This book represents the accumulated experiences of a lifetime, but as space precludes my thanking everyone I have ever met, I will limit myself to a few people without whose help this book would not be what it is.

Owen Williams, my agent of eleven years, seeded the idea of the book and was a guiding hand in the project from a difficult opening to a winning endgame. His wife, Rebecca Williams, was the first and most devoted reader and critic of the ever-evolving manuscript. Mark Bicknell of Everyman, publisher of the My Great Predecessors book series, opened the doors to PFD, the international literary agency. Mark Reiter of PFD USA kicked the project into gear. Emily Loose, then at Penguin, moved everything in the right direction. Klaus Stadler, at my German publisher, Piper, deserves many thanks for his enthusiastic support of the book at a crucial stage.

Eduard Eilazian originated the notion of my business speeches and some of his ideas have carried through to the book. My friend and collaborator Mig Greengard has become my voice in English to the point that sometimes our writing expresses my thoughts better than my own writing in Russian! My editor Annik LaFarge at Bloomsbury championed the project from the start and tirelessly shaped the U.S. edition.

For the English translation of lines from Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, I used the Penguin edition, translated by Charles Johnston.

I thank Stanley Druckenmiller for his counsel as well as his steady support of chess education in the United States via the Kasparov Chess Foundation, and my friend and coach Michael Khodarkovsky (mere coincidence!), head of the KCF. Dan and Anna Benton have helped in too many ways to count. Carl Gershman for his support of a new strategic concept for the Russian opposition. Frederic Friedel for his lasting friendship and expertise. Jim and Carol McKay for their friendship and moral support.

This book would not have been possible, indeed nothing would be possible, without the love and support of my wife, Dasha Kasparova. She was an indispensable anchor during my difficult transition away from professional chess and she is just as indispensable now.