
Well, there we go.

It’s been a very long journey since I first opened the empty Word document in 2013 that would be the first book of this trilogy. There are so many people who’ve helped me between then and now, that I can only make a weak attempt here to thank you all.

First off, thank you to everyone from the Ubergroup who helped me along the way, especially those of you who taught me how to actually write. Also, thank you to everyone who read the first two books and constantly pestered me to finish this third one. Again, thank you to my excellent editor Lauren Humphries-Brooks, who has now developed a keen sense for my poor writing habits, the symptoms of which are fortunately absent from this version.

Big thanks to Cornelia Yoder as usual for the map, and to MiblArt team for the beautiful cover art.

And that’s it. Like all indie authors, a review on Amazon or Goodreads would be very much appreciated. It’s probably the best way to ensure I get cracking on more work!

About the Author

Alan was raised in the seaside village of Rush, County Dublin. He began writing fiction at the age of ten, starting with short stories about each of his classmates being eaten by dinosaurs. Fortunately, this behaviour was encouraged by both parents and teachers, allowing him to grow as an author.

Alan’s first novel was The Thralls of Fate, written while studying for his PhD in Dublin City University. During that time, he also wrote a thesis on genetics and molecular biology.

Today, Alan works for the pharmaceutical industry, and spends most of his spare time playing Dungeons & Dragons and Magic the Gathering. He recently started running, but he doesn’t enjoy it very much.

Twitter:       @AlanHarrison

Instagram: @TheRealAlanHarrison
