Nireem and his allies from the second landing site moved quickly and were now near the first colony. His group totaled 36 men carrying scoped laser rifles or stun pistols. They were committed to removing Salguodir and his followers.
Shortly before sundown, the patrol leaders, Ecurben, and the Commander were on the high ridge looking across a wide valley to the hillside where the first descent vehicle had crashed in the trees. They could see the cluster of half-dome structures that housed the settlers using binoculars with night vision enhancement. Now, they could visualize the settlement. They quickly identified the features represented by markings on their map.
The plan was to approach from the hilltop side of the settlement, giving Salguodir little warning and facilitating the release of their fellow crewmembers. They were hoping the backside was unguarded.
In the dark before sunrise the following morning, the armed force moved out, staying far to the right of the settlement and the wooded ravine where the Commander first sent out men to engage Salguodir's guards. Scouts widely spaced led the way, watching for trouble.
The Commander didn’t think the coup leader would widen his perimeter. Nevertheless, they didn’t want to risk discovery. Progress was slow. Binoculars scanned the woodline for any hint of movement or reflected light. All the while, the long line of men took turns zig-zagging up the long slope. Trees and bushes randomly distributed provide some cover. By late afternoon, the relief column reached the denser forest that capped the hill.
Deep in the woods, the 36 men rested for the final approach. Then, they worked their way through the trees in a deep loop that boomeranged to the backside of the settlement.
Drawing closer, scouts inched forward, searching for anyone who might give away their presence. By now, despite it being a clear night, they were nearly invisible in the heavy shadows. The faint outlines of the half-domes confirmed their objective.
Ecurben and Nireem huddled to decide the final assault. Then, they instructed four teams on their assignments. Fluttering waves of voices coming from activity in the village pierced the silence. They decided to wait until well after midnight.
Four armed men leaving the compound broke the tedium of waiting. The four were laughing and seemed to be going somewhere. Then the words, “…relieve the guys down ...” answered the question. They were guards going out for a shift change. The four disappeared, walking away from them.
“Four isn’t many guards,” Ecurben whispered.
“Others probably left from the other side,” Nireem reasoned.
“If guards are in the woods ahead, the shift change should flush them out.”
They sat in the woods listening but heard only faint leaves rustling. Then, finally, it was time to move. A few arm gestures had the men ready, weapons in hand, and night vision lenses revealing the way. The single-file procession advanced through the darkness.
Silently, they padded through the brush and around trees. Then, up ahead, the point man raised an arm, and everyone stopped. He had spotted something. His hand then pointed to the left, and those near the front saw an infrared image of a person. There was a guard who, fortunately, was looking away from them.
Two men near the front slipped out of line and crept toward the guard. The crunch of a twig caught the lookout's attention. Farther back, someone tossed a pebble that made a sound in another direction. The guard relaxed, apparently thinking they were just night sounds.
Everyone crouched, waiting as the minutes passed. Then, the sound of a body falling to the ground gave the all-clear, and the procession continued. Soon, the cluster of half-dome structures was clearly visible, and teams started to split off.
First, Nerolnin's men edged around the village to take positions protecting the downhill flank. Next, two teams headed to the shelters, assigned to find the Commander's crew and Salguodir's men.
Each team had a mission-related name: Front, Left, Right, and Reserve. Nireem and Ecurben stayed back with the Reserve Team.
Each half-dome had a door with an electronic lock. The key was a small tag with an embedded chip. Anyone standing near the door possessing a tag could open the door. Moving further away caused the doors to lock automatically. Each team had one of these lock-tags.
The Right team approached the crew's quarters, opened the door, and burst in. It was empty except for some furniture and mission bags used by the astronauts for personal items. The team leader called The Commander.
“The crew's quarters are deserted, sir.”
“Understood. Keep looking,” was the terse reply. Salguodir must have moved them, flashed through Nireem's mind.
The Left Team was outside Salguodir's quarters, and its team leader could feel the door unlock. Looking at his men, he nodded and stepped back. Then, with stun pistols drawn, they rushed through the door. Salguodir and seven of his men, half-awake and shocked, glared at the guns aimed at them.
“Commander. We have Salguodir and seven of his men,” their leader reported.
“Good. But there are more. They must be in another shelter. Keep looking. Be careful.”
The Left Team placed their captives in handcuffs and rounded up all the weapons and communicators. Three members stood guard while the rest continued the search.
The Commander ordered the Reserve Team to move up and seal off the back side of the village. “I don’t want anyone sneaking out the back.”
“Sir, we’ve been through all the shelters on the right side. Found colonists, but no crew members,” said the Right Team Leader.
“Check out the central half-dome. There are storage rooms in the back,” came the order in a steely voice.
“On it!’
Nireem's communicator sounded again – this time, it was a desperate voice.
