a top-ten list of thank-yous
1. My Family: For your love, your encouragement, and your understanding that I will miss holidays when I’m breaking a story.
2. The Harbor Family: Teddy, Elizabert, J-Tho, Kiddo, Hailo, V-Luu, Brig, Nic, KB1, KB2, Gnat, Magic JJ, Abby Fabby Funk, Monks, and Lady Bon Bon—my super friends, who put up with being incessantly nicknamed. Thank you again and always, for absolutely everything. I do love nothing in the world so well as you. Is not that strange?
3. Laura Zats: My agent and my champion, who got this book immediately. Thank you for pushing me to be nerdier and for believing that I could juggle three manuscripts at the same time. You make me a stronger writer and a stronger person. I could not be more thankful for you. I owe you a beer and a hug.
4. Sylvan Creekmore: The coolest editor in the world, who changed my life in the span of one e-mail (and every e-mail since). I can’t thank you enough for making this book possible. Beer and hugs for you, too!
5. Everyone at St. Martin’s Press, especially Michelle and Karen: For believing in me and this book and for guiding me through the mess that was achieving my greatest dream.
6. The Sweet 16s: The sweetest and most talented group of people on the Internet. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be debuting alongside of you all.
7. The Harleys (Mellissa, Rich, Aidan, and Spencer): For your amazing support and insta-love.
8. Brandon, Sylvia, and the overlords: For being on my team for so many years.
9. Erin: My best friend and first fangirl whose rants about the X-Men proved to be quite useful. Thank you for bringing me mugs of tea and reminding me to eat, for reading YA when you really didn’t want to, and for introducing me to Saga. You’re the world’s best lying cat.
10. My students: This book started as a love letter to my students. Without their enthusiasm for sharing their fandoms with their school librarian, the Messina Academy would be unpopulated. Endless thanks to every Bee and Falcon who stopped at my desk to talk about Doctor Who, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. Thank you for handing me books that you loved and reminding me that stories change lives. You all make my job a blessing.
And none for Gretchen Wieners.