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Abbott, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 145, 152
Against Tyranny (Languet), 104–5
Akklen, William, 186
Alexander, Sir William, 143
ancient constitution, 157, 172, 233–35, 240
Anglesey, Christopher Villiers, Earl of, 146
Anne, Queen (Anne of Denmark), 95, 216
Antrim, Earl of, 219
Arcadia (Sannazaro), 98, 209
Arcadia (Sidney), 83–84, 98–108, 111–12, 139–41, 267
Woolf essay on, 101–2
Arcadianism, 7, 10, 14, 21–22, 25–26, 32–33, 43–44, 58, 60, 130–31, 157, 168–74, 197, 203–4, 207–9, 213. See also copyhold system; custom of the manor; village life
Anne Clifford and, 217–18
Civil War and, 235, 241, 246, 261, 267, 271
Elizabeth I and, 93–96
James I and, 139–45, 147–49
Mary Sidney and, 82–84, 89, 112–15
Milton and, 267–68
Philip Sidney and, 98–109, 126
Shakespeare and, 121, 125–26
social dimension of, lost after Civil
War, 275–82
Van Dyck portrait and, 214–15, 224-27
Arthur, King, 105
Arundel, Earl of, 134, 235
Arundell, Charles, 76
Ascham, Roger, 15–16, 89
Ashly, Richard, 253
Astill, Thomas, 249
Astrophel and Stella (Sidney), 102–3, 111–12
As You Like It (Shakespeare), 131
Aubrey, John, 9–10, 13, 18, 30–31, 70, 74–75, 82, 93, 98, 160–62, 167–68, 208, 212–13
Bacon, Francis, 143
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 78
Ballard, Anthony, 254
Banks, John, 253
Barett, Nicolas, 253
Barratt, William, 185
Bassano, 213
Baxter, Richard, 273–75, 280
Baynard’s Castle, 19, 63, 66, 72–73, 76, 145–46, 157–58, 200–204, 242, 271
Bedford, Earl of, 215
Bennett, Thomas, 259
Bevin, John, 195
Bible, 203, 278
Geneva (1587), 114–15
King James, 221
Blackborne, Robert, 186
Blome, Richard, 59
Boneman, William, 156
Bowlton, William, 177
Breton, Nicholas, 116–17
Bridgewater, Earl of, 155
Britannia’s Pastorals (Browne), 148–49
British Library, 118
Broke, Thomas “Davy,” 12–13
Brooke, Lord, 244, 246
Brookes, Mr., 212
Browne, Ambros, 253
Browne, Anthony, 167–71
Browne, William, 148–49
Bryne, Eileen, 181
Buckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Lord, 78
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of, 145–57, 200–202, 215
Buckingham, Katherine Manners, Duchess of, 218–19
Buckingham, Mary Villiers, Countess of, 146
Bull, John, 186
Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron, 78, 122–23, 142–43
Bush, John, 253
Butler, Marie, 193–94
Butler, Samuel, 262
Camden, William, 10, 96
Came, Robert, 192–93
Candby, Susanna, 257–58
Candill, Hercules, 196–97
Carey, Elizabeth, 122
Carey, Sir George, 122
Carlisle, Earl of, 155, 157, 201
Carnarvon, Anna Sophia Herbert Dormer, Countess of (daughter of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 5, 215, 222, 224, 264
Carnarvon, Robert Dormer, 1st Earl of, 5, 210, 215, 222, 224, 231–32, 240, 242, 263–64
Carpenter, John, 194
Carr, Robert. See Somerset, 1st Earl of
Castiglione, 114, 116
Catherine of Aragon, 15
Caus, Isaac de, 209, 211–12
Cawdrey, Roger, 185–86
Cecil, Sir Robert (later Earl of Salisbury), 95, 123–24, 142–43, 155
Cecil, Sir William. See Burghly, 1st Baron
Cellini, 142
Chaffinge, Thomas, 200–204, 206, 215, 223–24
Chamberlain, John, 151
Chamberlyn, John, 185
Chamberlyn, John (second), 186
Charles I, King of England, 130, 152, 154–56, 199–200, 205–8
