
Ackerley, J.R.

Adair, Gilbert

Adam (biblical)

Addison, Joseph


Ahasuerus (Wandering Jew)

AIDS drugs, in South Africa

Albee, Edward, Who ‘s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Albin Michel

Alexandria, Library of

Alfonsín, Raul

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll); first reading of; insane world of; protean identities in; rereading, best-seller lists of

Am-Bass press

Ambrose, Saint

Amnesty International

Amundsen, Roald

Anales de Buenos Aires

Andersen, Hans Christian, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,”

Anderson, Jon Lee

Anderson Imbert, Enrique

Andreyev, Leonid

Apollinaire, Guillaume, Calligrammes

Apollonius of Rhodes

Apuleius; The Golden Ass

Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Summa Theo-logica

Archbold, Rick

Arenas, Reinaldo

Argentina: antisemitism in; Che Guevara in; Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires; Communist Party of; Disappeared (Desaparecidos) of; government coups in; Jewish settlement in; memory groups in; military amnesty for human rights abuses; under military dictatorship; “misery villages” of; and Perón’s pro-Nazi activities


Aristotle, Parva naturalia

Armenian massacre

Arnold, Matthew; “Dover Beach,”

Art: of advertising; fool’s; artists in Ninevite society; monetary value of

Assis, Machado de

Astete de Millán, Elsa

Attar, Farid ud-din, Assembly of the Birds

Atwood, Margaret, The Handmaid’s Tale

Auden, W. H.

Augustine, Saint; books of; Confessions; on reading; reading ritual of; study of

Augustus, Emperor Author and Editor: A Working Guide

Aztec treasure, value of

Babel, Isaac

Bajarlia, Juan Jacobo

Baker, Carlos

Banchs, Enrique

Barbie, Klaus

Barrientos, René

Barthes, Roland

Basri, Hasan Al-

Bataille, Georges

Batista, Fulgencio

Baudelaire, Charles

Beckett, Samuel

Beckford, William, Vathek

Beerbohm, Max

Behn, Aphra, The Rover

Beirut, images of

Bellay, Joachim de, Défense et exemple de la langue française

Belloc, Hilaire

Benet, Juan, Una meditación

Benjamin, Walter

Bernárdez, Aurora

Bernes, Jean-Pierre

Best-seller lists

Bezos, Jeff

Bianciotti, Héctor

Bianco, José

Bible. See Old Testament

Bibliothèque nationale de France

Bioy Casares, Adolfo

Birkerts, Sven, The Gutenberg Elegies

Blake, William Blanchot, Maurice Blasphemy

Blindness: of Homer; and inner reality; in Odyssey; in Old Testament; reader’s positive

Boehringer Ingelheim

Bolaños, Luis de

Bookkeeping, as earliest writing

Bookman, best-seller list of

Books: in Augustine’s library; on bestseller lists; blasphemy charge against; classification of; vs. electronic media; memory of; and production process; as property,. See also Electronic text; Libraries; Page; Reading

Borges, Jorge Luis; all-in-one theme of; death of; on editing; editions and translations of works; fake representations as fictional device of; false attribution of writings to; on Jewish culture; literary ambition of; love life of; marriages of; physical injury to; relationship with Estela Canto; Shakespeare lecture of; shaky voice of; on Ulysses; women characters of — Works: “El acercamiento a Almotásim,”; “The Aleph,”; “The Circular Ruins,”; “The Congress,”; “Death and the Compass,”; “Deutsches Requiem,”; “The Duel,”; “The Elderly Lady,”; “Everything and Nothing,”; Fervor de Buenos Aires; Ficciones; Historia de la eternidad; “I, a Jew,”; “The Immortal,”; “The Intruder,”; El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan; “The Library of Babel,”; “The Lottery of Babylon,”; Nine Essays on Dante; “1964,”; “Pierre Menard, author of Don Quixote,”; “The Search of Averroës,”; “The South,”; “25 August 1983,”; “Ulrica,”; A Universal History of Infamy; “Utopia of a Man Who Is Tired,”; “The Witness,”; “The Zahir,”

Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality

Boudjedra, Rachid

Bougainville, Louis Antoine de

Bradbury, Ray; Fahrenheit; The Martian Chronicles; “There Will Come Soft Rains,”; “Usher II,”

Brecht, Bertolt

Breton, André, Anthologie de l’humour noir

Bringing Up Baby

British Library

Brodsky, Joseph

Brooke, Rupert

Browne, Thomas

Buddha, sense of humor in

Bunyan, John

Burgon, J. W.

Büring, Johann Gottfried

Burroughs, William

Burson-Marsteller company

Butler, Samuel

Byron, George Gordon, Lord

Caillois, Roger

Caldwell, Erskine

Calgacus Callimachus

Campbell, Roy

Campos, Haroldo do

Canto, Estela

Canto, Patricio

Čapek, Karel

Capote, Truman, Other Voices, Other Rooms

Carnegie, Andrew

Carpaccio, Vittore

Carpentier, Alejo

Carroll, Lewis. See also Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking-Glass

Cartwright, William, The Royal Slave

Cary, H.F.

Casanova, Giacomo

Castro, Fidel

Cato the Censor

Celan, Paul

Cellini, Benvenuto

Censorship, in translations

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, The Labors of Persiles and Segismunda. See also Don Quixote

Chants royaux du Puy de Rouen

Chateaubriand, François de

Chesterton, G. K.


Chomsky, Noam

Christopher Street

Ciechanower, Mauricio


Clarke, Arthur C., “The Nine Billion Names of God,”

Cocteau, Jean


Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aries

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; “Kubla Khan,”


Collier, John, His Monkey Wife

Collins, Wilkie

Collodi, Carlo, Adventures of Pinocchio

Commemoration of victims

Computer: memory; scrolling; and word play. See also Electronic text

Conti, Haroldo

Cooper, Dennis


Copyright, of drug formulas

Cortázar, Julio; Hopscotch; “House Taken Over,” 281

Cortés, Hernán

Cousineau, Phil

Cozarinsky, Edgardo




Cuban Revolution

Culture, translation of

Cuneiform script

Dahl, Roald

Dante; Borges’s essays on; Commedia; Inferno; on levels of reading; Paradiso; Purgatorio; and Sirens’ song; testamentary work of; Ulysses of

Darwich, Mahmoud

Denevi, Marco

De Quincey, Thomas

Descartes, René

Dickens, Charles; Little Dorrit

Dickinson, Emily Dinesen, Isak Dink, Hrant Disappeared (Desaparecidos)

Dobrizhoffer, Martin, Geschichte der Abiponer

Dodos, extinction of

Donne, John

Don Quixote (Cervantes); Cervantes identified with fictional hero; library of Don Quixote; poetry in; pursuit of justice in; readers in; rereading of; as testamentary work; time of Don Quixote

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (film)

Dryden, John, King Arthur

Duchamp, Marcel

Ebenhech, Franz Georg

e-books. See Electronic text

Eco, Umberto; The Name of the Rose

Economic value. See Monetary value

Editors, role of

Editors on Editing

Education: and basic human needs; a citizen’s; constraints on learning to read; and critical questioning; humanist; vs. job training; prestige of; reading instruction; in scholastic classroom

Eichmann, Adolf

Elberg, Yehuda

Electronic text: vs. books; library of; page of; and purpose of reading; reading voice of

Eliot, T. S., The Waste Land

Ellis, Bret Easton, American Psycho

El País

Eluard, Paul

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Engel, Marian; Bear

Engels, Friedrich, The Origins of the Family

Enigma de la calle Arcos (attributed to Borges)


