groups, 136
- Hitler, Adolf, 330
- Homo sovieticus, 78
- Honecker, Erich:
- deposition of, 517, 519;
- foreign policy of, 417, 456, 471, 472, 537–538;
- position on German unification, 536;
- public scrutiny of, 8
- hooliganism: acts of, 131–132
- human rights:
- détente and problem of, 301–302;
- European security and, 435;
- European socialists and, 319, 354;
- violations of, 354;
- Western approach to problem of, 301
- human rights organizations, 354
- Hungary:
- “goulash socialism” in, 533;
- liberalization of, 526, 561, 563;
- Revolution of 1956 in, 115–116
- Husak, Gustav, 471
- Hussein, Saddam, 587
- ideology:
- influence of, 202–203;
- vs. law, 140
- Igantenko, Vitaly, 576, 577
- Iliescu, Ion, 519
- Ilyin, Leonid, 430
- Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues, 46
- Independent Newspaper, 235
- independent public organizations: seminar of, 268, 269, 270
- Inozemtsev, Vladislav, 607
- intelligentsia, see European intelligentsia; Soviet intelligentsia
- Interagra company, 21
- International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, 413
- International Fund to Aid Left-Wing Workers’ Organizations, 13, 14, 15, 16–17, 18
- International Herald Tribune, 351
- International Olympic Committee (IOC), 388
- International PEN, 131
- “International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War” movement, 430
- “International Resistance” project, 596
- Iran: Soviet-Afghan War and, 362, 365, 392
- “Iron Felix,” see Dzerzhinsky, Felix
- Iskander, Fazil, 245
- Israeli Communist Party, 25
- Italian Communist Party (PCI):
- funding of, 13, 17, 18;
- investigation of, 19–20;
- relations with the CPSU, 18–19, 179–180, 344;
- special training in the USSR, 36;
- transformation of, 559–560
- Izvestia (newspaper), 67
- Jackson, James, 27
- Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 180, 344, 351
- Jakes, Milos, 518
- Japanese socialists, 11, 320
- Jaruzelski, Wojciech:
- Brest meeting of, 444, 445, 446;
- Brezhnev’s opinion on, 440;
- criticism of, 458, 459, 463;
- introduction of martial law, 460–461, 466, 467;
- letter to Politburo, 468, 469;
- meeting with Andropov and Ustinov, 449–452;
- meeting with Gorbachev, 528–529;
- as nation savior, 492;
- personality of, 524;
- political career of, 456;
- public opinion of, 453;
- requests for Soviet aid, 453, 470, 474, 475;
- on role of Armed Forces, 457;
- round table with opposition, 523, 528;
- supporters of, 436, 462;
- telephone conversation with Brezhnev, 456–458
- Jermolavicus, Yu.Yu., 575
- Jerome, Jean, 21
- John Paul II, Pope: assassination attempt of, 64, 69, 208
- Jorgensen, Anker, 318–319
- Judgment in Moscow (Bukovsky), 605, 607, 621, 622–623
- Judgment in Nuremberg (film), 58
- Kadar, Janos, 471
- Kafka, Franz, 80
- Kaganovich, Lazar, 103, 117–118
- Kahane, Meir, 220
- Kalinin, Mikhail, 61n44
- Kalugin, Oleg, 53, 102
- Kamkin bookshop, 221
- Kania, Stanislaw:
- Brest meeting, 444, 445, 449–452;
- drinking problem of, 446;
- personality of, 456;
- political career of, 440;
- on situation in Poland, 449–450;
- telephone conversation with Brezhnev, 442, 443
- Kapitonov, Ivan, 166, 264
- Kapitsa, Pyotr, 163
- Kapler, Alexey, 230
- Karabasov, Yuri, 270
- Karachay-Cherkessia Autonomous Region: ethnic conflicts in, 480
- Karmal, Babrak, 358, 359, 373, 379, 511, 512
- Karpov, Vladimir, 248
- Karpovich, Yaroslav, 217
- Katayev, Valentin, 240
- Katushev, Konstantin, 166, 171
- Katyn massacre, 53, 531, 572
- Kazakhstan: ethnic Germans in, 127
- Keldysh, Mstislav, 163
- Kennan, George F., 230
- Kennedy, John F.: assassination of, 64, 69
- Kerensky, Alexander, 307, 358
- Kevorkov, Boris, 299
- KGB:
- “agents of influence” of, 230–231;
- annual reports of, 494;
- archive of, 64, 69, 70;
- commercial activities of, 24, 564;
- “compromising measures” of, 229, 230;
- cooperation with Greek communists, 22;
- creation of fictional parties, 569;
- financial resources of, 65;
- during Gorbachev’s perestroika, 494–495;
- heads of, 62–63;
- intelligentsia’s cooperation with, 235, 236;
- international activities of, 28, 38, 41, 297, 309–311;
- lawlessness of, 113–114;
- propaganda work of, 137;
- prophylactic work of, 125–126;
- reform of, 69–70;
- Sinyavsky-Daniel affair and, 143–144;
- smearing campaign against dissidents, 280–281;
- struggle against ideological saboteurs, 256–257;
- Western journalists on payroll of, 81
- Khan, Mohammed Daoud, 358