arrest and execution of, 264–68
Civil War and, 231–36, 238–42, 244, 258–60, 262–64
Van Dyck portrait of, 213
Wilton and, 208–10
Charles V, King of Spain, 103
Chester, William, 13
chivalry, 90, 142, 147, 158
Cicero, 16
Civil War of 1640s, 2, 35, 37–38, 49, 105, 131, 138, 149–51, 203–5, 231–60
aftermath of, 273–82
end of, 260–64
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 119, 131, 133, 138, 151, 154–55, 158, 199, 204–6, 240, 261, 263, 271
Clifford, George. See Cumberland, 3rd Earl of
Clifford, Lady Anne (wife of 4th Earl of Pembroke). See Pembroke, Anne Clifford, Countess of
Clifford, Robert, 221–22
Clifford family, 73, 215–16
Clubmen, 258–61
Cobbett, William, 276–80
Coke, Sir Edward, 233
common land, 35, 45–46, 49–50. See also enclosure; village and country life
communality (mutuality), 35–46, 51–52, 56, 104–5, 172, 174–75, 184, 189–90, 197, 233, 253–56, 274–75, 278–82
“Concerning the Shepherd” (Wiltshire document), 40
Condition of poor farm tenants, The (Baxter), 273–74
Constable, John, 277
copyhold system, 37–48, 51, 56–60, 68, 148, 150, 160–63, 167–80, 189–90, 233, 256–58, 273–91. See also custom of the manor
Correggio, Antonio da, 213
Coryton, Sir William, 154
Courtier, The (Castiglione), 114, 116
Coverdale, Miles, 113
Cranmer, Archbishop, 113
Cromwell, Oliver, 252, 260, 265
Crowder, Richard, 186
Cumberland, George Clifford, 3rd Earl of, 88, 215
Cumberland, Margaret Russell, Countess of, 221–22
custom of the manor, 35–53, 56, 104–5, 148–49, 150–51, 167–76, 183–97, 253–58, 260, 273–81. See also copyhold system
Daniel, Samuel, 115, 143, 217
David, King, 112–13
David, John, 254
Davis, John, 253
Deane, Thomas, 183
Dee, Dr., 96
Defence of Poesy, The (Sidney), 111–12, 126
Denbigh, Earl of, 146
Denny, Edward, 101
de Vere, Bridget, 122–23, 132
de Vere, Edward. See Oxford, Earl of
de Vere, Susan. See Pembroke, Susan de Vere, Countess of
Dewe, Bartholomew, 162
Dewe, Goody, 161–62
Dewe, Thomas, 162
Dicke, John, 195
Discourses (Machiavelli), 104
Domesday Book, 31
Donne, John, 112, 217
Dormer, Charles (later 2nd Earl of Carnarvon), 210, 222, 264
Dormer, Robert. See Carnarvon, 1st Earl of
Dorset, Edward Sackville, 4th Earl of (d. 1652), 155, 261
Dorset, Richard Sackville, 3rd Earl of (d. 1624), 216–17
Drayton, Michael, 115, 143, 217
Dudley, Ambrose. See Warwick, Earl of
Dudley, Guildford, 66, 83
Dudley, John. See Northumberland, 1st Duke of
Dudley, Katherine. See Huntingdon, Countess of
Durnford, Richard, 252
Dyer, Edward, 96
Earth, Roger, 78
Eastman, Bennet, 252
Edward IV, King of England, 10, 21
Edward VI, King of England, 55–57, 59, 61, 63–65, 69, 71, 82–83, 89, 161–62
Eikon basilike (Charles I), 268
Eikonoklastes (Milton), 267
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 16, 64, 70–76, 85, 88–92, 127, 132–33, 143, 152, 174, 188, 213
Philip Sidney and, 97–98, 101–2, 106–8
Wilton visit of, 91–96
Elizabeth, Princess (daughter of Charles I), 242
Elizabethan England, 6–7, 82, 89–91, 139
Elwes, Sir Gervas, 138, 144
Elye, Thomas, 190
Elyot, Sir Thomas, 59
enclosures, 21–23, 56–60, 148, 278–79
Epigrams (Jonson), 145
Essex, Countess of. See Howard, Frances
Essex, 2nd Earl of (d. 1601), 118, 143
Essex, 3rd Earl of (d. 1646), 144–45