Epic of Gilgamesh


Erotic experience: of children; condemnation of; and erotic objects; as solitary

Erotic literature: constraints on; language of; learning from; myth of Eros and Psyche; vs. pornography; universal library

Erzenga, Hovhannés d’ (Blouz)

Esmenard, Francis

Exile, and perseverance of memory

Faerie Queene (Spenser)

Fagles, Robert

Family Circus

Faulkner, William

Fierstein, Harvey, Torchsong Trilogy


Findley, Timothy; The Butterfly Plague

Finkielkraut, Alain, The Imaginary Jew

Firbank, Ronald, Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flaubert, Gustave; Dictionary of Clichés; Madame Bovary

Fleming, Victor

Flödényi, Lázló

Fondo de Cultura Económica

Forché, Carolyn

Forster, E. M.: A Passage to India; Maurice

Foucault, Michel: History of Sexuality; Les Mots et les choses

Fourier, Charles

Fournival, Richard de

Franci, Giovanna

Francklin, Thomas

François I

Frank, Anne

French Revolution

Friedrich II (“the Great”) of Prussia: “Le Conte du violon,”; gardens at Sanssouci; rebellious youth of; and Voltaire

Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia

Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia

Frye, Northrop

Full stop, in writing systems


Gale, Patrick

Gallimard, Antoine

Gándara, Carmen

Garden of Eden

Gardens: and reading association; as “readymades,”; at Sanssouci

Gardner, Martin

Garnett, Constance

Garnett, Edward

Gauden, John

Gaudí, Antoni

Gay literature

Gays. See Homosexuality Genesis

Genet, Jean, Our Lady of the Flowers

Germany: apology and repentance of; Kultur; Nazi

Gide, André; Les Caves du Vatican; Les Nourritures terrestres; Si le grain ne meurt

Giordano, Tomás E.

Giovanni, Norman Thomas di


Goebbels, Joseph

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Gogol, Nikolai

Golding, Louis, The Jewish Problem

Goldwyn, Sam

Gordimer, Nadine

Gorky, Maxim, “A Man Is Born,” 108

Grant, Cary

Graves, Robert

Greek literature. See also individual authors

Greene, Graham; Travels with My Aunt

Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Gross, Gerald

Guadalupi, Gianni

Guarini language, translation of

Guevara, Ernesto “Che”: appeal to younger generation; background of; capture and execution of; and revolutionary cause

Gurganus, Alan

Gustafsson, Lars, Death of a Beekeeper

Hardy, Thomas

Harris, Frank

Hawkes, John

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, American Notebooks

Hazlitt, William

Heft, Nicolás

Heine, Heinrich; Atta Troll; “Die Lorelei,”


Hemingway, Ernest


Heresy, vs. blasphemy


Hirsch, Baron

Hita, Arcipreste de, Book of Loving Well

Hitler, Adolf

Hobbes, Thomas


Hollinghurst, Alan


Homer: blindness of; historical conceptions of; Iliad; as narrative voice; on sterility of war. See also Odyssey

Homosexuality: gay literature; gay terminology for; male and female; tolerance and intolerance of

Hopkins, Gerald Manley


Hour of the Furnaces (film)

Howard, Richard

Hurley, Andrew

Huxley, Aldous, The Doors of Perception

Hymn to Apollo

Ibâñez, Victor Armando

Ideal library

Ideal reader

Identity: constructed; Jewish; of narrator; national, fake; protean; self-discovery

Illia, Arturo Imagination

Insanity: of Alice’s Wonderland; Don Quixote deemed a madman; global madness; of human world

Intellectual property

Ionesco, Eugène, Rhinoceros

Isherwood, Christopher, A Single Man

Islam, and blasphemy

James, Henry; “The Figure in the Carpet,” x; “The Pupil,”

Jerome, Saint

Jesenskà, Milena

Jesuits, translation of Guarini language

Jesus Christ: sense of humor of; via Crucis; and Wandering Jew; wordplay of

Jeter, Jon

Jews: antisemitism in Perón’s Argentina; Borges’s defense of Jewish culture; identity of; perseverance of memory; righteous men (Lamed Wufniks); settlement in Argentina; and Torah; Wandering Jew legend