“Commander! Men down. Need backup.” It was the Left Team's leader.
“What happened?” Nireem asked, abruptly pointing his hand to the left side of the village.
“Started to open a door. Someone must have been awake and fired a laser rifle. We have one dead and one badly wounded.”
“Backup coming,” the Commander answered.
Ecurben, seeing the Commander's gesture, immediately ordered the Reserve Team into action. The years the two astronauts had spent together enabled each to anticipate the other's next move.
The Reserve Team circled the back side of the large central half-dome and approached the smaller living quarters. Almost immediately, they saw a man lying near door fragments. Other Left Team members crouched off to one side with pistols drawn. For the moment, it was a standoff.
The Reserve Team Leader touched a button on his communicator, transforming it into a mini bullhorn.
“Drop your weapons! Come out now or die,“ a brutally cold voice demanded.
The Reserve team's laser rifles pointed at the thin-walled shelter. One command would disintegrate the entire structure and all who were inside.
Fingers were poised as the seconds passed. Then they heard muffled voices and weapons thudding to the ground.
“Coming out,” one pleaded.
One by one, the men shuffled out.
“Sir, we have fourteen more of Salguodir's men. They choose to surrender.”
“Good job. That leaves the guards down in the border woods.”
Moments later, Nireem's communicator sounded again. This time, it was the Right Team leader.
“Found the crew. Salguodir locked them in two storage compartments. They haven’t had much food and look exhausted.”
“But everyone is there? No one hurt?”
“Yes, sir. There are a lot of smiling faces.”
“Good job. Stay there. We have Salguodir and most of his men. I’m coming now..” The Commander took a deep breath. His greatest fear had been harm to members of his crew.
Ecurben stood next to Nireem, and the two shared the exhilaration of a “mission accomplished” moment. The coup was defeated, and only a few loose ends remained. The sky welcomed a new day as the two walked to the community center. Exhaustion from the previous days’ travel and the tension of the night's action descended on them.
Once inside, Nireem saw a haggard but smiling group- the rest of the astronaut team, who landed with him on Descent Vehicle One. The effect of their cramped confinement and subsistence rations was apparent. And the raw emotion of seeing his crewmembers overcame Nireem's disciplined self-control, tearing his eyes and choking his voice.
He and Ecurben embraced their brothers, clasping shoulders and pressing cheeks together to express their feelings. They said little. Their large oval eyes expressed their love and the brotherhood that comes from sharing countless missions.
Finally, the Commander stepped back and spoke.
“You don’t know how much I feared we wouldn’t have this moment. I want to sit with you and hear about everything that has happened. We have captured Salguodir and nearly all of his followers.”
He paused and choked up. Then he cleared his throat.
“Now Ecurben and I have a few details to handle, and we are both exhausted from days with little rest. But first, we will have food brought here. Then, tonight, we will celebrate together.”
Turning to leave, Nireem spoke to Eteppon. “Find Nevetsin. We need two teams to guard Salguodir and his thugs. Our guys need rest. Also, we need proper food for our crew.”
“On it!”
Walking to the door, the Commander contacted the four rescue mission team leaders and asked them to meet in front of the Community half-dome. He and Ecurben walked around, and Nireem pointed to the wrecked lander still in the grasp of two large trees.
Ecurben laughed. “That's one for the descent pilot's training course.”
The Front Team leader joined them.
“Any update on the Salguodir's guards down the slope?” Nireem asked.
“Nothing, sir. They haven’t tried to return here.”
“Nevetsin will be bringing up some men to relieve us. We’ll have him send a couple of scouts out to check.”
The other three team leaders walked up, and one asked,” Are the captured crewmembers all OK?”
‘Tired, hungry, but all are well,” Ecurben answered. “How are your men holding up?”
“Everyone's dragging. Our wounded guy will make it,” the Left Team leader offered.
“Nevetsin will provide some of his guys to relieve us. We are waiting for him now,” the Commander said.
“What about food? My team hasn’t eaten since last night.”
“Food will be here soon. Have all the living quarters been checked?”
“Everything's been searched. We have told the colonists you are back. And we told them you would speak to them tonight.”
Then Nevetsin and a group of his men came jogging around the corner. The Commander could see their smiles and enthusiasm.
“Sir. We got your message that you would return. We never doubted it.”
“Good to see you, Nevetsin. We connected with a patrol from the second landing party. They provided reinforcements to deal with Salguodir. He and his gang are under guard now. Our men need some rest. Will you relieve them?”
“Yes, sir. Glad you’re back.”
“We are organized into four teams. Here are the team leaders. Coordinate with them—and one more thing. Some of Salguodir's guards are still in the woods bordering the slope. We need to round them up.”
“On it. I’ve got some hunters who will enjoy it,” Nevetsin grinned.