- Kharchev, Konstantin, 278
- Khazbulatov, Ruslan, 603
- Khnokh, Leib, 156
- Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 606
- Khrushchev, Nikita:
- belief in the triumph of communism, 108, 204;
- criticism of, 118–119;
- foreign policy of, 295, 535;
- “peaceful coexistence” doctrine, 55, 294;
- political repressions under, 108–109;
- rehabilitation campaign, 110–111
- Khrushchev ”thaw”, 105
- Kiesinger, Kurt, 297
- Killanin, Michael Morris, Baron, 388, 389–390
- The Killing Fields (film), 328
- Kirilenko, Andrei:
- signatures on Politburo documents, 31, 121, 122, 374;
- on situation in Afghanistan, 359, 361, 366, 367;
- on situation in Poland, 442, 464, 469;
- on Solzhenitsyn affair, 162, 164, 167
- Kirillin, Vladimir, 315
- Kirov, Sergey: murder of, 64
- Kissinger, Henry, 306, 338, 339, 557
- Kohl, Helmut, 412, 543, 544, 546, 547
- Kolesnik, Vasily, 376
- Kommunist (journal), 306, 309
- Kopelev, Lev, 244
- Kopelyansky, Daniil, 53
- Korean War, 331
- Kornienko, G.M., 43
- Kornilov, Vladimir, 245
- Kosygin, Alexei:
- conversations with Taraki, 363–365, 369;
- economic reforms of, 98;
- signatures on Politburo documents, 39;
- on situation in Afghanistan, 361–363, 365, 366–367;
- on Solzhenitsyn affair, 167–168
- Kovalev, Ivan, 265
- Kovalev, Sergey, 268, 271
- Krasin, Viktor, 216
- Kravchuk, Leonid, 93
- Kravtsov, Boris, 137, 258
- Kreisky,Bruno, 316, 317
- Krenz, Egon, 519, 537, 538, 539, 540–541
- Krochik, Gennady, 271
- Kronstadt uprising, 116
- Kruchina, N., 569
- Kryuchkov, Vladimir, 63, 274, 309, 312, 545, 574
- Kulakov, Mikhail, 278
- Kulikov, Victor, 460, 461, 463
- Kultura (newspaper), 68
- Kunaev, Dinmukhamed, 374
- Kunayev, Stanislav, 246
- Kuron, Jacek, 434, 530
- Kuzin, Mikhail, 430
- Kuznetsov, Anatoly, 236
- Kuznetsov, Eduard, 157, 162, 220, 242n133
- Kuznetsov, Vasily, 264
- Landau, Lev, 115–116, 115n71
- Lashkova, Vera, 214, 217–218
- Latvia, 90, 125, 556
- law vs. ideology, 140
- Lebanese communist party, 37
- Lebanon: Soviet military aid to, 37, 521
- Lenin, Vladimir, 131–132, 204, 312, 330, 476
- Leonovich, Vladimir, 245
- Lerner, Alexander, 317
- “Letter of the Ten,” 242, 243, 249
- Leveros, I., 316
- Levich, Eugene, 318
- Liberal Party of Japan, 11
- Ligachev, Yegor, 92, 247, 248, 254, 255, 265, 583
- Lipavsky, S.L., 223, 224
- Literaturnaya gazeta (newspaper), 281
- Lithuania:
- Chernyaev’s diary on events in, 575–578;
- democratic opposition in, 556;
- Gorbachev’s role in events in, 575–576, 577;
- military operation in, 575;
- Moscow manifestations in support of, 578–579
- Litvinenko, Alexander, 613, 614n384
- Litvinov, Pavel, 121, 122, 151, 152, 153
- Llewelyn-Davies, Annie Patricia, 315
- Lorenc, Alojz, 518
- Los Angeles Times, 68, 69
- Lown, Bernard, 430
- Lubbers, Ruud, 561
- Lubyanka Building, 61
- Lukyanov, A.I., 574
- Lyubimov, Mikhail, 67
- Lyubimov, Yuri, 160, 242n133, 249
- Macmillan, Harold, 592
- Magnitsky, Sergei, 614, 614n384
- Magomedov, Soltan, 376
- Magra GmbH, 21
- Mail on Sunday (newspaper), 53
- Makhov, A.B., 43
- Malenkov, Georgy, 117
- Malone, Thomas, 432
- Manchester: as nuclear-free city, 421
- Mandela, Nelson, 290, 291
- Mandelstam, Osip, 240
- Manhattan Project, 326
- Mao, Zedong, 510
- Marchenko, Anatoly, 153, 156, 235, 260, 265
- Marchuk, Gury, 265
- Markelov, Stanislav, 613, 614n384
- Markov, Georgi: assassination of, 53
- Markov, Georgy, 246, 248
- Marshall Plan, 534
- Marshal Zhukov, (documentary film), 119
- Marxism: roots of, 591–592
- matrioshka principle, 86
- Maurois, M., 560
- Mauroy, Pierre, 560n337
- Maximov, Vladimir, 242n133, 244
- Maxwell, Robert, 23
- Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 112
- Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 517, 528, 530
- Mazurov, Kirill, 122
- M’Bow, Amadou-Mahtar, 389
- McCarthyism, 326–327
- Meany, George, 352, 353
- Medvedev, Roy, 101
- Medvedev, Vadim, 523, 573
- Medvedev, Zhores:
- appearance before the US Congress, 345–346, 348–350;
- on censorship, 346;
- on communist ideology, 347;
- criticism of ideas of, 434;
- deprivation of Soviet citizenship, 345n193;
- KGB report on, 121;
- on policy of détente, 346, 348;
- on political repressions in the USSR, 346;
- on Soviet democratization, 347–348;
- on Soviet foreign policy, 349;
- on US-Soviet relations, 350;
- written statement to the Senate committee, 347–348
- Melechnikov, A.: “No Statute of Limitations,” 89–90
- Mendoza, R., 23
