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© 2017 by Colin G. Kruse

Colin G. Kruse has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work.

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Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version (Anglicized edition). Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica (formerly International Bible Society). Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, a Hachette UK company. All rights reserved. ‘NIV’ is a registered trademark of Biblica (formerly International Bible Society). UK trademark number 1448790.

Unless otherwise indicated, quotations from the writings of the early Church Fathers are taken from Joel C. Elowsky, ed., Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: John 1–10 and 11–21 (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2007).

The publisher and author acknowledge with thanks permission to reproduce extracts from the following:

Extracts from John Calvin, The Gospel according to St John, 1961; J. Ramsey Michaels, The Gospel of John, 2010, and Leon Morris, The Gospel of John, 1971, are reproduced by kind permission of Eerdmans; Craig S. Keener, The Gospel of John: A Commentary, Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2003. Used by permission; Andreas J. Köstenberger, John, Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2004. Used by permission; Andrew T. Lincoln, 2005, The Gospel according to Saint John, Bloomsbury Continuum Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

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First edition 2003

Second edition 2017

Image: © Scala/Art Resource, NY

USA ISBN 978-0-8308-9486-4 (digital)

USA ISBN 978-0-8308-4294-0 (print)

UK ISBN 978-1-78359-578-5 (digital)

UK ISBN 978-1-78359-577-8 (print)

Set in Garamond 11/13pt

Typeset in Great Britain by CRB Associates, Potterhanworth, Lincolnshire

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eBook by CRB Associates, Potterhanworth, Lincolnshire

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Kruse, Colin G., author.
Title: John : an introduction and commentary / Colin G. Kruse.
Other titles: Gospel according to John
Description: Second edition. | Downers Grove, Illinois : Inter-Varsity Press,
IVP Academic, 2017. | Series: Tyndale New Testament commentaries ; Volume
4 | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017018566 | ISBN 9780830842940 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Bible. John--Commentaries. | Bible. John--Introductions.
Classification: LCC BS2615.53 .K78 2017 | DDC 226.5/07--dc23
LC record available at