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 258, 260
Faithful Shepherdess, The, 148
Farret, William, 190
Feilding, Lord, 227
Feltham, Robert, 196–96
Felton, John, 156, 157
Fiennes, Celia, 209–10
Fish, Anna, 162
Fish, Mary, 162
Fitton, Mary, 127, 132
“Four Foster Children of Desire, The” (Sidney), 106–7
Foxe, John, 23–24, 26
France, 104, 151, 154, 156, 279
François I, King of France, 12
Fraunce, Abraham, 115
Frie, William, 253
Furse, Robert, 172–73
Gardiner, Bishop, 23–24, 26–27
Garrard, George, 218, 223
Garratt, Henry, 255–56
Gass, Martin, 253
Gentleman’s Recreation (Blome), 59
Gerrett, Aves, 183
Gervys, 12
Gilbert, Adrien, 117
Gilbert, Humphrey, 96
Giorgione 213
Gladwys (wife of Thomas ap Gwylym), 10
Gonzaga, Elizabeth. See Urbino, Duchess of
Gould, William, 259
Greene, Roberte, 254
Gregorie, Thomas, 76
Greville, Fulke, 96, 104, 106, 108, 115
Grey, Lady Catherine (1st wife of 2nd Earl of Pembroke), 65–66, 81–82
Grey, Lady Jane, 65–66, 69, 81, 83
Gwylym ap Jenkyn (Welsh ancestor), 10
Hakluyt, Richard, 96
Hale, Abraham, 248
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 26
Hammond, Lieutenant, 20, 209
Harvey, Gabriel, 83–84
Hatchett, Richard, 45
Henrietta, Queen (of Charles I), 210, 212, 234, 238, 244
Henry IV, King of England, 236
Henry VIII, King of England, 12–15, 17–19, 21, 23–24, 26–27, 55, 65, 69, 89, 113, 213
Henry, Prince of Wales (son of James I), 59, 141, 143
Herbert, Anna Sophia (daughter of 4th Earl of Pembroke). See Carnarvon, Countess of
Herbert, Anne (daughter of 1st Earl of Pembroke), 76
Herbert, Charles, Lord (son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 5, 155, 215, 218–19, 221, 223, 225, 227–29
Herbert, Edward (son of 1st Earl of Pembroke), 76
Herbert, George, Vicar of Bemerton, 51–52, 112, 167, 172, 281, 282
Herbert, Henry. See Pembroke,
Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of Herbert, James (son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 215, 263
Herbert, John (son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 215
Herbert, Philip (later 5th Earl of
Pembroke and 2nd Earl of Montgomery, son of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 215, 218, 223, 225–28, 235–36, 263
Herbert, Philip. See Pembroke, Philip
Herbert, 4th Earl of
Herbert, Richard (father of 1st Earl of Pembroke, 1551 creation), 11–12
Herbert, Thomas (cousin of 4th Earl of Pembroke), 265–67
Herbert, William, of Cogan Pill (nephew of 1st Earl of Pembroke), 71–72
Herbert, William. See Pembroke, William Herbert, 1st Earl of (1468 creation); Pembroke, William Herbert, 1st Earl of (1551 creation); Pembroke, William Herbert, 3rd Earl of
Hibberd, Joan (Jane), 191
Hill, James, 196–97
Hinton, Antony, 212
Holbein, Hans, 15–16, 23, 89
Holland, Earl of, 155
Holliday, John, 186
Holly, Thomas, 178
Howard, Charles, Lord, of Effingham. See Nottingham, 1st Earl of
Howard, Frances (Countess of Essex, later Countess of Somerset), 144–45
Howard, Henry. See Maltravers, Baron of
Howard, Thomas, Lord (arrested 1546), 24
Howard, Thomas (d. 1572). See Norfolk, 4th Duke of hunting, 59, 60, 79, 87–88, 93–96, 142, 147
Huntingdon, Katherine Dudley, Countess of, 83
Hurst, Richard, 194
Hyde, Edward. See Clarendon, Earl of