- Mensheviks (political party), 307, 312
- Mezhdunarodnaya kniga (foreign trading agency), 24, 25
- Michnik, Adam, 466, 530, 531
- Mikardo, Ian, 318
- Mikoyan, Anastas, 72, 122
- Milewski, Miroslaw, 461
- Millionshchikov, Mikhail, 335
- Milshtein, Solomon, 105
- Mitterrand, Francois:
- conversations with Gorbachev, 536, 552, 556, 562;
- on Eastern Europe, 563;
- on European Economic Community, 556;
- on German question, 537;
- on relations between France and USSR, 563;
- support of strong Soviet Union, 625
- Modrow, Hans, 545, 547
- Moldova: ethnic Germans in, 127
- Molotov, Vyacheslav, 117, 117n72, 118
- Moroz, Valentin, 156, 325n173
- Moscow:
- after 1991 coup, 61–62, 93–94;
- anti-communist demonstration in, 578–579
- Moscow Helsinki Group:
- arrest of members of, 302;
- international reaction to arrest of members of, 315–316;
- persecution of members of, 153–154, 312, 314–315, 320–321, 351;
- trial of, 228, 320, 384
- Moscow News (newspaper), 242, 243, 249
- Moscow Olympic Games, 228
- Mozambique Liberation Front, 13
- Mozhayev, Boris, 245
- Muller, Jim, 430
- Myasnikov, Georg, 230, 271
- Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, 251, 569
- Najibullah, Mokhammad, 512, 514
- Nakasone, Yasuhiro, 557
- Nation (newspaper), 280, 281
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of the USA, 432, 433
- National Endowment for Democracy, 279
- Natorf, W., 531
- Natta, Alessandro, 18, 553–554
- Navalny, Alexei, 613
- Neizvestny, Ernst, 160, 206–207, 242n133
- Nekipelov, Victor, 265
- Nemtsov, Boris, 613, 614n384
- Neue Gesellschaft (journal), 306
- New Economic Policy (NEP), 294, 308–309
- New Era Books & Records, 25
- new world order, emergence of, 59
- New York Times, 11, 44, 157, 281
- Nicaragua, 33, 35
- Nikolayeva-Tereshkova, Valentina, 422
- Nixon, Richard:
- on arms control, 339;
- on decline of American power, 341;
- on détente, 306, 337;
- domestic affairs, 341;
- foreign policy of, 337–338;
- on puzzles of Soviet behavior, 591;
- on Soviet trade, 338;
- on US-Soviet relations, 336
- Nixon-Kissinger strategy, 338–339
- NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs), 53, see also KGB
- nomenklatura, 61, 61n43, 76–77
- nonconformist exhibition in Izmaylovsky Park (Bulldozer Exhibition), 131
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 394, 398, 399, 403–406, 535–536, 539, 542
- “No Statute of Limitations” (Melechnikov), 89–90
- Novodvorskaya, Valeriya, 271
- Novo-Ogarevo Agreement, 580
- Novosti Press Agency (APN), 42–43, 44, 45, 334, 407
- Novoye vremya (journal), 220, 243, 281, 282
- NTS (National Alliance of Russian Solidarists):
- dissidents’ relations with, 167, 212–213, 216–217;
- Ginzburg-Galanskov trial and, 216;
- KGB infiltration in, 216;
- KGB reports on, 211;
- methods employed by, 213, 214;
- principles of, 212;
- publishing activities of, 211, 215, 217;
- roots of, 211–212;
- schism in, 212
- nuclear debates, 428–429
- nuclear-free zones, 420, 421
- Nuremberg Trials, 54, 57–58
- Obasanjo, Olusegun, 46
- Ogarkov, Nikolai, 373
- Ogonyok (journal), 67, 243
- Ogorodnikov, Alexander, 271
- Okudzhava, Bulat, 245
- Oleynik, B.I., 577
- Olszowski, Stefan, 452
- Olympic Games in Moscow:
- arrests of dissidents before, 156, 386;
- athletes’ attitudes to, 386;
- boycott of, 54, 383, 384, 387–388;
- cultural program of, 45, 385;
- security measures during, 385–386;
- Soviet propaganda about, 389;
- supporters of, 391
- Olympic Village, 385
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 326
- Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), 163n108
- Orlov, Yuri, 153, 158, 242n133, 275, 312, 313, 314, 315, 384
- Orlov affair, 313–315, 316–317
- Orwell, George, 66, 324
- Osipov, Alexey, 265
- Osnos, Peter, 224
- Oswald, Lee Harvey, 69
- Ovchinnikov, Yuri, 430
- Ovett, Steve, 386–387
- Owen, David, 46, 47, 315
- Pacera, Ion, 519
- Packwood, Bob, 352
- Pakistan, 359–360, 361, 362, 365, 367, 371, 511, 513, 514
- Palanga Travel company, 21
- Palme, Olof Sven Joachim, 46
- Palme Commission in Sweden, 623
- Panhellenic Socialist Movement party (PASOK), 396
- Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) in Germany, 547–548
- Pasternak, Boris: Doctor Zhivago, 327–328
- “A Pastoral Letter on War and Peace,” 432
- Pastukhov, Boris, 423, 424
- Patolichev, Nikolai, 19
- Pavlinchuk, Valery, 121
- Pavlov, A., 569
- peaceful coexistence, principle of, 55
- peace movement:
