The curriculum that evolved into the ideas for this series was inspired by two talented and forthright students, Philbert Yau and Chuck Rosipal, who have since graduated from medical school. It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Don Briscoe, a brilliant, compassionate, and dedicated teacher and leader, and Dr. Bruce Britton, who is an excellent teacher and communicator. I am greatly indebted to my editor, Catherine Johnson, whose exuberance, experience, and vision helped to shape this series. I appreciate McGraw-Hill’s believing in the concept of teaching through clinical cases; I am also grateful to Catherine Saggese for her excellent production expertise, and Cindy Yoo for her wonderful editing. I am thankful to Tania Andrabi’s outstanding and precise project management. I appreciate Linda Bergstrom who adds warmth to the residency program. At the Methodist Hospital, I thank Drs. Marc Boom, Dirk Sostman, Judy Paukert, Alan Kaplan, and Ms. Debby Chambers for their phenomenal encouragement. At St. Joseph Medical Center, I am appreciative of Mr. Patrick Mathews, Ms. Marivel Lozano, and Dr. Thomas Taylor for their leadership and support. Most of all, I appreciate my ever-loving wife Terri, and four wonderful children, Andy, Michael, Allison, and Christina for their patience, encouragement, and understanding.
Eugene C. Toy, MD