John of the Cross, Saint

Johnson, Samuel

Jonah (biblical), story of

Joubert, Joseph

Joyce, James; Finnegans Wake

Julius Caesar

Justinian, Emperor

Just society: apology and repentance in; and denial of culpable events; Don Quixote’s pursuit of; and Socrates’ truth-sayers


Kafka, Franz

Kalyana Malla

Kama Sutra

Kant, Immanuel

Keats, John

Kent, William

Kierkegaard, Søren

Kipling, Rudyard; “Without Benefit of Clergy,”

Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenzeslaus

Kodama, Maria

Kott, Jan, The Essence of Theatre

Krugman, Paul

Lagarde, Christine

Lamartine, Alphonse de

Lamb, Charles and Mary

Lamed Wufniks

La Nación

Language: dogmatic; erotic; fixed languages; infinite vocabulary, translation of; word games,. See also Literature; Reading; Writing

La Prensa

Laughlin, Robert

Lawrence, D. H.; “The Prussian Officer,”; Women in Love

Learning. See Education

Leavitt, David, The Lost Language of Cranes

Le Guin, Ursula K.

Le Monde

Lerner, Isaias

Leroux, Gaston


Lessing, Doris

Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, Rabbi

Lewis, C. S., Out of the Silent Planet

Libanius, Apology of Socrates

Libraries: Bibliothèque nationale de France; British Library; cataloguing methods in; as collective memory; constraints on traditional; digital; and exclusion; as home; ideal; Library of Alexandria; library of Don Quixote; of the mind; universal; virtual

Literature: anonymous authors; erotic (see Erotic literature); Greek; as intellectual property; metaphoric; moral questions posed by; narrative voice in; renewing and redefining experience in; survival of; testamentary works; Wandering Jew in,. See also Reading; Writing

Lorca, Federico Garcia

Lord, Albert B.

Lostal, Sauli (pseudonym)

Lourenço, Eduardo

Lucentini, Franco

Lynch, Marta

Mad Hatter

Mahler, Gustav

Mallarmé, Stéphane

Mallea, Eduardo

Mandelstam, Nadezhda, Hope Against Hope

Mandelstam, Osip

Manguel, Alberto: becoming a writer; in Canada; at Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aries; The Dictionary of Imaginary Places; high school teacher of; home library of; Into the Looking-Glass Wood, x; Jewish identity of; News from a Foreign Country Came; in Paris and London; Yourcenar translation of

Manguel, Pablo

Mann, Thomas, Death in Venice

Manutius, Aldus

Manutius, Aldus, the Younger

Mao Tsetung

March Hare


Marx, Karl

Masson, Paul

Maugham, Somerset

Maupin, Armistead, Tales of the City

Maximus of Constantinople, Saint

Mayan language, translation of

Mazzanti, Enrico

Melville, Herman; Moby-Dick

Memory: books; and commemoration; electronic; false; library as; and library of the mind; perseverance of

Menchú, Rigoberta

Menem, Carlos

Mengele, Josef

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice

Merwin, W. S.



Meyrink, Gustav

Miami News

Michaux, Henri



Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Miller, Henry

Milton, John, Paradise Lost



“Misterio de la cruz” (attributed to Borges)

Monetary value: of art; precedence of; profit vs. creativity

Montaigne, Michel de

Montesquieu, baron de

Montezuma, treasure of

Montoya, Antonio Ruiz de

Monuments, commemorative

Moravia, Alberto; The Conformist

More, Thomas, Utopia



Munro, Alice, “Material,” 18

Murat, Ulises Petit de

Nabokov, Vladimir; Lolita; on translation

Narrative voice

National Commission on Disappeared People

Nazi Germany

Nazism, Borges’s attack on

Nefzawi, Sheik al-, Perfumed Garden

Neruda, Pablo

Nervo, Amado

New York Times

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nin, Anaïs

Nineveh, city of (biblical)