- American clergy and, 432;
- emergence of, 222;
- funding of, 49, 417, 422–426;
- international participants of, 417–418;
- leftist intelligentsia and, 400–401;
- physicians and, 429–432;
- social democrats and, 397–398;
- Soviet manipulation of, 46, 398–399, 400, 402, 407–408, 412, 416–417;
- spread of, 45–46, 434
- Pelse, Arvids, 122, 374
- Penson, Boris, 156
- People’s Party of Panama, 30
- perestroika:
- controlled opposition during, 273;
- dissidents and, 267;
- end of, 567;
- failure of, 505;
- intelligentsia and, 284;
- Soviet propaganda of, 250, 272;
- Western perception of, 269, 491;
- Willy Brandt on, 556;
- workers’ attitude towards, 566
- personality cult, 57
- Petersen, Arne, 402
- Petrovsky, Boris, 429
- Phomvihane, K., 524, 525
- “Physicians for Nuclear Disarmament” international movement, 431
- Pikhoya, Rudolf, 71, 75, 79, 86–87
- Pilsudski, Jozef, 460
- Pinochet, Augusto, 521
- Pipes, Richard, 275
- Pisarevsky, Dmitry, 230
- Platonov, Andrei, 240
- Plissonnier, Gaston, 17
- Plyushch, Leonid, 242n133, 275
- Podgorny, Nikolai, 39, 162, 165, 168–169, 170
- Poland:
- Bydgoszcz conflict in, 445, 449, 452;
- Catholic Church in, 531–532;
- economic development of, 470, 473, 474–475, 528–529;
- fall of communist regime in, 520;
- Gdansk agreements, 439;
- KGB presence in, 442;
- martial law in, 436, 450, 465, 466–467;
- national front for salvation of, 451;
- Politburo’s discussions of situation in, 447–448, 455–456, 459–464, 466–467;
- political crisis in, 436–437, 444;
- political liberalization of, 517, 526, 529;
- round-table discussions in, 615–616;
- Soviet aid to, 446, 452–453, 468–469, 470–474, 475;
- threat of a Soviet invasion of, 436, 442–443, 451, 453, 465;
- tourist exchange with, 446;
- workers’ movement in, 437–438
- Polikanov, Sergei, 161
- Polischuk, Lev, 258
- Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR), 442, 455, 462, 475, 531
- Politburo:
- archive of, 4, 83;
- directive to Soviet ambassadors, 181–183;
- “doves” and “hawks” in, 350–351;
- Gorbachev’s appointments to, 574
- Politburo’s discussions and resolutions:
- on Bukovsky affair, 218–219;
- on class struggle, 204–205, 210–211;
- on deprivation of residential registration, 151–152;
- on financial support of fraternal parties, 18–19, 36, 176, 177–179;
- on foreign policy after Reykjavik summit, 502–504;
- on German unification, 536;
- on Gorbachev’s election as General Secretary, 252–254;
- on Marchenko and Gabay, 153;
- on measures against NATO, 393–396;
- on Moscow Olympics, 388;
- “On a response to the proposals made by the Minister of Justice of the USA,” 219–220;
- “On measures regarding the persecution of the Party of Democratic Socialism (GDR),” 547–548;
- on operative-chekist measures, 234;
- on political prisoners, 257–258;
- regarding China, 393;
- on reinstatement of Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovich in the party, 117–119;
- on Rostropovich and Vishnevskaya, 159–160;
- on Sakharov affair, 161, 262–264;
- on Sinyavsky affair, 232;
- on situation in Afghanistan, 359–363, 365–367, 368, 369, 370–371, 374–375, 380, 381, 391, 392, 511–516;
- on situation in Lithuania, 575;
- on situation in Poland, 439, 440–442, 443–446, 447, 449–453, 454–464, 466–469, 470–476;
- on Solzhenitsyn affair, 162–170, 171;
- on state of emergency in Azerbaijan, 573;
- on Tiananmen Square events, 572;
- on West European direction of foreign policy, 550–553
- political prisoners:
- Politburo discussion of, 257–258;
- psychological pressure on, 259–260;
- release of, 260, 261–262, 266–267;
- review of cases of, 260–262;
- statistics of, 123, 124
- Politkovskaya, Anna, 613, 614n384
- Polyansky, Dmitry, 169
- Ponomarev, Boris, 19, 35, 121, 309, 320;
- disarmament movement and, 401;
- move for Bukovsky exchange, 158;
- report on situation in Afghanistan, 370;
- on situation in Poland, 441, 446–447;
- on war in Afghanistan, 391
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 38–39
- post-Soviet Russia:
- Chechen Wars, 606;
- economic reforms in, 564–566, 605–606;
- influence of communism in, 605;
- political development of, 92–93;
- rise of new elite in, 606–607;
- terrorism in, 606;
- transition to democracy, 85
- Pound, Ezra, 237
- Pozner, Vladimir, 237–238
- Pozsgay, Imre, 533
- Prague Spring, 532, 533
- Pravda (newspaper), 22, 242, 243, 387, 565
- Presel, Joseph, 223, 224
- Presidential Archive (former archive of the Politburo), 493
