But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
1 PETER 2:9
You are a crown prince(ss). God has crowned you with glory and fire. You wield authority and power on your head–the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit. “Behold, I give unto you power and authority to tread on scorpions and serpents and over all the power of the enemy . . . ” (Luke 10:19). You are not a wimp. Don’t cower before the enemy, and don’t live an ordinary life.
YOU ARE MADE TO WEAR A FIRE-WREATH, OR A FIRE-CROWN! That was no committee-decision. It is God’s will that every believer be carrying the flame, wearing a monarch’s DIADEM of Holy Spirit power. A noble WREATH OF FIRE on our heads. DIVINE RECOGNITION. A CROWN OF LIVING AUTHORITY. Baptized in the Spirit—CROWNED WITH POWER.
As Moses blessed the Israelites, his words about Joseph were more than beautiful poetry (Deuteronomy 33:13-17). It spoke a prophetic promise: “May the favor of Him who dwelt in the burning bush rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the prince among his brothers.” The favor of Him that dwelt in the burning bush crowning Joseph is a Bible promise to us. When the God of the burning bush crowns us, that crown brings us spiritual majesty and authority. We speak with power and assurance because we KNOW by Whose authority we speak.
The Gospel was not given to level us all to the lowest common denominator, but to create new creatures and to give to all of us the dignity of the sons of God! Men who once were savages are reclaimed and walk now as princes. Hallelujah! What a reason to preach the Gospel! Could anything be more thrilling, adventurous and worthwhile? What else is worth life’s effort?
BELIEVERS CAN WALK THROUGH THIS WORLD WITH HEADS held high, carrying the dignity of the family of God as lords and ladies of the kingdom of heaven. “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong’” (Joel 3:10). We are the precious and costly purchase of the Redeemer. God is with us. We have been endued with the power of the Almighty, cherished by angels, girdled with strength, guided by an all-wise call, involved in the Creator’s eternal orders and perfumed by grace. The Gospel brings God and us together forever!
It is surprising which people God uses. Not often does He use the great men of earth, brilliant leaders or celebrities, but He usually chooses men with no great achievements in the world. God does not use many crowned heads of state. He chooses the fire-crowned. That is the qualification for His work–the authority of faith and fire.
THERE WERE MANY AVAILABLE CAESARS AND RULERS: PILATE, Caiaphas the High priest, the religious and political elite of their day. But Jesus bypassed them all and went to lowly fishermen and tax collectors—the uneducated, uncultured traders by the sea of Galilee. Some had cheated and one had stolen, but because they were pliable and yielding, He could shape them into world changers, and He did. To this day, Jesus is still doing the same—using men and women from all backgrounds. He cleanses them with His blood, empowers them by His Spirit and uses them as world changers. You can be one of them too: living fire.