Chapter Sixty-One


Special Agent Jerrell Fuller couldn’t find his way to the sleep his mind so desired. It wasn’t that he was tired. He had slept more than enough over the past couple of days, waiting for whatever trials his captor had prepared for him. It was just easier to sleep, easier to dream, than to stare into complete darkness.

For a while, he had searched and plotted escape, but there was nothing to help him. He was basically inside a concrete shower stall with a smooth steel door on one side. One weak point might have been the window in the center of the door, but he was sure that the Gladiator or whatever his tormentor called himself would have paid the extra cash for reinforced glass, which pretty much meant he would break his hand before he could punch through it.

As he lay in the darkness, coveting a dream, Jerrell went over the cell’s design again for what might have been the millionth time. There was a speaker in the wall by the door, but it was flat and smooth and dotted with pencil-sized holes. He couldn’t get any leverage on it. The only other possible flaw he could find was the drain in the center of the floor. It was smooth, no screws, which meant that it was probably glued down. The holes in the drain were large enough that he could slip his figures inside and pull up on the circular metal grating.

Under normal circumstances, Jerrell conditioned his body as if fitness was a religion. Not because he wanted to impress anyone. He worked his body so hard in his down time because he knew that a few extra muscle fibers could be all the difference when wrestling with a murderer.

But the glue was apparently stronger than his workout regimen. He had twisted and pulled, but there was no give in the drain’s housing. After a few seconds, he had given up on the idea.

When he had first awoken in this nightmare, he had suspected the drain was there to rinse away his blood. As time ticked on, he realized it was actually his toilet.

He slapped a fist down on the concrete floor, again for what was probably the millionth time. He stood and paced the cell. Then he did some pushups and sit-ups. Then he lay back down.

As he fought for breath from working his body, he again considered the drain in the floor. If he could pull it free, he could perhaps sharpen it down to a cutting edge. Or, at the very least, it would act as a set of brass knuckles. Perhaps giving him a chance at shattering the glass in the door.

Pulling himself to his feet, he walked around the drain for a moment. He did the same thing while maxing out when lifting weights. He needed to get his adrenaline going a bit, work up some anger at the obstacle.

After a few seconds, Jerrell squatted over the drain and wrapped his fingers through the cover. He intended to use the muscles in his legs and arms in tandem, putting all his strength and conditioning to work.

He counted to three and then pulled up with everything he had. His skull shook as every muscle tensed. After a moment with no give, he relaxed, adjusted his grip, and changed tactics. This time, he pulled up and twisted the cover at the same time, wrenching against the glue from every angle.

And this time, he was rewarded with some movement. He continued pulling and twisting, throwing the last of his energy into removing the possible instrument of his salvation.

Jerrell stumbled backward from his own built-up momentum when the drain cover finally came free.

He leaned his left hand on the concrete wall and smiled to himself, his right fist gripping the sturdy metal grate. He tested the weapon with a few shadow punches and smiled some more. Then he set to work at sharpening the front edge of his new best friend.