- Primakov, Yevgeny, 69, 335, 350, 577
- Pristavkin, Anatoly, 245
- Prodag company, 23
- Progressive Socialist Party of Lebanon, 37
- Prunskienė, Kazimiera, 576
- psychiatry: misuse of, 202
- PTV Productions Inc., 45
- Pugwash Conference, 42n32, 335, 429, 643
- Putin, Vladimir:
- domestic policy, 606–607;
- election campaigns, 606, 607, 613
- Putin’s regime:
- call for a trial of, 616–617;
- crimes of, 613–614, 615, 617;
- inevitability of confrontation with, 618–619;
- opponents of, 624;
- resilience of, 618
- racism, 56
- Rakowski, Mieczyslaw, 529–532
- Random House, 48, 52
- Rasputin, Vladimir, 246
- Ratushinskaya, Irina, 259
- Reagan, Ronald:
- anticommunist strategy of, 485, 488;
- foreign policy, 33, 96, 355, 587, 589;
- Gorbachev’s reforms and, 269, 270, 584;
- rise to power, 412;
- on Soviet propaganda, 336
- Reagan doctrine, 488, 596
- refuseniks, 157–158
- Rekunkov, Alexander, 137, 258, 260
- Remiggio, L., 19
- revolutions: roots of, 98
- Reykjavík Summit, 501
- Rickett, Eva Collet, 25n20
- Rockefeller, David, 557
- Rola-Żymierski, Michał, 451
- Romania:
- authoritarian rule in, 527;
- fall of communist regime in, 517, 519
- Romanov, Grigory, 119, 239, 252, 374
- Roschin, Valery, 245
- Roshchin, Mikhail, 245
- Rostropovich, Mstislav, 159–160
- Rothschild, Leopold, 572
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 325
- Rozanova-Kruglikova, Maria, 232, 233, 234–235
- Rozhdestvensky, Robert, 246–247
- Rudenko, Roman, 143, 154, 170, 171
- Ruiz, Henri, 34, 35
- Rural Solidarity, 445n287
- Rusakov, K.V., 441, 459–460, 471, 472, 473, 475
- Russkaya mysl (newspaper), 162
- Rutskoy, Alexander, 602–603
- Rybakov, Anatoly, 244
- Ryzhkov, Nikolai, 26, 263, 503, 504, 545, 574
- Sadunaite, Nijole, 271
- Sakharov, Andrei:
- advocacy for political prisoners, 265;
- arrest of, 381;
- at the Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR, 267;
- exile of, 161, 228, 262, 381, 432;
- Gorbachev’s reforms and, 102, 270;
- hunger strike of, 433;
- international reaction to exile of, 433;
- KGB surveillance of, 225–226, 264;
- Politburo discussion of, 262–264, 265–266;
- release of, 587;
- Soviet propaganda and, 164;
- on US-Soviet relations, 348
- Salsbury, Harrison, 230
- SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), 47, 412
- samizdat literature, 128–130, 486
- Sandinista National Liberation Front (SNLF) of Nicaragua, 33–34
- Sartakov, Sergei, 239
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, 344
- Saudi Arabia, 488, 489–490
- Savitch, Jessica, 220, 282
- Schelokov, Nikolai, 124
- Schepochkin, Pyotr, 238
- Schmidt, Helmut, 301, 304, 435
- Schweitzer, Peter, 488
- SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany), 537, 543, 545, 546
- Semichastny, Vladimir, 110, 111, 143
- Serov, Ivan, 107, 115
- Sharansky, Anatoly:
- accusations of espionage, 154–155, 224;
- American media on, 223, 225;
- discreditation campaign of, 229;
- exchange of, 228;
- Western reaction to arrest of, 225–227
- Shatunovskaya, Olga, 170
- Shchekochikhin, Yuri, 613, 614n384
- Shcherbitsky, Vladimir, 257, 376
- Shebarshin, Leonid, 67
- Sheffield: as nuclear-free city, 421
- Shelepin, Alexander, 117, 119, 169
- Shenin, Oleg, 564
- Shevardnadze, Eduard, 263, 270–271, 530, 544–545, 551, 574
- Shikhanovich, Yuri, 265
- Sholokhov, Mikhail, 72
- Short, Edward, 318
- Simpson, William, 318
- Sinyavsky, Andrei:
- behavior in the labor camp, 231, 232;
- compromising measures against, 233;
- pardon of, 232;
- return to the USSR, 267;
- sentence of, 231, 232;
- travel to France, 233–234
- Sinyavsky-Daniel trial, 143–148, 235
- “slander of socialist reality,” 202–203
- Slavist scholars, 231
- Slepak, Vladimir, 317
- Smirnov, Lev Nikolayevich, 144
- Smolsky, P., 34
- Snegov, Alexey, 170
- Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD):
- advocacy for Common European Centre, 560;
- decline of, 303–304;
- Friedrich Ebert Fund of, 306;
- influence in GDR, 543–544;
- leaders of, 301;
- Ostpolitik of, 9, 296, 297–298, 304, 305, 306
- socialism:
- crisis of, 476–477, 485, 486, 532–533;
- influence of, 308;
- Soviet model of, 484
- socialism with a human face, 307
- socialist countries:
- crisis of, 516, 567–568;
- foreign debt of, 525;
- Polish crisis and, 469–470, 471, 472–473, 477;
- political development of, 526–527;
- relations with USSR, 524–526, 533–534, 545–546, 560–561;
- round table experiments in, 528, 602