Hymenaei (masque), 140
Italianate style, 207–9, 213–14
Italy, 103–4, 212, 227–29
“Iust Mans Memoriall, The” (Chaffinge sermon), 200–201
Jacobean court, 135–36, 139–43, 204, 206
Jaggard, John, 185
James I, King of England, 7, 59, 95, 129–37, 142–46, 152, 188, 204, 211, 282
James, Sir Henry, 133–34
Jenkyn ap Adam (Welsh ancestor), 10
John of Gaunt, 63
Jones, Inigo, 4, 20, 141–42, 151, 209–13, 262
Jonson, Ben, 97, 112, 138, 145, 210
Josselin, Ralph, 25–26
Joyce, George, 265
King, Alice, 191
King, Joan, 191
Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, 252–54
Languet, Hubert, 102–5
Larkin, William, 134–35, 263
Lawes, Jane, 181–82
Lawes, William, 162
Lawrence, Vicar Thomas, 177, 255
Layfield, Dr. John, 221–22
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of (1564 creation), 76, 78, 83–84, 90, 97, 104, 108
Leicester, Robert Sidney, 1st Earl of (1618 creation), 111, 143
Lely, Peter, 264
Lennox, 2nd Duke of, 141
Lennox, James Stuart, 4th Duke of, 228–29, 235–36
Lennox, Mary Villiers, Duchess of. See Villiers, Mary (younger)
Lewis, John, 185
Locke, Robert, 254
Locke, William, 163–65, 257
Long, George, 248–49
Long, Susan, 255–56
Longe, Elizabeth, 190
Love’s Triumph (Jonson), 210
Lucas, Edward, 177
Machiavelli, 104
Magna Carta, 68
Maltravers, Henry Howard, Baron of Mowbray and (later Earl of Arundel), 235–38
manor court, 46–47, 51, 160, 162, 176–83
market system, 184–89, 278–80, 282
Martial, 145
Mary I, Queen of England (Mary Tudor), 15, 65–66, 68–71, 78–79, 83, 89, 91
Mary, Queen of Scots, 73
Mary of Guise, Dowager Queen of Scots, 59
Masque of Blackness, The, 140
masques, 139–42, 146–47, 210–11, 282
Metcalfe, Mr., 269
Milton, John, 267
monasteries, 17–18, 56–57
Montgomery, 1st Earl of. See Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of
More, Thomas, 15
Morgan, George, 76
Morgan, Henrie, 76
Morgan, Sir Thomas, 157–58, 219, 232
Morgan, William, 77
Muffet, Dr. Thomas, 96, 117–19, 121
Mytens, Daniel, 138
Napoleonic Wars, 279
Nashe, Thomas, 115
Netherlands (Low Countries), 101, 103, 108–9
Neville family, 73
Newbury, battle of (1643), 263–64
Newman, John, 255
New Model Army, 260
New World, 101, 130
Nicholas, Edward, 232
Nicholas, John, 232, 251
nobility, role and power of, 53, 63, 70, 72–73, 78–79, 85, 89, 92, 103–9, 140, 147, 149–51, 154–55, 208, 271
Norden, John, 34–37, 53, 162, 170–72, 174, 184, 188, 274, 278
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of, 73
Norrice, Harry, 179, 181
Norrice, Jane (Joan), 179–81
Northampton, Earl of, 219
Northampton, William Parr, Marquess of, 15, 76
Northumberland, John Dudley, 1st Duke of and 1st Earl of Warwick, 61–62, 65–66, 76, 83
Nott, Robert, 232
Nottingham, Charles Howard, 1st Earl of, 78, 124
“On a Court-Worm” (Jonson), 145
Ounter, Lionel, 175
Overbury, Sir Thomas, 138, 144
Overton, Sarah, 177
Ovid, 16
Owen, George, 11, 12
Oxford, Edward de Vere, Earl of, 97, 122, 132
Paget, Sir William, 55, 60
Paraselsus, 261
parks, 142, 249, 275, 276
Parliament, 1, 75, 86, 150, 151, 152–53, 156–57, 172, 233, 236, 238, 268
Charles I arrested and executed by, 264–68
Civil War and, 239–42, 244, 247, 258–63
Committee for Sequestrations, 177
House of Commons, 75, 156, 233, 236, 238–40, 244, 268–69
