Lydia and Clarence sat at Peng’s, one of their favorite Chinese restaurants in New York, treating themselves to sweet-and-sour shrimp, beef with snow pea pods and chicken prepared in three different styles. They’d arrived in New York that morning and checked into the Carlyle Hotel. That night they had tickets to the concert by the New York Philharmonic, conducted by Zubin Mehta.
“Come on, honey,” Clarence was saying. “Relax, or at least try to. It’s over—”
“I’m trying, Clarence, but you know it really isn’t over. Not until Veronica’s and Jason’s cases are dealt with. And for me… well, I’m not sure I’ll ever get over it…”
“Hey,” he said, “what about me? I had a damned mike planted in my apartment. My bedroom, yet.” He smiled when he said it. “I just hope we weren’t too noisy.”
And now she was able to smile, even laugh. “I’d say we better try to get our own tape or whatever it is of that one. What was the guy’s name… Conegli? Tape, tape, who’s got the tape… the case of the missing tape. Sounds like an Erle Stanley Gardner mystery. Well, I doubt I’ll be reading any mysteries for a long time. I’ve had enough of the real thing…”
“What do you think will happen to Veronica?”
“Well, at first, after I found out everything that was said by Cale at the studio had somehow been recorded, I thought it would be pretty open-and-shut. But that was really the elation or high of the moment. A little while later I knew it wouldn’t be that simple, once I reminded myself about who Veronica is, who the Caldwells are, and the sympathy of her case, the sympathetic motives behind what she’d done. When I saw Chief Jenkins I knew it wouldn’t be simple. He was grateful for the help, you remember, but warned me that there were a few miles between arraignment, indictment and conviction. He’s right. Veronica was smart enough to try to defend Jason, which makes her look good, even though I doubt it will do him any good. He’s cooked, poor guy. He wanted so badly to be a member of the Caldwell family. Well, he finally made it, but not the way he wanted.”
“Okay, counselor, enough. Get into that terrific food and—”
But once started Lydia wasn’t about to be diverted. Not yet. “You know, I once mentioned the Harris case. I think I compared that woman to Christa at the time. But it also reminds me a little of Veronica. I mean, people felt sympathetic about Mrs. Harris’s reasons for what she did, she was a woman badly used, that sort of thing. Well, Veronica was badly used, God knows, too. A husband that carried on with their adopted daughter, who threatened to ruin the family reputation she so desperately cared about. And a girl she raised like a daughter turning on her, the family, and blackmailing them. God, Clarence, it’s really not too surprising that she cracked, took leave of her senses… I’m not excusing her, please understand. That’s what she did for herself. But I am trying to understand. I’ll testify for the people, and accept the jury’s verdict. Don’t expect me, though, to take any satisfaction in it coming out guilty. That’s a human reaction, and I apologize for it, but—”
“Lydia, of all the people in this thing, you have the least to apologize for. And as for you being human, frankly, my dear, I wouldn’t have you any other way. In fact… and don’t die of shock… I just had a very human idea. Why don’t we skip the concert, finish up here and get us to the Carlyle for the evening. You get my point, lady?”
“I do, sir. And I approve. This case is closed.”