- socialist democrats in Western Europe:
- drift to the left, 307–308;
- KGB infiltration into, 312, 319;
- rapprochement with Moscow, 308–309, 319–320
- Socialist International:
- conferences of, 309–310, 320, 396, 397, 498;
- differences within, 498–499;
- Gorbachev’s reforms and, 559;
- leaders of, 498;
- political activities of, 499–500;
- youth organizations and, 499
- Socialist Party of Australia, 21, 25
- socialist pluralism, 569
- Sokolov, Sergey, 264, 551
- Solidarity (Polish trade union):
- “Appeal to the Workers of Eastern Europe,” 447;
- creation of, 438;
- election in Sejm, 517;
- influence of, 255, 443, 446–447, 460, 461, 462;
- international support of, 436;
- main center of, 530;
- martial law and, 466;
- membership, 529;
- party leaders’ negotiations with, 444–445, 453;
- Soviet propaganda on, 437;
- strikes organized by, 458;
- support of the Church, 531, see also Rural Solidarity
- Solomentsev, Mikhail, 166–167, 247, 255, 502, 503
- Soloukhin, Vladimir, 230, 244
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander:
- attacks of intellectuals on, 96, 97;
- August 1914, 163;
- dissemination of works of, 121, 588;
- expulsion from the USSR, 172, 299, 300;
- The First Circle, 121;
- The Gulag Archipelago, 162, 163–164, 203;
- KGB reports on, 244;
- “Letter to the Leaders of the Soviet Union,” 96;
- Nobel Prize laureate, 163;
- The Oak and the Calf, 95;
- “October 1917,” 164;
- persecution of, 96;
- Politburo discussion of, 162–170, 171;
- on smatterers, 427–428;
- support of Soviet writers by, 244–245;
- on transition from totalitarianism to democracy, 96;
- on “young reformers” in Russia, 605
- Soprunenko, Pyotr, 53
- Sorsa, Kalevi, 6–7, 393, 394–396, 498
- South Yemen, 392
- Soviet-Afghan War:
- beginning of, 376–377, 380–381, 383;
- disarmament process and, 411;
- international reaction on, 381, 383, 396–397;
- Moscow Olympics and, 390;
- Operation Storm-333, 374–379, 375–379;
- Operation X, 460, 461;
- Soviet press on, 380
- Soviet-American conference of physicians and doctors (1981), 431
- Soviet Cinematography Committee, 623
- Soviet citizens of ethnic German origin, 127
- Soviet Committee of Solidarity of Asian and African Countries, 393
- Soviet Committee of War Veterans, 401
- Soviet economy:
- crisis of, 484, 486, 571–572;
- party management of, 483;
- reforms of, 566–567;
- role of oil industry in, 489, 490;
- shadow industry in, 479
- Soviet intelligence, 64–65, 494–495, 496
- Soviet intelligentsia:
- cooperation with KGB, 235, 236;
- “glasnost” and, 242, 248–249;
- letter in support of French Communist Party, 239–240;
- opposition within, 240, 244–245;
- perestroika and, 284;
- qualities of, 100, 101, 426–427;
- relations with the Soviet state, 238, 239–241, 246, 250
- Soviet jokes, 5, 157
- Soviet Peace Fund, 401, 426
- Soviet people:
- perception of business activities by, 85–86;
- qualities of, 84, 113
- Soviet propaganda:
- effect of, 222, 225;
- spread of, 24–25, 221–222, 224, 333;
- in tourist industry, 335–336;
- in Western mass media, 42, 43–44, 45, 333–334
- Soviet Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, 26
- Soviet regime:
- conservatism of, 98;
- decline of support of, 137;
- relations with the law, 139–140;
- scarcity of opposition to, 138;
- Western perception of, 308, 592
- Soviet Union, see USSR
- Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), 559
- Der Spiegel, 10
- Spitak earthquake, 572
- Stalin, Joseph:
- Berlin crisis and, 331;
- enemies of, 210;
- foreign policy of, 330, 342;
- patriotic propaganda of, 114;
- personality of, 204;
- plans for German reunification, 534, 545;
- during Second World War, 476;
- Western perception of, 342
- Stalin’s political repressions:
- acts of heroism during, 113–114;
- communist leaders affected by, 105;
- condemnation of, 91;
- fabrication of accusatory materials during, 105–106;
- in the Far East, 105–106;
- investigation of, 105–106;
- against kulaks, 103–104, 107;
- legends about, 110;
- mass executions during, 104;
- of prisoners of war, 105;
- scale of, 103, 104–105, 108;
- secret mass graves, 110;
- against sectarians, 107;
- sense of guilt for, 141–142;
- social effect of, 142
- Starovoitova, Galina, 613, 614n384
- State Press Committee, 334
- Steen, R., 316
- Stiglitz, Natalya, 229
- Stoph, Willi, 537
- Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 404, 488
- Stroilov, Pavel, 493, 523
