Choosing an Organization to Support or Join

Here are some questions to ask when looking for the right organization to support or join.

▪  Who is in leadership (staff and board)? Do they represent the group they’re advocating for? Who is the CEO, and how is that person connected?

▪  Follow the money. Who are the funding sources (individuals, corporations, other groups)? Of the money donated to the group, how much goes to the cause they’re advocating for?

▪  What is the group’s history of involvement with the community? Have they been in the community for a long time, or are they brand new? If they are brand new, why? Have their focus and core commitments changed over time? If so, why?

▪  Is the organization well known within the community they purport to serve? How much are they invested in it?

▪  Show up and observe. Who is most present? What is the first action asked of you?

▪  Pay attention to how they recruit and vet volunteers.

▪  Whose voices are amplified by this group? Who is silenced by the work this group does?

▪  What information resources are being put out by this organization? Have they been fact-checked?

▪  Who is the organization in coalitions with? Who are their partners?

▪  What does the group’s social-media footprint look like? What do they share, and who engages with that material? How has the organization shown up in the news?

Also, as you evaluate organizations, remember that no movement has universal agreement about which organizations are the best.