Be the extraordinary number of pens and pencils; be the noon traveller by autosleigh; be mucilage and rubber stoppers; be the ornamental inkstand and potted palm; be the ape sitting on a stack of books; be the orderly transmission of commands; be Petrograd; be ever-present; be pseudonym; be top-heavy with descriptive adjectives; be ice-cold; be the conference table and green baize cloth; be global, cautious; be remote pastoral villages; be the conspirator at the hilt of flux; Lenin and Luxemburg poles apart; be the electrification of Vladivostok; be midnight and moon tucked in the jaws; be belief; be the half-Scottish daughter; be half French; be the picture of a medieval master, be distressed by comparisons, be clad in capes; be hardline; be back in the harness at the Kremlin; be strangeness; be the recording authority; be difficult to separate the peasant from Lenin; be gorki; be bitter; be flower, be pine; be the change.