1. THE RIDOTTO OF BATH (Bath, 1771.)

THE RIDOTTO OF BATH, a Panegyrick, Written by a Gentleman, resident in that City. Being an Epistle from Timothy Screw, Under Server to Messrs. Kuhf and Fitzwater, to his brother Henry, Waiter at Almack’s. (Published originally in The Bath Chronicle, October 10th, 1771.) Folio broadside.


Copy in the Bath Municipal Library.


2. CLIO’S PROTEST (Bath, 1771.) CLIO’S PROTEST; or, The Picture Varnished. Addressed to the Lady M — rg — r — t F — d — ce. Price 6d. Advertised in The Bath Chronicle of December 5th, 1771. No copy of this can now be traced, although Mr. Walter Sichel possessed what seems to have been some pages of it. 


3. THE RIVAL BEAUTIES (London, 1772.) THE RIVAL BEAUTIES, a Poetical Content. London. Printed for W. Griffin at Garrick’s Head in Catherine-Street, Strand; and sold by R. Cruttwell in St. James’s Street, Bath. Price is. 6d. Quarto. Pagination. P. [1] title; p. [ii] blank; p. [iii] Dedication; p. [iv] blank; pp. [1] and 2-4 text of The Bath Picture; pp. [5] and 6-17 text of Clios Protect; p. [18] blank; pp. [19] and 20-25 text of Pindars Answer; p. 26, blank.


4. THE RIVAL BEAUTIES (Bath, 1773.) THE RIVAL BEAUTIES, a Poetical Content. Containing The Bath Picture; or, A Sketch of its Beauties in 1771. Clio’s Protect; or, The Picture Varnished. And Pindar’s Reply. To which is Added the Ridotto of Bath, A Panegyric. Bath. Printed by R. Crutwell, Union Passage, And Sold by All the Booksellers of that City, and by W. Griffin, Bookseller in Catherine-Street, Strand, London. MDCCLXXIII. Price One Shilling and Six Pence


5. CLIO’S PROTEST, WITH OTHER POEMS (London, 1819.) CLIO’S PROTEST or, “The Picture” Varnished. With Other Poems. By the late Right Honourable R. B. Sheridan. London: Printed for Joseph Arnould, 2, Spring Gardens. 1819. Price Two Shillings and Sixpence.