House of Lords, 151, 236–38, 240, 244, 262, 268
Parliamentarians, 240–41, 252, 254, 258–59, 261
Parr, Anne. See Pembroke, Anne
Parr, Countess of
Parr, Dame Maud, 15
Parr, Katherine, 15–16, 18–19, 23–27
Parr, Sir Thomas, 15
Parr, William. See Northampton, Marquess of
Parr family, 64
Parry, John, 186
Paston, John, 57
Patient, Henry, 254
Payne, Antony, 12
Pembroke, Anne Clifford, Countess of, and Dowager Countess of Dorset (2nd wife of 4th Earl), 5, 215–18, 220–23, 242
Pembroke, Anne Parr, Countess of (wife of 1st Earl), 9, 14–19, 23–24, 26–27, 63–64, 77, 79, 84, 89
portraits of, 15–16, 23
Pembroke, Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of, 18, 65, 82
Arcadian ideal and, 105
death of father and, 76–78, 81
Elizabeth I and, 91–96
marriage of, to Catherine Grey, 65–66, 81–82
marriage of, to Katherine Talbot, 82
marriage of, to Mary Sidney, 82–85, 98, 111–124
personality and career of, 84–89, 215
portrait of, 85
Shakespeare and, 120
son William’s attempts to marry and, 123–24
Pembroke, Katherine Talbot, Countess of (2nd wife of 2nd Earl), 82
Pembroke, Mary Sidney, Countess of (3rd wife of 2nd Earl), 7, 82–84, 89–90, 98–99, 109, 111–24
Pembroke, Mary Talbot, Countess of (2nd wife of 1st Earl), 76
Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of, and 1st Earl of Montgomery, 7, 111, 209
Buckingham and, 146–47
Charles I and, 200–208, 262–67
Civil War and, 234–42, 244–45, 261–68
death of, 268–71
death of brother William and, 159, 200–201
death of son Charles and, 228–29
estates of, in 1631–32, 159–97, 279
James I and, 129–30, 133–34, 142–44, 152, 155–56
marriage of son Charles to Mary Villiers and, 147, 218–19
marriage of, to Anne Clifford, 215–18, 220–22
marriage of, to Susan de Vere, 132–33
painting and, 213–14
personality and court career of, 129–43, 200–201, 204–6
Philip Sidney and, 98
portraits of, 5–6, 134–35, 159, 199, 214–15, 218, 222–28
Wilton and, 208–14
Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 7th Earl of inventory after death of, 214
Pembroke, Susan de Vere, Countess of, and Countess of Montgomery (1st wife of 4th Earl), 132–33, 140–41, 215
Pembroke, William Herbert, 1st Earl of (1468 creation, Gwilym Ddu “Black Will,” grandfather of 1st Earl of 1551 creation), 10–11
Pembroke, William Herbert, 1st Earl of (1551 creation), 6
background of, 9–11, 13, 53
custom of manor and lands of, 53, 134
death of, 75–78, 81
Edward VI and, 55–56, 60–65
Elizabeth I and, 70–75
Henry VIII and, 12–14, 16–19
made Earl of Pembroke, 11, 60–64
marriage of, to Anne Parr, 14–16, 18–19, 63–64, 84
marriage of, to Mary Talbot, 76
Mary I and, 66–70, 83
power of, 59–60, 68–70, 79, 89
portrait medal of, 77
rebellion of 1549 vs. enclosure and, 57–60
son Henry’s marriage to Mary Sidney and, 82
survey of 1567 and, 279
Wilton and, 17–23, 66–68
Pembroke, William Herbert, 3rd Earl of, 7, 240
Arcadia and court culture and, 136–37, 139–40, 148–50
Charles I and, 207
death of, 157–58, 200–204
Elizabeth I and, 127
Inigo Jones and, 211
James I and, 129–34, 142–57
marriage of, to Talbot heiress, 133
personality of, 130–31, 135–39
portraits of, 138
Shakespeare and, 119–22, 124–27
women and, 119–27
youth of, 111, 118–19
