Overall, I love EOS and the impact it has had on my team and myself. If I’m ever in a different company, I’ll be implementing EOS to help the team work well together and achieve higher results.
—JORDAN-ANN SCHORCH, accounts, Syrup Marketing
Congratulations! You’re nearly to the end, so let’s quickly recap what you’ve learned. Your company chose EOS as its operating system. Your company’s goal is to become 100% strong in each of the 6 Key Components: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction.
When you are 100% strong, everyone will be rowing in the same direction and aligned around the same short-term and long-term goals documented in the V/TO.
There will be less chaos and fewer fires to fight. Thanks to the Core Values, Accountability Chart, and People Analyzer, everyone will be the Right Person in the Right Seat, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, making decisions faster and solving issues more quickly, propelling your organization forward. Everyone will be following your Core Processes, creating consistency and the ability to grow.
Using Scorecards and Measurables, everyone will know how they are doing against their targets. You’ll be living in a 90-Day World setting and completing Rocks every 90 days. Meetings will be productive as a result of the L10, and you’ll be solving all your issues by IDS’ing.
You will be winning and having fun.
You now have all the tools you need and know the role you’re expected to play to help achieve that 100% strong goal. Remember: your manager asked you to read this book because they want you to take an active role in achieving your company’s vision.
As stated earlier, implementing EOS in your company is an ongoing, lifelong effort, and many companies have been running on EOS for more than 10 years. EOS has had a positive impact on the lives of millions. As one employee said, “EOS has had a large effect on me personally. I have discovered that this simple process can be carried over into my personal life as well. It has given me tools to gain progress in areas where my life goals were merely just maybe-someday wishes.”
Finally, to help you determine how your company is doing running on EOS, complete the following short organizational checkup. You can also go to www.eosworldwide.com to fill out this organizational checkup online.
For each statement below, please rank your company on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is weak (or you don’t do it) and 5 is strong (you’re very good at it).
For each statement below, please rank your company on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is weak (or you don’t do it) and 5 is strong (you’re very good at it).
Total your score by adding together all the numbers in the last row. This is your starting score. Your company’s goal is to get a score above 80.
Most companies score below 80 when they are getting started with EOS. If your score was below 80, don’t worry—that’s normal. Your leadership team is working hard to get above 80 and they can’t do it without you. To help, we recommend you review and act on the role you’re expected to play. Also, ask your manager the questions listed at the end of each chapter. There is a concise summary of your role and the questions to ask your manager in Appendixes A and B.
In reality, your company cannot become 100% strong in all 6 Key Components and run well on EOS without you.
What we are trying to say can be summed up in this short story. Near a little village in the center of Turkey, an old, wise man lived up on a mountain in a cave. From time to time, the villagers would go seek his counsel, and the old, wise man always had the answer. Some people tried to outsmart him, but they never could—he always had the right answer.
Meanwhile, 2 boys from the village who craved fame and glory devised a plan to finally outsmart the old, wise man. They would catch a small bird and cup it in their hands. The boys would ask the old, wise man, “Is the bird in our hands dead or alive?”
If the old, wise man said, “Dead,” the boys would open their hands and the live bird would fly away. If the old, wise man said, “Alive,” the boys would smash their hands together and show him a dead bird. Their plan couldn’t fail, and they would soon be known worldwide as the boys who had outsmarted the old, wise man.
After catching a small bird, the boys put their plan in action and hiked up the mountain to the old, wise man’s cave. “Sir,” they said, “is the bird in our hands dead or alive?”
The old, wise man paused and thought for a while. After a few minutes had passed, he replied, “The answer is in your hands.”
And the same is true for you. If you’re sitting back wondering if EOS will work or not, the answer is in your hands.