

Title Page


Introduction: Catalytic Choices

Two East German Success Stories

Ups and Downs

Operating Principles for a Different World

The Blindness of Hindsight

Slouching Toward a Systemic Crisis

What Comes Next?

Chapter 1: The Renewal of the Free World

The Two Prophets

The “Rights” Revolution

Reconstructing Global Finance (But Not Global Trade)

Lowering Barriers: The Momentum of Three Examples

The Renewal of Anticommunism

Chapter 2: Perestroika

The “Great Man”?

Reform Communism

To Change the USSR, Change the World

Gorbachev’s “Turning Point” in 1988

What Would All This Mean for Eastern Europe?

When Is the Cold War Over?

Chapter 3: Hopes and Fears

“Dream Big Dreams”

The Vectors of Change

The Future of Eastern Europe

The Future of the Soviet Union

The Future of European Integration

Security in Europe

The Future of Germany

The Chinese Solution

American Decline? Soviet Decline?

Chapter 4: The Pivot: A New Germany in a Different Europe

The Revolutions Begin

The Soviet Agenda: Beyond Containment—and Beyond Communism?

Putting Words into Action

A New Germany?

A New Germany in a New Europe?

Hit the Accelerator

Time to Decide on German Unity

Should the Unified Germany Be in NATO?

The German Election

Chapter 5: The Designs for a New Europe

A New European Union

Lithuania, Biological Weapons: Walking a Tightrope

A Plan to Manage German Power

How to Help Gorbachev?

Free to Choose

A New Atlantic Alliance

A Final Settlement for Germany

First Tests for a Transformed NATO

Creating a Better League of Nations

Chapter 6: The Designs for a Commonwealth of Free Nations

Last Chances for the Soviet Economy

The Breakup of the Soviet Union

What About the Nuclear Weapons?

The Shock of the New: Building Different Economies and Societies

Russia’s Brief Window of Opportunity

The Integration of Eastern Europe

Global Designs and a New World Order

The Unipolar Mirage

Chapter 7: New Challenges Evolve

The Financial Crisis

The Migrant Crisis

Hungary and Poland Again

The United States of Europe That Never Was

America: The Politics of “Do You Hear Me Now?”

From the Peace Dividend to Perpetual War

The Break with Russia

Is America Done?

Epilogue: To Build a Better World

Principles, Partnership, and Practicality

Balancing the Local and the Global

The Emergence of Great Power Rivalry

Can a Confident America Rise Again?



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