Pembroke family. See also specific individuals aftermath of Civil War and, 263–64, 217, 270–71, 273, 278–79, 281–82
floating of meadows and, 176
origins of, 10–11
power of, and quarrel with crown, 1–3, 7
written customs in papers of, 48y
Pembroke’s Men (theater company), 120
Pen, Henry, 183
Penn, John, 162
Penney, Ann, 181
Penney, Edward, 178
Penniton, Lady, 216
Penny, William, 187
Penruddock, Sir George (elder), 78
Penruddock, George (younger), 86
Penruddock, Henry, 247–48
Penruddock, John, 181, 193
Penruddock family, 250, 256
Pepys, Samuel, 156
Percy, Lord, 251
Percy family, 73
Peters, Katherine, 191–92
Philip, King of Spain, 91
Philipps, William, 252
Phipps, Robert, 186
Pierce, Edward, 228
Plato, 65
poor, 166, 148, 174–75, 184, 189–91, 194–96, 277–82
Poore, Edward, 178
Pory, John, 140
Pountney, John, 253
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 104
Privy Council, 24, 56, 62, 65, 69, 72, 85–86, 92, 152, 154, 184, 236
Protestantism, 16, 23–27, 77, 83, 96–97, 101, 104–5, 108–9, 112, 144, 147, 150, 201, 233, 260
rebellion of 1554, 65–67, 69
Psalms, Mary Sidney’s translation of, 112–15
Purbeck, John Villiers, Viscount, 146
Pym, John, 233–34, 238
Quarter Sessions records, 247, 282
Queen’s Arcadia, 148
radicalism, 56, 233, 244, 261
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 96, 117
Randoll, Avice, 160, 161
Randoll, John, 161
Randoll, Mary, 182–83
Randoll, Thomas, 160, 161, 251
Rape of Lucrece, The (Shakespeare), 120
Reformation, 15, 23–24
Reynolds, George, 249
Rickette, Richard, 253
Roffe, Thomas, 186
Roman Catholicism, 27, 49–53, 97, 133–34, 150–52, 156, 177, 183
Romantics, 275–76
royalists, 240, 242, 247, 252, 254, 256, 261, 270–71
Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin, 147–48, 151, 240
Rumsey, John, 253
Russell, John, 252
Ruthin, Elizabeth Talbot, Lady, 134
Ruthin, Lord, 134
Rutland, Earl of, 57
Sackville, Richard. See Dorset, 3rd Earl of
Sackville, Thomas. See Buckhurst, Lord
Salisbury, Benjamin, 190
Salisbury, Bishop of, 196
Salisbury, Earl of. See Cecil, Sir
Sannazaro, 98, 209
Savage, Margaret, 181
Scaramelli, Giovanni, 132
Scheyfvre, Jehan, 64–65
Scudamore, Thomas, 76–77
Seald, Thomas, 194–95
Seymour, Edward. See Somerset, 1st Duke of
Seymour, Lord, 236, 255
Shakespeare, William, 7, 60, 82, 94–95, 119–22, 124–27, 131, 134, 161, 172
Shepheards Pipe, The, 148
Shepheards Sirena, 148
Shepherds Hunting, The, 148
Shepherd’s Paradise, The (masque), 210
Shrewsbury, Countess of, 134
Shrewsbury, Earl of, 76, 82
Sidney, Sir Henry, 72, 82–83
Sidney, Mary (niece of Countess of Pembroke), 111
Sidney, Mary. See Pembroke, Mary
Sidney, Countess of
Sidney, Sir Philip, 6–7, 57–58, 150, 172, 200, 201, 217, 259
Arcadia of, 82–84, 98–108, 111–12, 139–41, 267, 277–78
Astrophel and Stella of, 102–3
death of, 108–9, 111, 142–43
Defense of Poetry of, 126
“Four Foster Children of Desire” and, 106–7
Muffet’s verses on, 118–19
politics and, 96–98, 103–7
Sidney, Robert. See, Leicester, 1st Earl of (1618 creation) Skippon, Philip, 240
Smith, Adam, 280
Smith, Hugh, 252
Smith, John, 186
Smith, William, 185
Somerset, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of, 55–56, 60–62, 64
Somerset, Robert Carr, 1st Earl of, and Viscount of Rochester, 143–45
Sonnets (Shakespeare), 119–21, 124–26
