THE LOVE EPISTLES OF ARISTÆNETUS were first printed in 1771, with a Preface signed “H. S.” the combined surname initials of Halhed and Sheridan. Of the twenty-six epistles the only ones here reprinted are the six which are attributed to Sheridan by Moore or Sichel.
“A FAMILIAR EPISTLE to the Author of The Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers and of The Heroic Postscript to the Public” was first printed in 1774; with a second edition in the same year. It was assigned to Sheridan by Thomas Linley (for which see the Introduction).
“A PORTRAIT... by R. B. Sheridan, Esq.,” is here reprinted from John Murray’s edition of The School for Scandal (1823) where it appears (with no real justification) as the Dedicatory Poem. It had apparently appeared surreptitiously in print, probably in some periodical, about 1810.
“VERSES TO THE MEMORY OF GARRICK, Spoken as a Monody” were first printed in 1779, with a Dedication signed “R. B. Sheridan.” R. C.R.