“Hello, Rick…” Lydia said as she was about to snap off the overhead light in her Senate office and leave for the night. “What are you doing around here so late? Bucking for a raise?”

The young Senate aide grinned and shoved his hands in his pockets. “The old man had me working on a project, Lydia. I just wrapped it up and thought I’d come down here and take a look at the notes on the committee report.”

Lydia nodded, slipped into her coat, picked her briefcase up from a chair. “How’s your mother?”

“Fine… well, good night, Lydia, have a pleasant evening….”

She went directly to Clarence’s apartment. He suggested they go out to dinner but she said she was too tired. “I just wanted to come by and give you this.” She reached into her briefcase and handed him the letter and videotape she’d removed from her office safe moments before Rick Petrone had arrived. “Sure you want them?” she asked.

He weighed the tape in his hands. “Absolutely. No one would ever think an aging piano teacher was in possession of such important documents. You know, Christa’s three-day grace period will be up tomorrow night. You plan to look at the tape before the concert or after?” He was referring to a concert at the Caldwell Center that they’d made plans to attend.

“After. Actually I’m not sure how to arrange to screen it. I guess I could ask one of the TV stations to use their equipment, but then I’d be in an awkward position… I don’t want anyone else to see it… Anyway, please put these away in a safe place and bring them with you tomorrow night.”

She kissed him, lightly at first, then paid attention and put her heart in it. He more than cooperated, then abruptly held her at arm’s length. “Enough of this lovemaking, let’s make love. Either stay the night, or leave in a hurry. You know how I vote.”

“Me, too, but I’ve really got to go… got to think, sleep… you’re not the best atmosphere for either.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“And I’ll take a rain check.”