Nooteboom, Cees, In the Dutch Mountains


Nuovi argomenti

Nyssen, Hubert

Ocampo, Silvina

Ocampo, Victoria

Odyssey (Homer); blindness in; Dante’s version of; false beginnings and endings in; Plato’s version of; Proteus in; on scrolls; Sirens’ song in

Old Testament: Adam’s naming task; blindness in; Creation; Garden of Eden; Jonah story

Ongania, Juan Carlos

Otero, Blas de

Ouri, Rabbi

Ovid; Ars amatoria

Oviedo, Fernández de

Ozick, Cynthia; “The Pagan Rabbi,”

Page: codex; defined; dual nature of; scroll; shape of; Sumerian; and textual design; turning of

Paglia, Camille

Pailler, Jean-Marie

Palacios, Alfredo



Parry, Milman

Paul, Saint

Pavese, Cesare

Paz, Octavio

Peacock, Thomas Love, Nightmare Abbey

Perec, Georges, La Disparition

Peregil, Francisco

Perkins, Maxwell

Perón, Isabel

Perón, Juan Domingo, pro-Nazi activities of

Peru, Vargas Llosa’s comparison of Argentina and

Peyrefitte, Roger, Particular Friendships

Pharmaceutical companies, AIDS drugs of

Philip II of Spain

Philippe, Charles-Louis, Bubu de Montparnasse

Phillips, David Atlee

Piñón, Nélida

Pinter, Harold

Pizarnik, Alejandra

Plato; Apology; Republic


Poe, Edgar Allan

Poetry: defined; gay; impact on worldly events; metonymy; Pound’s editing of The Wasteland; wordplay in

Politkovskaya, Anna

Polo, Marco

Pope, Alexander

Pornography: defined; vs. erotic literature

Pound, Ezra


Profit, as measure of value Proteus

Proust, Marcel; La Prisonnière

Publishing industry: editor’s role in; and electronic reading; promotion of books; and small publishers

Puig, Manuel; Kiss of the Spider Woman


Queen’s Quarterly

Quem auctor intendit (“what the author intended”)

Queneau, Raymond, A Hundred Thousand Billion Poems




Ramelli, Agostino

Reading: alterations over time; as anonymous act; Augustine on; commentary on text; and comprehension; constraints on; Dante’s levels of; democratic; devotional; electronic text; forms of; future of; gardening associated with; as homecoming; ideal reader; imaginary space of; interactive text; learning to read; naming task in; purpose of; reader’s positive blindness; and rereading; as safe place in incomprehensible world; and self-discovery; silent; subversive readings; turning of a page. See also Books; Libraries; Literature

Reagan, Ronald

Rechy, John

Reid, Alastair

Religion: and blasphemy; contrition ritual in; conversion of Guarini; etymology; and humor; Kabbalists

Renard, Jules

Renham, Henry de

Ricci, Franco Maria

Rimbaud, Arthur

Risso Platero, Emma

Rivadavia (pseud.)

Roa Bastos, Augusto

Robespierre, Maximilien

Rodriguez, Félix

Rojas, Pedro

Roman de la Rose

Romilly, Jacqueline de, La Grèce antique à la découverte de la liberté

Rowling, J. K.

Rushdie, Salman

Ruskin, John

Russell, Bertrand

Sabato, Ernesto

Sade, marquis de

Saer, Juan José

Saikaku, Ihara

Salinger, J. D.; Catcher in the Rye

Sanssouci, gardens at

Santiago, Hugo

Sarduy, Severo

Saro-Wiwa, Ken

Saturday Night

Sayers, Dorothy L.

