“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19 NIV). God’s Spirit is at work in us, renewing and refreshing us so that we do not fall back into our old ways or even good traditions. Throughout your life, God wants to do new things, set new records, birth new ideas and work through you to change the world. Don’t be stuck in the old; the Spirit of Newness is on you.

IF I UNDERSTAND GOD AT ALL, HE IS A CREATOR—AN originator. He creates masterpieces every time. He will not even make two snowflakes, two sunsets or two human beings alike. His mind is too fertile and too creative for repetitive work. The word “NEW” is God’s own word. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of newness, bringing constant renewal and constant blossoming: New birth, new tongues, new wine, new songs and a new heart. He brings a new Spirit, a new covenant, a new name, making us a new creation. He has given us a new commandment and made a new heaven and a new earth. Yet it is the same Spirit and the same aim—world salvation. And here is our role, being co-workers together with Christ (1 Corinthians 3:9).

You have a Divine DNA. The power you carry is derived from God Himself. It is not inferior or counterfeit; it is the real thing. He Who is in you is far greater and superior than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Be bold and courageous!

AT PENTECOST, WE READ THAT WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME upon the disciples in the Upper Room, there were “divided tongues, as of fire . . . ” (Acts 2:3). DIVIDED from what? The tongues of flame were divided from the BIG FIRE which is GOD. Little flames broke loose from God and fell, one on each head. The smallest of all flames represents GOD as MUCH AS the biggest.

The Divine fire that comes from the baptism of the Holy Spirit changes your status from ordinary to extraordinary. You take on a Divine mandate and assignment so that you no longer live for yourself; you surrender your fears and ambitions and take on a Divine purpose. You become a chosen vessel.

MOSES HAD SEEN BUSHES AND SHRUBS EVERY DAY FOR 40 years. He did not go around gazing at or studying bushes. Wilderness bushes are not fascinating, cultivated, colorful or blossoming. They are quite unbeautiful. But God took one of them, very ordinary by itself, and made it extraordinary. It burst into flames—but was not consumed (Exodus 3:2). Then He spoke from it—the voice from the burning bush. Moses, in a way, was like the bush—ordinary and even of a lower grade. He was just a piece of driftwood—a fugitive murderer hiding from justice with no future. He was a mere shepherd, and “all shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians” (Genesis 46:34 NIV). Moses saw that bush burning without it turning to ash. He had no idea that this was a life-changing moment. Curious, he turned aside to see it, gazing at it in fascination. Then, a Divine flame leaped from the bush and transferred into his very soul. Moses, a mortal, became a Flame Man. “He makes . . . His servants flames of fire” (Hebrews 1:7 NIV). On that day, when you turn aside to see the burning bush, you will no longer be ordinary.

You are uniquely created, anointed and appointed by God for His purposes and for your time and season. “As your days, so shall your strength be” (Deuteronomy 33:25). Instead of worrying about what you do not have, focus on what you do have, step out in faith and watch God work through you.

ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST, THE 120 DID NOT CRY FOR A double anointing. Please note: NOBODY LEFT THE UPPER ROOM WITH TWO FLAMES ON THEIR HEAD. Just “one sat upon each of them” (Acts 2:3). But this one flame represents the whole fire of God—its authority, power and glory. When I travel the world, I am often asked, “Please pray for me; I want your anointing.” My counter-question? “Do you think that if I give you my anointing, I will go home without? Surely not.” But here is a wonderful secret: If you got Reinhard Bonnke’s anointing, you would become a copy of Bonnke. And let me tell you: I personally do not want to be a copy from a copy—and God doesn’t want that for you either.

If you want to know something about the character of God, just consider nature. Over 7.5 billion human beings do not have the same fingerprints, and no two leaves of any tree have the same structure. Why? Because God is not a duplicator—He is the Creator. He only produces ORIGINALS and operates no duplicating machine. Your flame on your head is so personal that it bears your name. It is custom-made for you only. It would not fit anybody else. Nobody on earth can serve God exactly as you! You are unique—and so is your anointing!