Where do I possibly begin? This book took many years to craft with the support of many, many incredible friends. You’ve stayed with me through my most delirious highs and rock-bottom lows. Your love is genuine, and I hope I’ve shown my genuine love for you in return.
Firstly, I must thank my remarkable agent and editorial slayer, Allison Remcheck, for teaching me how to write and for reading draft after draft after draft and sending me notes after notes after notes. You pushed me to get this story right without letting me get away with it being simply “good enough,” and you never gave up on me. You showed me how to unscramble a lifetime’s worth of fascination and knowledge and passion to form a story all my own. A writer’s best words come from the darkest places, and I thank you for shining a light. You are a dear friend to me. Love you.
Thank you to Rosemary Stimola, for coming into my life and career and for taking a huge chance on me. Rosemary, you are my fairy godmother who gave me the strength and direction to make my own dreams come true. You teamed me up with Allison, who turned out to be my editorial soulmate. Thank you for giving her all the tools and confidence to become an agent herself. You’re the best, Ro.
Thank you to Jillian Manning, Sara Bierling, Mary Hassinger, Hannah VanVels, Jennifer Hoff, Annette Bourland, and everyone else at Blink who saw something special in my book and helped me bring Ziva and her world to life. Your enthusiasm is so inspirational and thank you so much for making me feel at home among friends! To Rebecca Heyman, for dragging me out of the hamster wheel and telling me to write the book I wanted to write. Thank you for giving me back my love of writing, because I’d lost it somewhere along the way. You saved my life.
To Leah Clifford, Rebecca Enzor, Susan Dennard, Derek Molata, Kody Keplinger, Kendare Blake, SJ Kincaid, Mary Lindsay, and Kiersten White: How can I say how much I love you? You’ve shown me what true friendship means. Thank you for your infinite kindnesses and unwavering support. Your friendship has been a fortress for me to shelter within when the storm rages the hardest. You are good people.
To my family—thank you, bless you, love you.