Chapter Four



Ally flopped down on the cream lounge in between James and Adele and let out a sigh. “How could I ever forget you, James? It doesn’t make any sense, but I know better than to ignore these types of warnings,” she said whilst narrowing her eyes slightly in Isabella’s direction.

Isabella groaned quietly in the corner. “Maybe she was just a crazy old lady? Just because someone claims to have the gift, doesn’t mean they actually have it.”

“Oh, come on. I know she wasn’t crazy, well maybe a little but not in that sense. I’ve been having the same nightmare for weeks and she just happened to be identical to the woman in them. That’s just a little too coincidental. And those eyes! I’ve never seen eyes like that before in my life. And let’s not forget what James gave me just after she’d said the exact same words to me.”

“It’s a coincidence, I’ll give you that, but I would have seen something as well if it was a real threat to your existence,” Isabella replied tightly.

James took control of the conversation. “Not if you weren’t looking for it, and this doesn’t seem to be a threat to her life exactly. It’s more like a threat to her memories.”

Adele reached out and squeezed Ally’s hand. “Whether it was imagined or not is irrelevant in my opinion. We need to treat this as a credible threat and take precautions against it happening. I for one am not willing to take any chances with her safety.”

James nodded. “I agree with Adele. We need to decipher the information we have and make a plan to keep her safe at any cost.”

“The first thing is to work out who is behind this,” Ally said.

Chase jumped into the conversation. “It has to be Vincent right?”

“No,” Damian said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “This is far beyond his capabilities. Ally is an immortal now. She can’t be controlled with compulsions anymore. It would have to be a physical attack from him, and that has nothing to do with forgetting James.”

“Maybe it’s metaphorical?” Ally suggested, looking at her grandfather.

“How so?”

“I don’t know, it’s just what she said doesn’t make any sense at all. I mean, you just said it’s impossible for anyone to use compulsions on me now and that’s the only way this could happen.”

James shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. “Something doesn’t add up with all this, but I do think we should take it literally, just in case.”

Ally looked at the floor and absently touched her necklace.

Caleb stood next to Isabella in the corner, and stared at Ally’s actions. “Might I make a suggestion?” He said, getting the full attention of everyone gathered. “It’s vital according to this gypsy that you don’t forget your anchor right? And the necklace I’m assuming will be what you’re counting on to trigger some kind of memory in the event this comes to pass?”

Ally nodded intently.

“Well, what happens if you lose the necklace as well as your memory? Perhaps something more permanent would be better.”

“Like what?” She asked.

“A tattoo. Just a small anchor on your wrist. You’d inevitably see it there if this prediction does come to pass and it’s a bit more security on the chance you lose the necklace.”

“That’s brilliant,” Ally beamed. “I don’t suppose you know someone who could do it quickly?”

He smiled secretly. “Yeah I do actually.”


“Me,” he grinned. “Give me ten minutes to set up and I’ll have it done tonight.”

Ally took a deep breath and looked to James. He smiled down at her reassuringly and nodded. “I think it’s a good idea, little one.”

She shot a determined look at Caleb. “Let’s do it.”