Southampton, Earl of, 120, 141
Spain, 103, 150–52
Spanish Armada, 152, 215
Spender, Agnes, 190
Spenser, Edmund, 82, 115, 118, 130, 217
sprezzatura, 101, 114, 210
Stokes, Grace, 257–58
Stokes, Henry, 257
Stonehenge, 211–12
Stourton, Lord, 70, 78
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, 233–36
Street, John, 165–66
Street, Ralph, 165–66
Stuart, Elizabeth, Lady, 235–36
Stuart, James. See Lennox, 4th Duke of
Surveiors Dialogue (Norden), 34–37, 170–71
Symonds, Richard, 158
Talbot, Elizabeth. See Ruthin, Lady
Talbot, Katherine. See Pembroke, Katherine Talbot, Countess of
Talbot, Mary. See Pembroke, Mary Talbot, Countess of
Talbot family, 73, 133
Targett, Edward, 183
taxes, 185, 231, 233, 254, 256, 258, 260
Tempe Restored (masque), 210
Theatrum Insectorum (Muffet), 118
Theocritus, 100
Thirty Years’ War, 199
Thomas, Edward, 30
Thomas ap Gwylym (Welsh ancestor), 10
Thorowgood, Sir John, 219
Thynne, Sir John, 86
Tintoretto, 96, 209
Titian, 96, 209, 213
tournaments, 139–42, 282
Tournour, Dr., 153
Upavon, 255
Urbino, Elizabetta Gonzaga, Duchess of, 116
vagrancy statue of 1598, 189
Van Dyck, Anthony, 5–7, 29, 63, 159, 199, 214–15, 218, 222–27, 229, 237
Vaughan, Richard, 13
Vaughan, Robert, 76
Vennice, William, 190–91
Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare), 120
Veronese, 96
village life and farming. See also copyhold system; custom of the manor
Civil War and, 242–59
early, 29–52, 56–57, 104–5
poverty and, after Civil War, 273–82
in 1630s, 163–69, 171–97
Villiers, Christopher. See Anglesey, Earl of
Villiers, George. See Buckingham, Duke of
Villiers, John. See Purbeck, Viscount, 146
Villiers, Mary (elder). See Buckingham, Mary Villiers, Countess of
Villiers, Mary (younger, later Duchess of Lennox), 228
marriage of, to Charles Herbert, 5, 155, 215, 218–19, 221, 223, 225
marriage of, to Duke of Lennox, 228–29, 235–36
Virgil, 100
Walers, Sir William, 251
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 96, 104
Walton, Izaak, 157
Warwick, Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of, 83
Warwick, John Dudley, 1st Earl of. See Northumberland, 1st Duke of
Webb, John, 213
Wentworth, Sir Thomas. See Strafford, Earl of
Wharton, Sir George, 136–37
Whitacre, Christopher, 186
White, Henry, 255
White, John, 178
White, Thomas (arrested 1556), 69
White, Thomas, of Potterne, 250
Whitemarsh, Walter, 178
William ap Thomas (Welsh ancestor), 10
William of Orange, 101
Williams, Edward, 255
Williams, Phillipp, 76–77
Willoughby, William, 256–57
Wilson, Thomas, 188, 189
Wilton estate and House, 1–7, 63, 148–49, 168, 172, 184
Arcadia and Sidneys and, 21–22, 82–100, 102, 111–12, 115–19, 121–22
changes in, under 4th Earl, 162, 199–201, 204, 208–14, 271
Civil War and, 241, 242, 256, 259, 261
custom of manor and, 43–50, 279–80
1st Earl and, 17–23, 45, 56–60, 66–68, 70
Wiltshire, 29–53, 62, 70, 85–87, 159–97, 241–44, 247–61, 273–82
Wiltshire Downs, 94, 276–80
Winchester, Bishop of, 74–75
Winchester, Marquess of, 16–17
Wise, Thomas, 183
Wishart, George, 12–13
Witt, Anne, 163
Woolf, Virginia, 101
Worcester, Earl of, 12, 64
Wriothesley, Sir Thomas, 26–27
Wroth, Lady Mary, 140
Wyatt, Thomas, 14, 69, 79
Xenophon, 59
Yong, William, 13
Zouche, Francis, 76