- Sudoplatov, Pavel, 53, 326
- Sunday Mirror, 315
- Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 579, 602
- Suslov, Mikhail:
- documents signed by, 39, 121;
- on invasion of Afghanistan, 374;
- on situation in Poland, 441, 452, 463–464, 469;
- on Solzhenitsyn case, 162, 164, 166
- Svetov, Felix, 244
- Switzerland’s neutrality policy, 412
- Szilard, Leo, 326
- Talbott, Strobe, 251
- Taraki, Nur Muhammad:
- conversations with Kosygin, 363–365, 369;
- death of, 371;
- Soviet support of, 358, 360–361, 362–363, 368
- Tarkovsky, Andrei, 160, 240
- Tarsis, Valery, 156
- TASS (Soviet news agency), 44, 380, 407, 573
- Tbillisi demonstration, 568
- telephone law, 140
- Temushkin, Oleg, 144
- Terebilov, Vladimir, 137, 258
- Ter-Petrosyan, Levon, 577
- Thames Television, 44
- Thatcher, Margaret:
- antisocialist policies of, 485, 590;
- foreign policy of, 96, 355, 541, 542, 587;
- Gorbachev’s reforms and, 269, 270, 542, 583–584, 589, 592;
- political views of, 292, 625;
- Soviet people’s perception of, 584
- Thompson, E.P., 433, 434, 436
- Tiananmen Square massacre, 572
- Tikhonov, Nikolai, 117–119, 120, 252, 374, 441, 448, 464, 468
- Time (magazine), 251
- The Times, 242
- Timofeyev, Lev, 268, 271
- Tokes, Laszlo, 517
- Tolkachev, Adolf, 258
- Trifonov, Yury, 240
- Trilateral Commission, 557
- troikas, 103, 104
- Truman, Harry, 342, 404
- “Trust Group,” 271
- Tsvigun, Semyon, 22
- “twinned cities,” system of, 420–421
- Two Questions to the President (television program), 77
- annual budget of, 410;
- Soviet influence in, 409–410
- UNESCO International Year of the Child, 410
- Union of Writers of the RSFSR, 236, 244, 246–248
- United States:
- Arab oil boycott and, 331;
- consideration of withdrawal from the Helsinki Accords, 351–352;
- defeat in Southeast Asia, 340;
- in European imagination, 325;
- European policy of, 557, 585–586;
- foreign policy, 331, 488–489, 586–587, 588;
- Hollywood films, 327, 328, 429, 623;
- idea of human rights in, 351;
- intellectuals in, 324, 325–326;
- international campaign against, 393;
- Jackson amendment, 343–350;
- as land of conformists, 323;
- liberal foundations in, 429;
- manipulation of oil market by, 488, 489–490;
- mass media in, 323;
- McCarthyism in, 326–327;
- Nixon-Kissinger strategy, 338–339;
- peace movement in, 429–430, 431;
- “Physicians for Social Responsibility” movement in, 429–430;
- political culture in, 321, 322–323;
- practice of mass brainwashing in, 429;
- pro-Soviet attitudes in, 328–329, 331;
- referendums in California and Massachusetts, 595–596;
- Soviet propaganda in, 336;
- Soviet tourists in, 336;
- “Star Wars” (SDI) program, 501;
- unhappy population of, 323–324
- UONovites, 163
- US-Soviet relations:
- “doctrine of moral equivalence” in, 342–343;
- Gorbachev’s assessment of, 502–504;
- Politburo’s discussion of, 502–504;
- scientific cooperation in, 354, 432
- USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics):
- aid to fraternal parties, 12–15, 17, 18, 24–27, 29–33, 520–521, 522–523;
- aid to Poland, 468–469, 470–471, 473–474, 475;
- average salary in, 426;
- border security of, 496;
- consumer goods shortages in, 477–479;
- control of oil resources, 355;
- corruption in, 479;
- crime in, 114–115, 136;
- democratic movement in, 602;
- disarmament initiatives of, 46, 404;
- discussions about the future of, 96–97;
- disintegration of, 95, 479, 491–492, 568–569, 599–600, 624;
- ethnic conflicts in, 479–480, 569;
- European affairs, 6–7, 8, 9–10, 404–406, 534–536, 538–539, 549, 550–553;
- everyday life in, 111–112;
- financial crisis of, 587, 593;
- First Five Year Plan, 66n48;
- foreign firms traded with, 23, 24;
- foreign policy of, 37, 40–41, 297, 329–331, 336, 340, 392–393, 401;
- general strike in, 602;
- heroic bravado in, 112–113;
- ideology of, 591;
- increase of mental illness in, 204;
- intelligence, 405–406;
- juvenile prisoners in, 115;
- military expenses of, 484;
- nationalistic movements in, 128, 496–497;
- nuclear disarmament policy, 402–404;
- opposition within, 572–574, 578–579;
- political reforms in, 15;
- propaganda campaigns of, 26, 42, 43–45;
- residential registration in, 152;
- retail prices in, 481–483;
- sale of gold reserve of, 572;
- scientific boycott of, 351, 354;
- socialist democracy in, 203;
- standard of living in, 346;
- strategic advantages of, 339;
- “struggle for peace,” 397–398, 400–401, 425–426;
