MY DEEPEST THANKS to Denise Roy—a remarkably gifted, patient, and insightful editor. My thanks to Brian Tart, Ben Sevier, Christine Ball, Emily Brock, Matthew Daddona, and everyone at Dutton for their ongoing support of my work. Thank you also to Phil Budnick, Rachel Bressler, Courtney Nobile, and all the folks at Plume. To Jenny Bent and everyone at The Bent Agency, thank you for your professionalism and excellent guidance over the years.
A SPECIAL THANK-YOU to the following people, who generously shared their experiences of Kentucky life: Stacy Brandenburg, Mike and Susan Fulkerson, Janie and Leon Brasher, and Victoria Long. A special thanks to Mike for the tobacco leaf. To my dear writing friends, Karina Berg Johansson and Adam Smith, thanks for all the fun. Thank you to Roy Peter Clark for sharing coffee and your many thoughts on the craft of writing. Thanks to Erica Allums and all the gang at the Banyan.
AND TO BILL, Andrew, and Savanna, thanks for being the best part.