The Parlour
MOSES. Well sir, I think as Sir Peter said you have seen Mr. Charles in high Glory— ’tis great Pity He’s so extravagant.
SIR OLIVER. True — but he would not sell my Picture —
MOSES. And loves wine and women so much —
SIR OLIVER. But He wouldn’t sell my Picture.
MOSES. And game so deep —
SIR OLIVER. But He wouldn’t sell my Picture. O — here’s Rowley!
ROWLEY. So — Sir Oliver — I find you have made a Purchase ——
SIR OLIVER. Yes — yes — our young Rake has parted with his Ancestors like old Tapestry — sold Judges and Generals by the foot — and maiden Aunts as cheap as broken China. —
ROWLEY. And here has he commissioned me to re-deliver you Part of the purchase-money — I mean tho’ in your necessitous character of old Stanley ——
MOSES. Ah! there is the Pity of all! He is so damned charitable.
ROWLEY. And I left a Hosier and two Tailors in the Hall — who I’m sure won’t be paid, and this hundred would satisfy ’em.
SIR OLIVER. Well — well — I’ll pay his debts and his Benevolences too — I’ll take care of old Stanley — myself — But now I am no more a Broker, and you shall introduce me to the elder Brother as Stanley ——
ROWLEY. Not yet a while — Sir Peter I know means to call there about this time.
Enter TRIP
TRIP. O Gentlemen — I beg Pardon for not showing you out — this way — Moses, a word.
[Exit TRIP with MOSES.]
SIR OLIVER. There’s a Fellow for you — Would you believe it that Puppy intercepted the Jew, on our coming, and wanted to raise money before he got to his master!
ROWLEY. Indeed!
SIR OLIVER. Yes — they are now planning an annuity Business — Ah Master Rowley[,] in my Day Servants were content with the Follies of their Masters when they were worn a little Thread Bare but now they have their Vices like their Birth Day cloaths with the gloss on.