Schliemann, Heinrich


Scholem, Gershom

Schrott, Raoul

Schwarz-Bart, André

Schwob, Marcel, Imaginary Lives

Sciascia, Leonardo

Scientific research: on AIDS drugs; as intellectual property; moral imperatives in; and profit

Scilingo, Adolfo Francisco

Scott, Walter, Kenilworth


Scudéry, Mademoiselle de, Clélie

Selich, Andrés

Sexuality. See Erotic experience; Erotic literature; Homosexuality

Shakespeare, William; Borges’s lecture on; The Comedy of Errors; Henry IV; King Lear

Shaw, George Bernard; Major Barbara

Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Shi Huangdi

Siciliano, Enzo

Simenon, Georges

Sirens: dangers of song; of Dante; descriptions of; legends about; in Odyssey; in Republic

Smith, Corlies M.

Soames, Enoch

Socrates; on truth-sayers

Solanas, Fernando

Song of Songs

Sophocles, Ajax

Sorrentino, Fernando

South Africa, AIDS drugs in

Spain, Franco-era


Stair, Nadine

Stalin, Joseph

Stallo, Luis


Stein, Gertrude

Steinbeck, John

Steiner, George; After Babel

Stendhal; The Red and the Black

Sterne, Laurence; Tristram Shandy

Stevens, Wallace

Stevenson, Robert Louis; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Treasure Island

Stewart, Paul

Stoppard, Tom, The Invention of Love

Sue, Eugène


Sumerian slabs and tablets

Summers, Claude J., Gay Fictions


Swan, Susan

Swift, Jonathan; Gulliver’s Travels

Talmud, Babylonian

Taylor, Bayard, Joseph and His Friend

Tenniel, John

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord

Testamentary works

Thomas, Edward

Thoreau, Henry David, “Civil Disobedience,”

Through the Looking-Glass (Carroll); constructed identity in; insane world of; literary faith in; naming task in; reading experience in; Red Queen’s denial in

Tiberius, Emperor


Torpéist, Senchán

Torre, Guillermo de

Trag, William


Truth, perseverance of


Tzotzil dictionary

Valéry, Paul

Value: of art; Mad Hatter’s code of; of Montezuma’s treasure; precedence of economic; words denoting

Vargas Llosa, Mario, defense of Menem’s amnesty

Varro, Marcus


Vermeer, Johannes, View of Delft

Verne, Jules, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Victor Gollancz

Victoria, Queen

Vidal, Gore, The City and the Pillar

Videla, Jorge

Viking Penguin

Viola, Roberto


Vise, David, The Bureau and the Mole

Vitali, Guido

Völsunga Saga

Voltaire: Candide; Essai sur les moeurs; and Friedrich II; at Sanssouci; Sémiramis

Walcott, Derek

Walcott, Joyce

Walpole, Horace

Walsh, Rodolfo

Wandering Jew

Warfare, universal

Washington Post

Weldon, Fay

Wells, H. G., The Island of Dr. Moreau

Wendover, Roger of West, Rebecca

White, Edmund, A Boy’s Own Story

Whitman, Walt; Leaves of Grass

Wilbur, Richard

Wilde, Oscar; The Picture of Dorian Gray; “The Portrait of Mr. W.H.,”

Wilderness, garden as

Williams, Tennessee, One Arm and Other Stories

Wilson, Edmund

Winterson, Jeanette, The Passion

Winthrop, Theodore, Cecil Dreme

Wolf, Friedrich August

Wolfe, Thomas

Woolf, Virginia

Word games

World Digital Library

Writing: and author’s intentions; becoming a writer; as collaborative effort; cuneiform script; and editor’s interventions; invention and development of; and literary ambition; obligation of truth; punctuation of; warfare as constraint on,. See also Literature

Xenophanes of Colophon

Xueqin Cao

Yakhontov, Vladimir

Yeats, William Butler

Yourcenar, Marguerite: Alexis; A Blue Tale; “How Wang Fo Was Saved,”