These days, Snow White’s life was perfect, of course. Although it would be good to have time to paint as well.
There was a lot of dry cleaning to collect and Snow White wondered how she could carry it all. But as she was leaving she noticed a poster on the shop door.
Snow White felt very excited and wrote down all the details. She would love to enter.
But then, as she hurried back to the palace, her mind began to fill with doubt. She probably wasn’t good enough. Although maybe she should enter anyway. Soon her head was spinning with confusion. What should she do?
She badly needed some advice, and she knew just who to ask — the Magic Mirror! It was the one thing belonging to her stepmother that she had kept.
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Should I bother to enter the contest at all?” she asked.
“Go for it, girlfriend! Don’t let this pass by,” sang the Magic Mirror, its cloudy surface shimmering mysteriously. “Put yourself first, and give it a try.”
“I won’t know if I come in first unless I enter and win. But thanks, you’ve helped me make up my mind!” said Snow White. She was confused about the answer but happy for the support.
That night, Snow White found it hard to sleep. She kept thinking about what she was going to paint, and how amazing she wanted it to be.
She was in her studio bright and early the next morning, getting her paints and brushes ready. She was just about to start when her phone rang.
“Hi there, Snow White!” said a deep voice. “I wondered if you could do me a favor. You know I wouldn’t normally ask, but we’re really desperate.”
Snow White’s heart sank. She knew instantly the voice belonged to the Huntsman, who was now her friend. He and his wife were lovely people, but they didn’t seem to be any good at organizing themselves, which meant they often called Snow White for help.
“I’m not sure I can,” said Snow White. “I’m right in the middle of something …”
“Oh, please, Snow White,” said the Huntsman. “Mrs. Huntsman starts a new job today and I’m going to the dentist, so we need you to look after the kids.”
Snow White bit her lip. It wouldn’t be very nice to say no, would it?
“I’m on my way,” she said, putting down her paintbrush with a sigh.
The Huntsman’s children were lovely, but they could also be quite lively. Snow White ended up babysitting for most of the day. The Huntsman told an exhausted Snow White that he’d bumped into a friend after he’d left the dentist, and they had lost track of the time.