
What Are You Magnifying?


Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!  ~Psalm 34:3

Magnification is the process of enlarging the appearance, but not the physical size of something. In other words, magnification enlarges beyond the truth, giving false or misleading information, which changes our perspective.

For example, everyone knows that a magnifying glass makes things appear larger than they are in reality. Subsequently, when we magnify an object we are able to make new discoveries, which influence our viewpoint.

Did you know that we have a habit of magnifying non-physical things also?

Think about the news stories and headlines you’ve encountered this week. Is it possible that either your local news station or your local newspaper magnified a story, making it bigger than it was originally? By discussing the story repeatedly, the story becomes larger, influencing your outlook on it. 

The more you reflect on something, the larger you perceive it to be. That is why you must have the right perspective about your problems. If you focus on things that did not happen for you or how someone was hateful towards you, those issues can seem so large that they consume you. However, if you focus on Jesus and magnify Him, things will seem simple and you will be consumed by His love and grace.

Do not focus on what is seen, focus on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

It is time for you to magnify the great things in your life. I want you to focus on all the amazing things God has done for you. Think about how much Jesus loves you and what He endured for you. Meditate on the goals, promises, and dreams He has given you. Magnify His holy words!

Today, I want to encourage you to keep the right perspective. I would like you to count your blessings by magnifying five awesome things God is doing in your life. Then I want you to hold that list close to your heart and think about how great your God is.

Write your list:

  1. ______________________________________
  2. ______________________________________
  3. ______________________________________
  4. ______________________________________
  5. ______________________________________

The gift of today is that Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light. When you magnify Him in every area of your life, you embrace the victory He has in store for you! You will start seeing what God sees, feeling what God feels, and hearing what God hears. With Christ's victory in our heart, you cannot help but achieve those promises He has given you.

Cream and Sugar...

Say this Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today I want to confess the weakness of my actions to magnify you. Help me not to focus on my circumstances nor the opinions of other people. Let me only be concerned with that which You tell me in your Word. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

Day 4