- support of socialist countries, 471–472;
- tourist industry, 335–336;
- trade policy, 338, 344–345, 350;
- trade unions, 580, 590;
- Western campaign for human rights in, 181–183, 223, 226, 228, 300–301;
- Western policy towards, 95, 96, 295, 592–593;
- Western scholars in, 231
- USSR Committee for State Security files, 9–10, 28–29, 30, 36–37
- Ustinov, Dmitry:
- Brest meeting of, 449–452;
- on Molotov’s reinstatement in the party, 117;
- opinion on Khrushchev, 118, 119;
- on renaming Volgograd to Stalingrad, 119;
- on situation in Poland, 440–442, 445–446, 458–459, 462;
- on Solzhenitsyn case, 165;
- Soviet-Afghan war and, 361, 363, 365–366, 374–375, 391
- Uyl, Joop den, 46
- Uzbek case, 479
- Vance, Cyrus, 46, 52, 180, 224, 225, 226, 301, 623
- Vanden Heuvel, Katrina, 281
- Vechernyaya Moskva (newspaper), 89
- Velikhov’s Fund for the Survival of Humanity, 577
- Velvet Revolution in Eastern Europe, 516, 518, 520, 528, 533
- Venclova, Tomas, 154
- Victor Kamkin Bookstore, 25
- Vietnam War, 328, 331
- Vikremasinghe, Sugiswara Abeywardena, 13
- Vinogradov, Vladimir, 366
- Vins, Georgi, 156, 157
- Vishnevskaya, Galina, 159–160
- Vladimir Prison: dissidents in, 124–125
- Vladimov, Georgi, 244
- Vlasovites, 163, 163n108
- Vogel, Hans-Jochen, 572
- Voinovich, Vladimir, 245
- Volkogonov, Dmitri, 70
- Voroshilov, Kliment, 72
- Vorotnokov, Vitaly, 247
- Voslensky, Mikhail, 298, 298n145
- Voznesensky, Andrei, 246
- Vyshinsky, Andrey, 104
- Vysotsky, Vladimir, 60, 60n42, 238, 312
- Waldheim, Kurt, 8
- Walesa, Lech, 447, 528, 529, 530
- Wallenberg, Raoul, 53
- “Warsaw-90” training and coordination center, 600
- Warsaw Pact, 404, 539, 542, 543, 549
- Weekend Television, 45
- Weinstein, Leon, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626
- Werner, H., 305
- Western banks loans to the Third World countries, 292
- Western communist parties:
- criticism of CPSU, 180;
- influence of, 553–554;
- Soviet funding of, 12–13, 15–16, 17–18, 26–27, 564
- Western democracy: “Marxist” understanding of, 343–344
- Western Europe:
- deployment of American missiles in, 413;
- integration of, 535, 549–550, 557–558, 559;
- movement for nuclear-free, 420
- Western mass media, 44, 45, 136, 279
- West German Greens, 402
- West Germany, see Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
- Wojtyla, Karol, 208
- World Council of Churches, 393
- World Forum of Youth and Students for Peace, Détente and Disarmament, 423–425
- World Parliament of Peoples for Peace, 413–414, 415, 418
- World Peace Council, 401, 407, 411, 417, 418
- Yakir, Pyotr, 121, 151–152, 153, 216
- Yakovlev, Alexander:
- on aid to fraternal parties, 522;
- criticism of, 145;
- encounter with Bukovsky, 523;
- on European policy, 552–553;
- events in Lithuania and, 577;
- as foreman of perestroika, 149;
- on German reunification, 545;
- as head of committee on the socialist countries, 523;
- meeting with Brzezinski, 538;
- political career of, 144, 526;
- propagandistic work of, 243;
- report on Congress of writers, 246–247;
- report on political opposition, 268–269, 270–271;
- retirement of, 150;
- on US-Soviet relations, 502;
- on Zhirinovsky, 250
- Yakovlev, Yegor, 61, 61n45
- Yakunin, Gleb, 102
- Yanayev, G.I., 579
- Yanikos, Yannis, 22
- Yazov, D.T., 574
- Yeltsin, Boris:
- appointment of Bakatin as head of KGB, 62;
- attitude to KGB reform, 70;
- drinking problem, 76;
- fear of communists, 81;
- first hundred days in power, 76;
- popular support of, 579, 606;
- raise to power, 579;
- relations with Gorbachev, 580, 602, 603;
- release of political prisoners by, 262
- Yermash, F.T., 48
- Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 246;
- “The Northern Bonus,” 238–239
- Yezhov, Nikolai, 104
- Youth (journal), 236, 238–239
- Yushenkov, Sergei, 613, 614n384
- Yutkevich, Sergei, 240
- Yuvenaly, Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna, 278
- Zagladin, Vadim, 19, 428, 558
- Zaikov, Lev, 255
- Zakharov, Gennadi, 158
- Zalmanson, Sylva, 156
- Zalygin, Sergei, 246, 247
- Zamyatin, Leonid, 367
- Zaychikov, V., 43
- Zedtwitz-Arnim, Georg-Volkmar, 9
- Zhdanova, Ekaterina, 229
- Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 250–251
- Zhivkov, Todor, 452, 471
- Zia-ul-Haq, Mohammad, 597
- Zimyanin, Mikhail, 31, 247, 263, 448
- Zinoviev, Alexander, 97, 100, 207, 242n133
- Zinoviev, Olga, 242n133
- Zoetrope Studios, 47
- Zorkin, Valery, 88
- Zubatov, Sergei, 569