

EVERY FIGHT REQUIRES A battle plan. Stopping the progressive crusade to systematically dismantle the principles of liberty and the Constitution will not be easy. Ronald Reagan wisely told us that freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction—and that means failure is not an option.

Only by understanding the ideology of progressives and their true agenda, only by understanding that they view the acquisition of power as a self-justifying goal regardless of the means used to acquire it, can defenders of American values hope to prevail.

We have offered the agenda, the order of battle, to halt the left’s march to fundamentally transform—and ultimately extinguish—the shining city on a hill, the beacon of freedom that is America.

The First 100 Days of the Trump Presidency


On day one, Trump will sign at least 20 executive orders to undo the illegal subversion of the Constitution and its balance of powers undertaken by former president Barack Obama. Among them are the following:



To stop the progressive juggernaut dead in its tracks, Republicans must challenge the base of power progressives depend on by offering genuine opportunities to the disadvantaged urban communities that Democrats have ruled, exploited, and paid lip service to for decades. Restoring law and order, offering school choice, ending the open-borders policy, and rebuilding America’s infrastructure will do wonders for an inner-city community that knows liberals have been long on promises and short on delivery.

What matters from this point forward is not what we say but what we do. We must rise up and confront those who no longer believe in America as the exceptional bastion of freedom that it is. Along with Reagan, we must fight to defend liberty in order to bequeath it to the next generation.

Let it not be said we shrank from the great calling of our times: to faithfully defend the “last best hope” of freedom that is the United States.